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First for islley needs to put his benis in Esmeraldas Bagina

d-delete this

If you sugg my benis

You don't need Isley, you have Sean after all :^)

Great start, niggers

what brand of rack is this

No sean is a fucking faggot


The funny thing is he actually is

He might like men more than you

Is this sean talking about himself again?

Lol, talk about lifting, bro. You're not even interesting anyways. Quit playin.

that made me feel like I was going to throw up as well


I am clearly the more attractive potential mate

I think sean is just so starved of social contact he'll settle for anybody. Whenever we talked to him he muted his mic to hide his blushing and giggling because of how flustered he was as a result of talking to an ACTUAL human being for the first time in years.

Not sure which brand that is in particular, but eleiko has similar ones.


Isley posted this saying it was an esmeralda rare
what exactly am i looking at? her shitting butthole?

Lol no. I was addressing Sean's self hated. Sad, really, to be that repressed.

He likes calling himself a fag more than he likes lifting, 4sho.

For fucks sake ISLEY

But so are you?

please describe what im looking at then i will delete it

Cruel. Why?

You'll never know

I didn't think eleiko because of the absence of markings saying eleiko, I was thinking maybe that danish(?) brand that makes IPF-approved racks and stuff. can't think of their name right now, but I'm sure as soon as I post this it'll come to me

Delete this now.

Does the guy you're dating know about the benis yet?

Trappy, you're cool in my book. Good helper.

You're a good role model for desjaun, as well.

ER equipment, yeah they're danish.

Eleiko bars and plates, ER racks.

Izlee how do you go for all these 2 and 3RM prs, help. I want sick Izleegains

because you 5x3 my max deadlift and it makes me feel angry


that's the one, thanks user

Describe what im looking at and I will


y-you too

I'm not dating anyone

I'm straight tho ;))))

Enjoy your ban lmao

Its my hand on/kinda in a place.

>You will never be a poor art high school art teacher who obsesses over a rich guy in his 20s over Veeky Forums

He also try's showing off his strength to 14 year olds because they're the only ones that think he's strong


Your hand over your vagina?

Looks like she's fingering her butthole

Yis. Now delete it pls

Look at it upside down

And you talk to me.

Loser, lol.

Get bent, weakling.


trappy, if I bench three days a week, then are front raises necessary?


I thought that this looked like stretch marks. I kinda see a lewd photo now tho...

I hope user and Isley both diew

I miss grappling but I don't miss the injuries lads. What do?

Isley needs to post HIS dick to make up for this

Gain 10kg of weight, do sheiko but go off program every other week to smesh dem PRs
You do my max squat for 4 easy reps.


Blurry tatt

that's not what we are talking about right now

Doesn't your last name start with fuc? As in fucboi

>go off program every other week to smesh dem PRs

Now this I can do.

It's too late now sorry won't let me delete
Makes sense


>you'll never know
What did he mean by this?

You got a tattoo on your vagina pubic area?



Best not post anything with images

Isley leaked too much

He must make up for it with equal punishment

Because I am trash, yes.

How is that trashy?

I just expected that reaction.

Did you dad kill himself or something because that's literally the only thing tragic enough I can think of that would actually thinking getting a tattoo there was a good and normal for thing to do

>powerlifting thread
>calling tattoos trashy
Something doesn't add up


i can't wait until the alcohol takes your life

This is muh IPF where everything is pure and untainted

Ah good. I can relax then.

I'll be getting more

post tattoo girls

I have never ever taken a photo of my penis and that won't be changing for the foreseeable future


I have one under my waistband, my right side. Iz preeety cool.

Don't you feel any guilt for posting that picture?

You should send one to esmerslda

Or we need to find out a way for you to pay for your sins

I was trying to show her why it's a bad idea to send those kind of pics. She didn't send it to me! But I ended up with it anyway.

You didn't have to save it
You didn't have to post it

It is YOUR responsibility. You can't go hiding your head in the sand your entire life.

I'm telling Sarah about the rares you gave me

I wonder which you see more tattoos in: lolfeds or memefeds?

lolfed attached.

I'm not an alcoholic so I think you'll be waiting a long time my friend

>I was trying to show her why it's a bad idea to send those kind of pics
words explaining possible actions could have done that fair job of that Tbh lol

Now I'm watching boondock saints (first one)

Pizza on its way too
Comfyville thy name is George

good movie

it's not Hawaiian pizza by chance, is it?

Honour your bets
Honour your punishment


What is it?

15" deep pan hawaiian with extra chicken

From the cheapo Paki shop too

Jesus there's a ton of poverty down south.
Maybe it's just more visible

Black Flag logo with "Rise Above".

Wew lads should be fun today

Hopefully they bomb your pizza

You should have that with tandoori chicken and jalapeño

Should have given that picture to Bodorio for his own use.....

I'm sorry

My dinner is
Cheese pizza from co op £1
2 pints of milk
1400 cals 64g protein for £1.70

Poverty gains


Talvisota youtube.com/watch?v=_M8_hS0gqU8

Kekkonen tulle! youtube.com/watch?v=gDaNiI05tZ8

1944 (Estonian) youtube.com/watch?v=LLy422c-fD4

9th Company (9 Poтa) Full movie here with English dubbed voices. youtube.com/watch?v=uKOkjbQAsZA

Other thread deleted before I could post these.

>you eat pizza and watch movies on the weekend while Chad goes to the beach to get liquored up on Bud Light Lime, play flag football, and fuck sl00ts

Good. I wouldn't have done that to you

I'm going to the beach also ay


My mothafuckin niggga

That pizza is too small for a big guy like you.

Did you go see Tom Martinez lift today?