What do you guys do when you are hungry and have already passed your calorie limit for the day while cutting?

What do you guys do when you are hungry and have already passed your calorie limit for the day while cutting?

Eat something very low calorie like low carb veggies.

2 scoops

Drink water and eat ice



of protein powder? isn't that like 200 calories right there?

I chug a lot of water.

Accept that it's normal to feel that way and hit your macros, drink some water and goto bed early.

I realise I'm a grown fucking man and i don't need to eat every time i feel hungry.


Chew gum

rum + diet coke until i vomit

A single shot of rum has 30-60 calories depending on the brand, and alcohol inhibits protein synthesis.

Chug a diet pop. Or two.

say fuck it and eat.

Eat vegetables

The calories you go over your limit are a non issue

I start doing something and soon forget about hunger.
Or I go to sleep.
The only hunger that sometimes gets me is the 24+hs without eating one.

I - and this is crazy so bear with me for a second - don't eat. It's just fucking food.

Force vomit

a lot of water and some oats

pickles, cucumbers, leafy greens sautéed with some garlic, asparagus
if you eat half a kilo of one of those you'll be full beyond satisfied and it's like 150kcal and lots of fiber. Even better,
just include them in your diet before you step over the limit.

What are you running?

Celery. Hummus optional.
Drink loads of water too, but not so much to the point it's sloshing around in your stomach and you get waterlogged.

I try to wake up and go as long as possible without eating in the morning. Usually that's 3 hours. I then eat my first meal and try to wait until around 11 or 12 to eat my final meal. If ican't take it split my final meal into two and take one a few hours earlier than 12. Then i goo sleep a couple hours after my last meal before the hunger sets in.

If i do it right most of my hunger is bypassed through sleeping and that early morning period before your stomach wales up fully. The later you eat the less hungry you are later.

Today i was feeling full aroubd midnight on only 500 calories. I had to force myself to eat more since that's really unhealthy.

Losing weight? If so how effective is the low-cal intake been for you and how long?

drink some tea, works really well

Water + veggies

Make hunger an ally. Allow yourself to enjoy the feeling of hunger. It is a palpable indicator of your will; it tells you that you are on the right track. When your goal is to lose weight, every second you spend hungry is another step on the path of progress.

Your mom inhibit my dick synthesis

There goes my food over the table again...goddam it user

Smoke a cig and drink some water

That means I failed to actually do a good diet

Go for a run, burn some calories, then eat.


this is what i do. i could smash a whole jar of pickles and its only like 5cal

Drink water. Ignore it. Remember that being hungry is a part of losing weight

This shouldn't have made me laugh, godammit.

This. Embrace the suck. Learn to enjoy feeling hungry.

binge on veggies

pickles are low cal

jsut chew anything low/no cal really.

sometimes we're not even really hungry, it's just our boredom or need to have a dopamine hit

Carbonated water is pretty good

dried salted peas man, that and what pickle bro said

Chew gum.

Doesn't happen to me. I'm hungry all day, then eat a big dinner. 2ez

Yeah losing weight. I've been doing it for a little over two months and have lost a little over 20 pounds. It really is calories in calories out.

Does pickle juice have calories?

enjoy a Snickers! you're just not you when you're hungry

Go to sleep

Drink a chit ton of coke zero