So I was watching the recent "The Mummy" and the faggy Americans who made this film managed to implant some story about 12th century English Templars (as if such a thing had existed lmao)
Anyone with little education on the topic know that France was the Christian heartland in that era and that Templars were French
But nope, revisionist Americans have to put their precious little Britain everywhere, and since America dominates cultural media, normies are getting told a revised version of history (a version in which pre-19th century England was relevant)
Logan Brown
>Templars were French Weren't some of them portuguese ?
Brody Perez
Not really A few were from Northern Spain but 90% were French
But then after they were disbanded, some fled to Portugal
Parker Barnes
not really surprising, America is a young country so when they make movies that happened before america existed they use english people instead because they view them as proto-americans.
Caleb Evans
You should ask /pol/ what they think of the american media.
Chase Martin
Look at this map. Take your time.
Nolan Rogers
>some story about 12th century English Templars (as if such a thing had existed lmao) they did though, you dumb, stupid, ignorant, fuckwitted, cretinous cunt
Aaron Jackson
Your point? The capital city and HQ of the French family that owned England in that era was Angers (where the Angevins came from), not London
Jacob Rivera
>getting THIS butthurt over a movie about a fictionlized series of events for two minutes of backstory in a monster flick You are a fucking retard
Josiah Clark
a retard pointing out a pattern. Oh the humanities.
Jaxson Brooks
Yes, you are a retard. Re-read what was posted then fuck off. You are ass-pained over a literal fictionlized account of something made up for a fictional story in a film made for teenagers to make a thread over it.
You are the only moron here.
Bentley Collins
>he takes a monster movie seriously as if anyone gives two shits about the minor history part at all in America least the rest of Europe
Robert Collins
THIS movie is the one that upsets you?
Not the one depicting Hanibal as Sub Saharan African.
You know an actual historical figure and not a made up scenario about a living dead.
Ian Hall
After being expelled from France, they went to Portugal and founded the Order of Christ there
An extremely bad move
Colton Anderson
This was meant for you
Hunter Brooks
I'm not even OP.
Connor Garcia
I'm upset because they made Egyptians white
Josiah Gomez
Sure thing boss
William Evans
Butthurt /int/posters are one of our equivalents of SJWs moaning about microagressions right? This is ridiculous.
Landon Butler
Mad bong si mad
Matthew Wilson
>you must be an angry brit because you aren't incredibly butthurt about a bit of throwaway plot from some schlock hollywood turd Stop huffing /int/. It's rotting your mind.