Scooby says if you eat at maintenance level...

scooby says if you eat at maintenance level, but eat sufficient protein you can build muscle whilst simultaneously burn fat

is this true or does one invariably need to bulk

bump for interest.

>Getting broscience advise from the old cunt

Lmao, reddit is the other way newfag.

probably true, but it's slow as shit and needs alot more of protein compared to bulking, which is a faster way to put on size; no one wants to look like an anorexic even after 4 months of lifting

>implying scooby hate isn't what newfags do
No (You) get out

It is true but lifting at a maintenance is much less efficient than bulking/cutting once you aren't a novice. It will take a long time to attain any serious mass at maintenance and at a certain point you will plateau until you eat more.

building muscle and burning fat are separate processes. they can occur simultaneously. i don't understand what is so difficult for people to understand about this.

>inb4 "hurr durr you can only cut or bulk hurr"

sources or btfo

What would be the exact process that would prompt your body to use your last few grams of ingested protein for muscle building and not for energy? It seems like your body would use food for energy first, all other things being equal.

It seems like if you eat at maintenance, your body would just be constantly switching back and forth between mini little "bulk" and "cut" phases, possibly several times a day, depending on how often you eat. In other words, it would do some of both but not really a LOT of either.

Is this maybe where IF might be helpful?

Its true but its super slow

the fact you would even doubt scoobers makes me sad

just lean bulk
eat 200-300 above maintenance

the conventional bulk/cut cycle is a meme

Well, which is it? Eat at maintenance, and slowly build muscle/burn fat simultaneously, as OP says Scooby suggests?

Or eat at 200-300 above maintenance in a slow bulk, as you suggest?

They are two different things.

I was joking about following the prophet scoobers

slow/lean bulk, so you stay relatively lean all year. do mini cuts when you look in the mirror and say "im getting a little fat"

you can only build so much muscle, naturally, in a month. any extra calories will just become fat.

unless you're an elite body builder, dont do the conventional bulk/cut cycle like most plebs claim.

thats just an excuse to get fat.

i should add that if youre fat, follow scoobers. eat maintenance, lift, become not fat, aka 15-18% bf (i really just pulled some numbers for this one, its also a lot of how much you hate yourself)

if youre not fat, then lean bulk, aka 10-15% bf (these numbers are more legit)

if youre beached whale fat, you need to cut, sorry scoobs (aka i hate myself)

>no one wants to look like an anorexic even after 4 months of lifting

i'd say that what people don't want is to look fat half the year, breh

He also said that it was hard and not worthy but possible

Scooby is on gear and his advice is irrelevant.
Funny because he never admits it.
Quote from scooby
>"Am I on steroids? is not a yes or not answer "

>be me
>be 6'3" 280+ lbs
>Start exercising because hate myself
>"keto is a meme"
>Lo carb hi protein diet for 10+ months, eating 1600-1800 cals/day
>Currently 195 lbs
>Started at shit lifts
>Lifts currently less shit

Yeah I'm about 10 lbs off from starting my first true bul phase, by then I'll be eating about 250 cal surplus and more carbs, but you dumb shitlords love hating on keto and clean buls lol

I prefer lean bulk. Dirty bulk makes me feel and look like shit. Maybe if I was a powerlifter, but I just want to look and feel good.

You lose fat by being in a caloric deficit and build muscle when you're in positive nitrogen balance (low stress, good sleep and adequate protein intake). Lean bulk, 200-300 calorie surplus and do some extra cardio in the morning and you'll burn fat and build muscle at the same time.

>Funny because he never admits it.
if you weren't stupid then he implies he's on TRT

Implying isn't admiting, he just dodges the question and says shit like ' I'm so complimented by people saying I'm on gear!, but it's not a yes or no question !"

>Implying isn't admiting, he just dodges the question
he doesn't need to when he heavily implies it, he explains what TRT is on his page with the question about steroids


It just doesn't work for skinny fats

You are trying to change body composition, less fat, more muscle, so if you lean towards one, it's better to do a diet that goes opposite

if you're fat, obviously cut you idiot you're fat you don't need more weight, if you're skinny, fucking bulk you asshole what the fuck are you going to cut your already weak ass muscles

if you're skinny fat, you have a choice, but chances are you will benefit more from lifting and bulking so you always have energy and the macros to build at least some muscle before you cut.

i'm builtfat

Listen up faggots, it's IMPOSSIBLE to eat perfectly at maintanence. No matter how hard you try there are always unseen variables such ass calorie expanded urethane that day and the fact that calories, whether on a label or calculated on a scale are NEVER exact. Their just rounded up estimates.

What does that mean exactly? It means no matter how hard to try to eat at "maintanence" you'll always be eating over or under even if just by a few calories. So combine that with lifting weights and some days you'll essentially be lean bulking and others you'll be slow cutting. Is this ideal? Probably not. You'd probably reach your goals faster if you were to just bulk/cut separately.

I added 9kg in ~6 months using this advice and leaned out in the process, starting out as underweight.

I don't know the exact process but it makes sense to me that the body would be set up to use food for the things food is specifically needed for (like muscle-building) when it can supplement energy for your fat stores.

also do you really need to eat all your protein in 5 portions

If you gained weight you ate a caloric surplus, so you were bulking. Calories decide if you gain mass or not, training decides if that mass is muscle or fat. Maintenance is by definition the amount of energy that makes you neither gain nor lose body mass, thus gaining weight on maintenance is a self-contradiction.

where the fuck do you think the muscles will come from if you only eat enough to maintain your weight?

overall yes - however there must have been times when the two were balanced because I reduced bf% and increased lean mass.

as I understand it
>eat protein
>the demand from the muscles increases TDEE
>fat stores are broken down to meet TDEE
>muscle is built (weight increases by 1lb)
>fat is broken down (weight decreases by 1lb)
>weight stays the same

If you're getting enough protein why would you need more carbs?

Bulking and cutting is only for bodybuilders, normal people don't have to get to ridiculously low levels of body fat for competitions. For all non competing body builders it's much better to do what scooby says.

To all the people who claim you can only gain muscle on a surplus; your nails are made of a protein called keratin, do they stop growing when you cut?

>le "roddit is emeny of 4chins" meme
Jesus Christ this is some weapons grade autism.

He strongly implied he's on test from the doctors. He won't admit it because he knows the Internet and DYELs will take it as you need roids to get big.

For what is worth, Frank Zane also ate at maintenance and stuck to recomp. He's been a vocal critic of the bulk/cut method.

protein is a less efficient energy source than fat is a less efficient energy source than carbs.

No. You cant exchange fat for muscle

that isn't what's happening.

If you are under maintenance, wouldn't your body burn fat to provide energy to build muscle?

True but bulking and cutting seems to be faster.

Recomp was always a thing, just really slow
If you are a novice you can build and burn at the same time if you are fat

Ingested protein is more efficient of an energy source than stored fat - so if you run out of glycogen stores and ingested fats/carbs, it will use ingested protein as readily available energy.

Imagine you're morbidly obese and your goal body will take you four years to achieve. You can do the regular shitty bulk/cut cycles or... eat a decent amount of protein, and maintain macros.
You'll be making mad fucking gains while cutting for a good year to two years.
Now i'm going to pick a number at random, because every body is entirely different, but at a certain body fat % in my example 14% you can begin to lose muscle if you don't change your diet to meet your physical needs at this point. If not you do have that tumblr bullshit about the body going into shock, but that shit never happens until you are starting to go into otter mode body fat.
For fat people they can literally eat nothing, but their basic macros to live day to day and never gain weight from food deprivation. It's impossible, it's the entire reason fat exist on our body at all is to be used in a fasting manner.

My first year lifting I gained about 25 lbs of muscle and lost 30lbs of fat, I knew nothing about weight lifting. If I had my current knowledge I could have lost and gained an even 52/52.

Phew, good thing I'm browing Veeky Forums and not /d2g/

the fact that muscle was crucially important for survival.


Yes it's true
That's why you see some before/after results where a guy goes from pudgy to lean yet their weight stays the same.
Bulk to gain muscle is just for spooky skellys.



the people that think that fat becomes muscle are the same than who think that bulk-cut cycles are needed to achieve muscle hypertrophy