Is it true that G*rmans didn't even practice agriculture in Roman times like how Caesar said in Bello Gallico...

Is it true that G*rmans didn't even practice agriculture in Roman times like how Caesar said in Bello Gallico? Why were they so primitive?

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All of Europe had been practicing agriculture since 4000 BC

They were mostly subsistence farmers.

Gauls practiced agriculture, the Germans however were mostly hunters and foragers in the forests. They had no need to farm since the forest provided what they needed.

> the Germans however were mostly hunters and foragers in the forests

Caesar said they practiced little agriculture, kind of like the east coast native Americans in the 16th century.
pic related is the sort of agriculture they practiced, small scale vegetable gardens.

most of their diet consisted of their livestock though, they where primarily nomadic pastoralists.

looks comfy as fuck

also remember that not all the Germanic people lived same way.

the Nordic iron age culture particularly the Danes where a little more advanced then their cousins further south.
their settlements where more permanent and they relied more on farming rather then livestock, this particular culture would later morph into the culture of the vikings.

yes very comfy desu.
imagine sitting round the fire roasting up a boar you and your comrades killed on a hunt that day, telling stories about your heroic forbears.

why do nativeamericans get so much shit for doing the same thing?

probably because they are "1/16 navajo" and identify more with the naavi from avatar while actual NAs are alcoholics in poverty stricken reservations

because these (((alt right))) idiots particularly Americans are delusional about their own history. they think they are the heirs of Rome but most white Americans are descended from snow niggers.

more likely it was about as miserable and boring as the average african village

because those people love to praise their "own" history while hating on everyone else


you sound like a typical, limp wristed city dwelling faggot.

nice samefag
Also you sound like the typical western bitch with the grass is always greener syndrome because life provided you no real problems.
You romanticize what you can't have

African villages are pretty comfy. It'd be about the same thing except no malaria.

Germans didn't exist during Roman times. Don't confuse Germanic tribes with Germans.

But who was jews?

thats in 600 ad tho

you sound like a typical merican.
struggle makes you strong while comfort and leisure makes you an alt right faggot.

nope 1st century bc user.


He said that of the Suebi. Who originated along the Baltic coast of northeastern Germany ad migrated to what is now northeastern France. While he was probably telling the truth about them, it doesn't necessarily mean every group of tribes lived the same way.


Then the struggle the blacks went through should make them stronger and more intelligent.

And yet they are the weak minded race, easy to fall for rap music. degeneracy. drugs and violence

You might be reffering to natural selection though. The weak dying off in harsh environment. That happend in Europe much more than in Africa hence the higher average intelligence

>Why were they so primitive?
They were separated from the cradles of civilization that spread through the rest of Eurasia. At least, until the Romans conquered chunks of Germania.

yeah and the absence of natural selection with the aid of modern medicine is why you get Americans.

They were not primitive. They knew how to forge metal something which many Africans did not figure out until late medieval ages or even never

>They were not primitive. They knew how to forge metal

Being completely serious here i fully believe that Africans have lower IQ because it took less intelligence for their ancestors to survive in a warm climate.

To survive harsh european winters one needed to be intelligent and not just a strong young male

Do you have an argument? They were far more advanced than Sub Saharan blacks at the time.

nice. I never said struggle wasn't good, I said your romanticizing an age that was objectively worse because you don't fit into society

You'd be miserable then just as you are miserable now.
But blame the jews or americans or something.

To emphasize how tough and different they were, just like how the Spartans were real macho men for making slaves do all the work for them.

>hey knew how to forge metal something which many Africans did not figure out until late medieval ages or even never

Subsaharian Africans forged iron by 500 bc

yeah they sure did.

i agree niggers clearly are on average less intelligent.

i'm a survivalist and i feel perfectly comfortable living out in the woods.

obviously very poor quality though user.
just look at the quality of their iron weapons from the 19th century.

sure thing
thats why your arguing with me on a Mexican taco recipe website

Never heard a single german claim that and I live here since 21 years