This cant be fucking right

There's no fucking way that I can eat basically 6000 calories a day and not gain any fat just because I go to the gym and do full body lifting every monday wednesday and friday

You don't have pounds or kilograms checked. Could be fucking it up.


Can't be right

The days that I don't exercise aren't impacted by the day I do right?
And even then I'd think that on an hour long full body lift day at most I'd burn an extra 500 but thats it

Try another tdee calculator then if you aren't sure, but that sounds pretty close.

what about this

The calculator will average it out for the week. So instead of showing two different TDEEs (lift day/rest day) it just gives an average.

well how do I figure out the rest and lift days

Check "sedentary", find the difference, and divide by the number of days you work out.

I'm sure it means cardio when it says exercise. Lifting weights burns far fewer calories than running/biking/rowing

That I don't know enough to help out with, but I think it wouldn't matter. Eat a little less on rest days so you can eat more on lifting days if you want but it won't really matter as long as you're overall at your calories per day.

when sedentary its 2689
if i check 7 days a week minus the physical job it says 3865

Do I literally burn 3865 calories on lift days?

is 30 reps for all muscle groups enough to cause that?

Not true. A few sets of 5rm squats will burn like 200 calories /at the time/, but doing them will cause your body to
use more energy over the next 48 hours as it recovers from the stress and rebuilds tissue. When you run, cycle, or whatever else you stress the body far less, which means that beyond the immediate calorie expenditure not much happens.

So a routine full of monstrously heavy compound lifts probably 'expends' more calories in a week than running for the equivalent time would.


lmao @ lanklets

are you trolling or what?

this. people who say lifting doesn't burn any calories are clearly not lifting heavy enough.

first off, stop trying to fuck up my threads by showing the connection between them
2ndly, now I'm not and I only made 2 threads because some anons never seem to reply to everything if you group it all together in one thread

>stop trying to fuck up my threads by showing the connection between them

Lifting isn't "exercise". Especially lifting of the SS or other full body clone workout types.

>mfw people think doing a few compounds 3x a week makes them not sedentary

Use Scoobys calculator just google it

False. Lifting increases your passively burned calories per day therefore getting you up to the lightly active setting on calculators

>a full body routine 3x a week counts as "lifting"


This. I didn't start seeing good results until I started running and playin basketball again. I'm way more flexible and muscular toned

Here I think I did it right for you

I get told by gym chads that 3 times a week is fine as long as you do literally everything each time

If you have "days" like leg day upper body day etc and its only 3 times a week its not good enough

sauce for calculator?

also Im tired as shit right now so can tell you tell me what all that means?


Just look at the tdee calories

A pound of body fat is equal to 4500 calories right?
So if I consume nothing but protein shakes and get around 700-1000 calories a day worth of them and meet my protein needs (so I don't lose muscle) then I could be losing 2 pounds of fat a week?

I would eat at maintenance twice a week though

5 days worth of 1800 calorie deficit = 9000 calories burned a week = 2 pounds of fat loss

Combined with full body lifting 3 times a week and I couldn't I even build muscle while doing it?

Also is there any way to calculate what my maintenance is on work out days? Is +500 cal due to lifting a good estimate?

>losing only fat

Sure buddy.

Go read the sticky again. I'm 90% sure it answers all your questions

drop the sarcasm faggot I know muscles will shrink if you are eating super small amounts of food but I've been told by anons that if you get in your protein then it wont happen

And basically the only way to consume so few calories as I'm talking about and getting the protein at the same time is living off of protein shakes


>drop the sarcasm blah blah blah
Read the sticky it tells you what goes on

Not going to make it

Depends on how heavy you lift I would think.

You doing an SS kind of workout brah?

the sticky is too vague
i wish every time someone said to read the sticky they got bitch slapped

no I do everything legs arms chest stomach back

I wish anytime someone said the sticky was vague they got banned. On everything you asked it goes into great detail and links to studies and research backing up what's said.
It has a ton of diet, muscle loss while cutting and fat loss info.

Never going to make it bro, just quit now

The only thing that can save you from losing muscle is lifting heavy with low volume. That part is mandatory. Protein is only useful to an extent, even if your entire diet is pure protein you will lose all your muscle if you dont lift heavy.

when should one lift high volume ?

I usually do 4 sets of high intensity and 2 sets of high volume on main compounds

A good general rule of thumb that I've heard is that if your lifts are stalling you should increase volume, if your lifts are going down decrease volume.

Low volume lifting on a cut is a completely different thing, the point is just to keep the weight on the bar while still being able to recover from it, so if you're squatting 3x5 you do 1x5 with the same weight on a cut.

I'm cutting at the moment can you elaborate on that ? As I understand it now, just give up on growth and do low volume to maintain muscle.

I'm in my second month of lifting on a 500kcal deficit, shouldn't I aim for noob gains ?

If you're a noob and you can recover from more training then by all means do it. For a complete noob I'd recommend like a 200 cal deficit so you can make almost normal gains.

You're supposed to use lean body weight, not total body weight.

what a stupid nigger lmao

215 is being interpreted as kg not lbs. It thinks you are 474 lbs.