A magical Veeky Forumsness genie appears in your dreams and offers you a 12 month offer. You get to choose 12 people...

A magical Veeky Forumsness genie appears in your dreams and offers you a 12 month offer. You get to choose 12 people, anyone in the world, to train you for the next 12 months. One person will take over for each month until the next year. Who do you choose? Can be anyone, dead or alive.

Woodrow Wilson will train me for 12th months. Nobody else.

instagram fitness chicks

Johny sins on month 12 for the cardio gains

Kaitlyn Jenner

Whats it mean when I get a message like this?

You want us to name 12 people?
Fuck off.



rippetoe is no fun to be around, and he isnt cute either

i would go for Justin or Klokov i guess, as long as im allowed to fuck them if i want

cuck lol

You've mad it bruh. Zyzz would be proud.

Frank Yang
Elliot Hulse
a hot gf

Ronnie Coleman
Jeff seid
Jon skywalker
Dom mazzetti
Bradley Martyn
Jeff nippard
lee priest
and then a few skanks idk prob one fridge mode gf a bikini competitor gf and a high test gf

1. M
2. A
3. R
4. K
5. R
6. I
7. P
8. P
9. E
10. T
11. O
12. E

The wiiu fitness girl
The Beast
Tony the Tiger
The Monster that lived under my bed as a child but disappeared after I started masturbating in my room a lot

Mark Bell
Ed Coan
Jonnie Candito
Izzy Narvaez
Justin Lascek
Frank Yang
That guy from Overtime Athletes
Ray Allen
Steve Nash
Mike Tuscherer
Bryce Lewis
Boris Sheiko

Ray williams
John haack
Chris Duffin
Chad Wesley Smith
Chris from Westside
Jonnie Candito
Dietmar Wolf
Aaron worlie
George seeger

>Usain Bolt
>Rin Nakai
>Jon Pall Sigmarsson
>Sajad Gharibi
>Conor McGregor
>Jamie Eason
>Cat Zingano
>Jim Stoppani
>Dmitry Klokov
>Cris Cyborg
>CT Fletcher
>Chris Hansen

Have you seen bolt train? I mean sure if you want to improve your sprinting then he's an obvious choice, if you forego his coaches...

But with weights? The man doesn't have a clue

Yea pretty much true, but you gotta be fit in other aspects too, not just bodybuilding. He does hang cleans and other explosive exercises too in some vids, but his main focus is speed. I also included a lot of MMA fighters too for similar reasons.

>Yiannis Kouros
To cut down to an extremely low bf% so I can just bulk away while training with everyone else, improve cardiovascular health, and get into that "I can do anything if I keep grinding away at it" mindset.
Because I have questions about SS.
>Milo of Croton or H.E. Mann
For dem calf raises.
>Hermann Görner
So Adolf Fitler can help me improve my grip strength.
>Nicu Vlad
Because my deadlift form could use a lot of work.
To train in the olympic lifts. Right now my power clean worksets are looking like a 3 stooges skit and I don't know how to do anything else.
>Louis Cyr
Would like somebody to teach me some strongman shit and one of the strongest men of all time seems like he'd have a lot to teach.
Because I am willing to waste a month just to find out how badly the ancient Greeks e-statted and would like to learn to lift and throw heavy rocks if they didn't.
For dem natty Classical aesthetics.
To touch up Sandow's teaching with some modern techniques and because it's fucking Scooby.

Dunno about the rest.

Klokov, Lu, Justin, Steve, Tian Tao, plus the entire cast of Gachimuchi.
They all train my asspussy. Everyday for a year.

Kouros what a great choise to start mentaly strong this 12 month program