Starting a new diet

Starting a new diet.

How much canned tuna can I eat daily/weekly before it becomes unhealthy?

Anyone else here have any strict tuna diets?

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Sardines are a better choice. Less mercury.

do millennials not know how to shop or some shit?

How can you guys stomach this shit? Just smelling it makes me gag

Tastes bretty good when mixed with the right stuff. Mix it with some mashed avocado and salsa for example.

A lot of them, yeah.

If you are referring to buying fresh fish opposed to canned, idgaf. Canned I can throw in my bag and bring to work with no preperation.

I eat two full cans a day for lunch , I add hot salsa and its delicious and only 200 calories,
also very filling

Way more sodium though.

2 a day?!
I heard more than 3 a week and you risk mercury poisoning.

Also what kind of salsa? Homemade or jarred mild something rather?

Drinking a lot of water helps with inner desaltification.

Tuna contains enough selenium to offset the mercury, no worries

Maybe you're eating chunk light tuna which is absolutely disgusting?

Try albacore, very subtle flavor


"#1: Studies of mercury exposure in fish consistently ignore the important role of selenium

We’ve known about the role of selenium in preventing mercury toxicity for at least 45 years, with the first research report on this topic appearing in 1967. (1) Since then several studies have shown that selenium consistently and predictably counteracts the adverse effects of mercury exposure. (2)

How does selenium do this? Exposure to mercury is harmful because it deactivates special selenium-dependent enzymes—called selenoenzymes. Since the brain consumes nearly 25% of the oxygen we breathe, it continuously produces oxygen by-products that can damage the fats and proteins that make up the brain. Selenoenzymes are extremely important in the brain because several of them prevent oxidative damage while others actually reverse it.

In the past, researchers thought selenium was protective because it binds to mercury and prevents mercury from harming other molecules. This led to the mistaken idea that mercury causes harm in the body until selenium binds it. But our current understanding is almost the reverse: it’s not that selenium prevents mercury toxicity by binding to mercury, but that mercury interferes with selenonzyme function by binding to selenium. In fact, mercury cannot cause harm until it occurs in high enough amounts to inhibit a significant percentage of selenoenzyme activities. Mercury is only harmful because it binds to selenium and prevents it from performing its vital roles in the brain.

As long as you are eating fish that contains more selenium than mercury, the amount of selenium in the body will always be in plentiful excess of mercury. That means that these essential selenoenzymes are never inhibited to a meaningful degree. Fortunately, the vast majority of fish most people consume have more selenium than mercury. The exceptions are pilot whale, shark, tilefish, king mackerel and swordfish."

had my tuna with Italian sausages, and god lord it was heavenly

selenium hivemind

Very interesting. Thanks.

Can vouch. It's pretty much chicken.

this but for breakfast. put it on a skillet with some zucchini and a lil seasoning, even black pepper would do. Into the plate and add sesame seeds, red pepper flakes and chop a lil cilatro to enhance all the flavor sweet damn.

Any tips on best tuna to buy bulk online or at stores?

Start something like a canned sardine thread on Veeky Forums here

mercury poisoning is a meme

ive been eating tuna every day for 4 years
>Eat up to 12 ounces (2 average meals) a week of a variety of fish and shellfish that are lower in mercury.
>Another commonly eaten fish, albacore ("white") tuna has more mercury than canned light tuna. So, when choosing your two meals of fish and shellfish, you may eat up to 6 ounces (one average meal) of albacore tuna per week.

That's marketing material used by tunafish salesmen to promote consumption of their products. Speculative wishful thinking easily falsified by the data.

>The neurobehavioral performance of subjects who consumed tuna fish regularly was significantly worse on color word reaction time, digit symbol reaction time and finger tapping speed (FT).

Best fuckin tuna recipe right here folks

Whole pasta cooked

Slice up Spinach, cucumber, green olives, peppers and chives into really small pieces

mix salad and tuna together with the wholewheat pasta, add sweetcorn if you want to

It is fifty percent more delicious if you add a little bit of grated cheese on top and some hot sauce.

honestly guys this tastes soooo fuckin goooooooood

>2 meals a week
>doesn't give actual units
>doesn't give numbers for the actual health research
>doesn't explain anything related to countries whose main dishes plentiful in fish
The fda is full of shit

>Paper that is behind a paywall and only the abstract can be read

So what's the verdict?
Because I need a cheap source of protons that isn't a powder or a bar.
Either this or canned chicken desu.

Can't cook where I'm at, and all I have access to is a microwave and a coffee machine.

Canned tuna tastes nice straight out of the can too.

Albacore is higher in mercury. Say goodbye to your brain function... chunk light is cheaper and healthier... you are an idiot for not eating it. It tastes fine you prissy bitches. Our ancestors could only dream of eating clean and plentiful delicious fish meat offered for near free prices. We live in the greatest time of human history for gains friends, savor it. Fresh clean water, unlimited meat, a place to rest your head at night with no fear of rain or storms, man, life is almost too easy.

>doesn't know what an "ounce" is
>too dumb to find FDA reports
>dunning-kruger effect
>high school dropout with no university affiliation
into the trash it goes

What's a good fish source to avoid a lot of mercury?

Mix with Miracle Whip and sweet relish and you're good to go.


>Missing the point entirely
12 ounces of fish is not a measure of mercury in said fishes you retard.
>Says the guy who didn't link such reports as evidence
>Confusing your own idiocy with mine
>Thinking I'm going to go at 1am in the morning to my college to get access to papers that are actually unrelated to my field of study

Taco TUNA Burgers Recipe (High Protein/Fiber) - The only way I can eat tuna.


Check3d but TLDR my Negro


Idk, I've been looking up pubmed articles since this thread and the consensus seems to be selenium only protects you up to a certain threshold of mercury.

>12 ounces of fish is not a measure of mercury in said fishes
oh wow, that makes your post look even dumber

>>Says the guy who didn't link such reports as evidence
OP isn't science oriented,, so I linked to a laymen article from a medical authority. You're embarassing yourself.

>>>Thinking I'm going to go at 1am in the morning to my college to get access to papers that are actually unrelated to my field of study
[dunning-kruger intensifies]

but keep projecting, low iq brainlet

Congratulations, you linked to a table of fishes/mercury, which I have already seen months ago when I investigated the topic. What you did not link to is what I actually asked for.

>Keeps evading and insulting
Dunning-Kruger is on you, retard.

ss + gomad

honestly that was a great response same reason i choose light

i find it best when used with something else with a lot of taste, so great with eggs, sun dried tomatoes and green onions for breakfast with some whole grain toast mmm

>What you did not link to is what I actually asked for.
Is short term memory another impaired cognitive function of yours? Do I really have to quote your dumb post again?

ounces of fish is not a measure of mercury in said fishes

>>Keeps evading and insulting
Evading what exactly?

Easiest way to down canned tuna for me is to take a large bite of tuna, take a big swig of milk, swish it around until it becomes sort of a mixture. Milk basically just chases the tuna flavor, the only hard part to get over is the texture.

Okay let's add 2+2 retard.
12 ounces of fish / week tops are recommended because of the Hg content.
There's a huge variety of fishes with different amounts of Hg each.
So for example, eating 12 ounces of swordfish would be equivalent to eating about 480 ounces of catfish.
So "ounce of fish" is a fucking garbage recommendation because it doesn't correlate with the actual problem.

dude just open a can of it, put some salt on it and its fucking great

>So for example, eating 12 ounces of swordfish would be equivalent to eating about 480 ounces of catfish.

>1. Do not eat
>They contain high levels of mercury.
>King Mackerel


>Eat up to 12 ounces (2 average meals) a week of a variety of fish and shellfish that are lower in mercury.

>that are lower in mercury

Thanks for demonstrating your complete inability to read. That's another impaired cognitive function btw.

TIL LoL players need to drink more water

...Have you tried using spices

>Still missing the point
How can you be this retarded.
Tell me how much fucking Hg I can consume per week you dense fuck, doesn't matter if it's from fish or if I lick it out of a fucking tiny bottle.

I'm not gonna spoon-feed arithmetic to you, dumbfuck. Do I look like your kindergarten teacher? This is an 18+ board and your mental age clearly falls far below that.

>Great value cans are 30p ea.
>each can is 22g brotein

i plan to eat 2 to 3 cans a day alongside chicken and a cup of veggies for the next 2 weeks, what are my chances of dying?

Pretty low, mr.dubdubs

>BB-b-ut it's easy
>I'm not going to do it because it's so easy
>I wouldn't need to fucking make up a number out of nothing due to lack of actual information on the subject! Seriously!
Kys you retard.

twice a week unless you want mercury poisoning and get dialisis daily for months

Maximum overprojection. I'm sorry to hear that your math education stopped at arithmetic. Please do us a favor and go back to whatever "special needs" institution you escaped from.

>Hurr durr
Kys retard.

so should I eat these things on crackers?
what's the best way to eat em?

what's the middle ground for cheapest pound by pound fish?

I eat probably 10 cans a week
Am I going to die?

why do fish have mercury in them anyways

where does the metal come from

called biomass

It's bioaccumulation and it comes from coal fired power plants.

I'd be more worried about the tren you're taking user.

Anybody do keto w/ tren cut or nah?


Sardines are tasty and cheap! Also try Sprats ( Russians love them) and kippers, snails...

Best prep for tuna I found mustard + sour cream equal generous parts. Some crackers and NOM NOM NOM