Fit I have these episodes where I feel like I'm a different person. I become very angry, anxious, mean, and aggressive...

Fit I have these episodes where I feel like I'm a different person. I become very angry, anxious, mean, and aggressive. I have compulsions to do drugs or drive my car really fast. I will lie to people and do bad shit because I feel like I have to do it or else I'm weak. Then I have extreme moments of remorse and humbleness. Where I reflect on what a bastard I've been.

What is wrong with me? I can hardly sleep anymore

Bipolar I'd imagine

how long are these cycles

Welcome to the bipolar club....

A couple days to maybe a week or two. I feel like I build up to these moods over the course of a few days the. It unleashes for a while then calms down.

You're having manic-depressive moments. Go see a doctor.

0P here Again. I have a lot of compulsions to do things and can be very friendly when I want to be

understand both will not last and understand that youre in control. Use the manic aggressiveness in the gym and hit prs then chill the fuck out

Definitely bipolar, please see a doctor and get on medication. Severe manic episodes can be indistinguishable from psychosis.

0P here I'm afraid to go to a psychiatrist and tell them everything that really happens what if they put me in a mental institution or something I Dont want to lose my job or get kicked out of school I just want some help

Depending on where you're from, I don't think you can be fired for having a mental disability unless you start fucking shit up, which you are more likely to do if you don't get help. They'll probably even pay for it (ie it comes out of your paycheck), because that's a preferable outcome to you suing for being fired while crazy or going untreated and shooting up the place.

I get those too. I think of it as a super power. A super power of impotent rage with extreme swings to blinding mania. Good times. No cure btw.

Modern psychology is about as scientific and effective as astrology. Best thing they can do is get you addicted to some drugs that will suck any emotion out of you. More likely you will pay some dipshit who is just trying to feel smart to fuck with your head and get you diagnosed with some horrible sounding disorder that will scare off employers.

Meditation, with a focus on breathing is your best bet. There are also some techniques that focus on trying to remember something that makes you angry (or whatever negative emotion) and then learning to control yourself in that emotional state with practice.

Seriously, get the fuck out of here with your new age hippie bullshit. Bipolar disorder can fuck up people's lives. Severe manic episodes can lead to life-altering behaviors, things that can make people lose jobs, friends, even their lives. It's not something you "just concentrate on breathing" and it magically fucking goes away.

I already have. I am a compulsive liar and have been getting caught a lot lately.

this thread

>tfw bipolar 2 disorder
>tfw i regularly long for and sometimes try to induce the manic periods to try and break out of the depressive ones

Yeah... I gave up psychology when I realized it was all bullshit. And then my counselors were all fuckers that didn't give a shit and you could tell they just wanted to see how many boxes they could check off and then be done.

Some medications can help you, but it's really just a crapshoot to see if it works and then as your body builds up a tolerance it'll only work for so long

I suffer from manic depression. And my friend has major depression. We talk to each other and shit when we're fucked up. That and meditation, eating healthy, and exercise is vital. It can be shitty sometimes, and I know I'll kill myself one day but I'll lead a good life until then. (Gonna an hero when I'm old and miserable, not just cuz "fuck it I'm depressed")

drive my car fast

Sorry user :(

Sounds like you're already on the way out. Starting the process of getting help could be your "anchor baby", so to speak.

>new age hippie bullshit
>mfw gaining mindfulness through various means, including meditation, is one of the hugest part of cognitive behavioral therapy as part of managing depressive symptoms

The system is set up so they can make an unbiased assessment of your cognitive abilities that are not in harmony with today's society. (mental disorder)

They make way too much money and are too smart to give a fuck.

You are a pathetic bitch

>I already have.
Shot up the place?

No just keep fucking up

Wait, are you guys talking about psychiatry? Because psychiatry is indeed quackery, but psychology I'm pretty sure is a legit thing.

>going to med school is quackery

Literally fuck off or stop being so stupid

I'm not so sure that's bipolar, sounds more like teenage angst to me. Much too short cycles to be bipolar, very mild "depression", the "mania" just sounds like plain anger.

>ek sal haar vol piele pak, haar oe sal soos slaghuis vensters lyk

@OP - sounds rough brah, does the lifting help at all? i find that lifting consistently helps normalize my mood swings, and keeps me chill most of the time

Sounds like bipolar. See a psych doc asap.

i'm similar--probably bipolar--but instead of anxious and assholey i start falling in love with myself and believing that i have superhuman abilities. but i'm OK with this because the highs feel awesome and i can fight the lows with logic--anxiety, depression, guilt, shame, doubt... none of it is real.

Which one of you is posting non fitness-related bullshit on the weed and weightlifting board of a micronesian penis fertility worship doll carving fanclub right now?

Morons denouncing psychiatry and psychology like techniques from the 1940s are still being used aside see someone OP.

See a psychiatrist to get a diagnosed and then get regular psychotherapy of some kind to help you deal with it.

Idiots who still spout "hurr pump full of pills then peoples become zombies" are not on your side they're espousing their bitterness of failed treatment which is mostly likely caused by their own errors.

Of course psychiatry it's perfect but it's still a science and it's evoking rapidly it's not just about pills and slap on the ass it's about treating the whole person to get you to a place of stability.

Suid Afrika

fokken ja pappie

There are drugs out there that will make psychiatry itself obsolete.

They already seem to be able to cure bipolar personality disorder and PTSD through stem cell drugs.

It's going into it's second run of human trials this year.

So yes, pump full of pills > therapy.

Regardless, what OP describes is cyclothimia. Bipolar light.

That could be many disorders. Borderline comes to mind.

He's got them mixed up. Psychiatry is valid and psychology is quackery.

One is 8+ years of hard work and shit. The other is 3 years of random nonsense and amongst the easiest programs to finish.

Sounds like TM08: bide. Have you beaten Brock recently?

Combined with lithium which is the more important of the two. Honestly fuck off with that hippie muh drug companies bullshit.

Sounds like manic depression, not bipolar disorder. Just go to a doctor you wombat.

Clinical psychfag reporting in.
Looks like you have episodes of dissociative fugue and a mood disorder of some kind. This kind of comorbid pattern is frequent in people who experience depersonalization disorder. Have you been living in a chronically stressful environment for a long time? You feel lonely and abandoned? Have you lived an intense emotional episode recently?

Yes I've been very stressed

>Seriously, get the fuck out of here with your new age hippie bullshit. Bipolar disorder can fuck up people's lives.

Psychology is the new age bullshit friendo, all of it is non falsifiable anf those half-tards would still prescribe benzodiazepines if they could. Psychology throws SSRIs or MAOIs at every illness which only mask the symptoms and only for as long as you are on them. On top of that they don't even know how their medicine works

> Severe manic episodes can lead to life-altering behaviors, things that can make people lose jobs, friends, even their lives.

Funny that also perfectly describes the side effects of the medication they prescribe. Unless you are going to some experimental treatment with dissociatives or psychedelics you are better off slamming your head in a door.

> you masterbait too much
> seem to be very depressed because of it and also agressive because of depression
> you are not ok with your general situation I guess

try to accomplish your main goal, stop masturbaiting, eat less sugar, sleep more and do some pushups every day man

moreover, the fact that you lie isnt that bad because you just want to protect yourself from bad feelings of which you seem to have plenty.

That will disappear as soon as you are happy with yourself again. Go little cocoon mode while socialinzing with new ppl

What kind of stress? Can you be more specific?

Well I was beaten a lot as a child so I'm very nervous in some situations. I have work stress because I'm in a high stakes company position right now

>Well I was beaten a lot as a child so I'm very nervous in some situations. I have work stress because I'm in a high stakes company position right now

Was this abuse coming from your family? How is your relationship with them? Anyway, I suggest you to find a psychologist (not a psychiatrist) and try to open up about these things in your past with him/her. You may have developed some issues regarding your trust on people and growing up you haven't had the chance to recognize and somehow win these fears. This is typical of people who grow up in a chronically stressful environment with lack of proper support and sustainance from the caregivers.

Remember that choosing to go to therapy is always a step of maturity. Never a sign of weakness. To be human is to be vulnerable.