Tell me about this guy. What the fuck is he doing, fitness wise?

Tell me about this guy. What the fuck is he doing, fitness wise?

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Is he natty?

a fat middle easterner that uses the blur tool to make it look like he's not morbidly obese and fails every time

I want to look like him

are you a muslim?

> you're in the club and this guy slaps your GFs ass

Synthol, hgh, roids, and cake

can you put synthol in your chest like that though?

Synthol and cake bois. If he wasn't that tall he'd be another fatty

Osama bin Laden's 9/11/01
Gallon Of Christian Blood A Day

He's a dead isis fighter, injected synthol and dbol and lifted for maybe two years.

Loved the video of him dead in the back of the truck with syrians kicking him to make it look like they didn't torture and kill him on site.

Just goes to show how degenerate and nonharam all the isis fighters are, they're a bunch of pathologically fucked up middle eastern edgy teens with way too much funding and I'm training and lifting so I can join the coming crusade.

>Deus vult

This guy isn't dead, lol. He posted on Insta today

I don't have the time to find the video, but if they didn't kill him they found and killed an equally obese middle easterner and glued some pubes to his face and said they killed him.

Fighting him would be like playing fucking shadow of the colossus

He's also an Iranian Shia, so it's more likely you'd be fighting for ISIS.

Osama bin Bulkin

5x5 mountain lift
3x5 bear strangle
2xf earth ups

Yeah, it mostly looks so odd because he's obese

photoshop 5x5

*youre in the club and this guy gives out free shots


Yup. Synthol straight to the pecs. There was a video doing the rounds a while ago of some rich piano looking mother fuckers going through a day in the life showing them taking all of their gear and their laughable workouts.

This guy is all synthol and roids with enough food for 6 lifters.


Ahmed Piana
8 hour prayer and then you gotta eat pork before bed to confuse Allah, right babe?

>he gets executed for touching another man's property



steroids.he's doing steroids.

>steroids.he's doing steroids.

Yeah, as indicated by his 2kg curls. Synthol doesn't give strength to do that. Must be steroids.

Yeah free shots of synthol that is

he's busy being dead


He obviously have muscles, but he's also fat as fuck, the thing is how his body stores fat

Just like this girl is fat as fuck, but somehow all her fat is on her tits



Remove kebab until failure

Fuck, Keemstar's on juice.