So Im a 280 pound loser who wnats to make a change in my life. I heard about running for 1...

So Im a 280 pound loser who wnats to make a change in my life. I heard about running for 1.5 hours 3 days a week but my problem is everytime I get up I feel weak, tired and unmotivated to do anything. I dont wanna live like this.

What can I do to be better motivated.


Just start running and don't fucking stop user.

The only way to keep up this shit is if you get into a habit of doing it.

You can do it, man.

if you are trying to lose weight its mostly diet. running will make you hungry.

Set yourself goals, in miles or in times run, and augment them continually.
If you have never worked out, then start with simple walking.
Eat healthy
Get enough sleep

What do you do instead of not going to run? Play vidya? Surf around on the internet? THe moment you feel like not doing it, just leave the house and go. Don't wait for a perfect moment to start.

Hit the gym ;)

Thanks guys

When I say set goals, I really mean it. Don't go now 20 miles if you have never done 1. You will only end up hurting yourself, tired out and you will not want to do any exercise for a long time.

Think of "kaizen", improve 1% a day. Run for a minute. Next day, make it two. And so forth. Same with push-ups. Looks ridiculous, but in one month, you will be able to do a lot more than you though was possible in the beginning.

I prefer somebody who will take small but sure steps towards victory. And for god's sake, stop calling yourself a loser. You are not a loser. A loser would be somebody who wouldn't care about his situation: the simple fact that you wish to change something gives you a thirst for living a better life. I'm not guarantying you that you will automatically succeed, but be aware that you have the most important weapon of the arsenal in your possession.

Hey man, about a year ago I was 240 lbs (5'10) 20yo, im around 180 atm, could be lower but I focused a lil on strength so I actually look good when all the fats gone.
Anyways cut as much sugar out of your diet as you can, no soda. If you have a sweet craving go diet.
These guys are telling you to run, but idk even at 240 my joints were fucked after about 15mins of running, so i say start with eliptical/bike and go from there. Also WALK AS MUCH AS YOU CAN.
Start small, remember that if you want a different life then the one you're living you have to make it a lifestyle change. Thats not easy.
Id reccommend lifting right from the get go, do mostly cardio if weight loss is your primary goal atm.

Sorry just realized your question was about motivation lol...
Well man think of it like this:
You will never regret going to the gym or out for a run.
You will regret: letting your life passby without being able to experience your full potential.

To do this. Channel everything you got, anger, sadness, happiness, hope. Pull it all out of your mental arsenal.
Sometimes I watch videos of people that make me rage just to fuel the fire, or listen to music that makes me pumped.
You got the keys man. Where you drive is up to You.

So should I still do an hour of hour/walking for 3 days a week?

Holy shit thanks.

I agree with the biking idea, although I still see fatass on bikes all the time, so when you get lighter weight you will need to start running.

Eh I still think op should just run. It's faster and better

You can also do it like that, what I am offering are different possibilities to get you to work out. I have no idea what your physical condition is but I think that if you always feel unmotivated, then the three times a week might not be the best approach to put you back into motion. perhaps you will find more satisfaction in seeing that you "improve " everyday a bit and be eager to go further the next day.

Just do what feels right to you as long as you do something.

I prefer rowing to running. I'm 250 pounds. It also is going to help me with my pelvic thrusts once get to bang a lady.

Lifting weights is also encouraged, but don't be stupid about your diet. You can probably anoint yourself with noob gainz as you shred.

When you're that over weight I'm sure you can just cut out the seven sodas you drink daily and lose tens of pounds. For now just do light cardio, lift some weights, most importantly fix your diet. I don't see why you need to run a marathon three times a week or some shit.

he's not trying to row he's working on his pelvic thrusts

Working out doesn't make you happy op

Weak, tired and unmotivated is absolutely normal when you're used to sitting around watching TV all day. The thing that worked for me is to just get out and do it no matter how I feel. If I can't run the 5k, I walk it. Just have a goal in mind and do it.
You will NEVER regret doing something active, as long as you do it safely and within your abilities.

For me, motivation started with a desire to change my life for the better, which you obviously have. I was 190lbs at 5'10" with 30% bodyfat. Recently got out of the hospital after a suicide attempt. Looked at myself in the mirror and basically said its now or never. Downloaded the "couch to 5k" app and started following it. I didn't even have proper workout clothes or shoes for running. I was running in hiking shoes and cargo shorts. Give yourself something to do every single day and make sure you do it.

Basically. when you feel unmotivated or weak, do it anyway.

What was the name of the app you got?

couch to 5k

It's free. Takes you from being able to do almost nothing to running 5k without stopping. Starts you off easy by walking for 2 minutes, jogging for 30s and repeats. Jogging intervals get longer as the weeks go by but it defiantly won't over exert you.

Take it easy on the running if you are going to do it, the weight you're at it'll be very rough on your knees/ joints. Biking would be a good call, be sure to do some weights as well, if you lose weight with just cardio you mght problems with loose skin.


Depending on your height you are too fat to run, especially for a fucking hour and a half.

Eat less. That's your goal. When your BMI is below 25, then go running, so that your heart can start recovering. You won't be able to run for an hour and a half though, just run as long as you can. Then do it again 2 days later. And soon enough you'll be able to go longer

>stop shitposting fat fuck

look in the mirror at your fat disgusting body and pathetic self. if you dont want to change then you dont need to do anything. just continue on being pathetic.

Don't run, its terrible in all regards, it fucks your joints, it will make you hungry and it's boring as fuck.

Just eat less you fat loser, might as well go cycling it's way better for your joints and more fun as well since you actually move around.

do not buy cheese

cut out the alcohol. Eat enough to lose weight. Do non impact cardio like swimming so your knees aren't mashed into a paste. You'll get the motivation when you see a change in your weight which might be a week, 2 weeks, a month but once you see the change either on the scales or on your saggy man tits you'll never want to stop.

If you think about your life and who you are as a person no matter what you believe in (afterlife etc), you can only exist on this planet once so why not leave a fucking legacy and see how strong you can make yourself?