Last digit divided by 2 is amount of scoops preworkout you take for next workout

>Last digit divided by 2 is amount of scoops preworkout you take for next workout

Roll and do it if you're a man

joke's on you, I don't use a pre-workout so I don't care what my number is

Roll please dont let me overdose

So go buy it since you rolled u dumb faggot

fuck that noise

Witness me

No heartattacks tonight

As someone just starting out lifting, how important or beneficial are pre-workout substances? Is it a meme?

Its godtier when you lift in the morning or when you had a long day at work and need to get a workout done.


What exactly does it do for a person? I work out early morning, around 7 or 8. Should I invest in it?


if you take too much, over time caffeine becomes a meme

sorry, coffee****


its literally the same fucking thing as coffee, dont fall for the industry marketing

So it's just caffeine in an expensive shiny jar?

I have 5 pre workout samples

Lets see what god has planned today



Dont listen to what the other user said. It got a lot more in it than caffeine. A few other stimulating compounds like caffeine but also alot of shit that makes your bloodflow better/pump better and muscle endurance better

Is it worth it?

Sick cunts

rolling to leave humanity behind

absolutely useless. If you can't self-regulate then don't bother lifting weights.

C'mon 9

Rollerino 4 da squad

Rolling. Please give me a 9. I want to die. Please end this misery, fit. Have mercy