This is potentially the greatest diet food in existence

This is potentially the greatest diet food in existence.

1.5 pounds of food. 480 calories. 90 grams casein protein. 30 carbs.

Post your physique : ) lets see how that 'diet food' is working

Mix it with peanut butter and a scoop of your favourite whey. Thank me later.

That's not quark though.

I love it but isn't there a lot of sodium

Yeah but then you have to eat a pound and a half of cottage cheese

i mixed peanut butter with quark once
almost had to throw up
must be an american thing

Sounds disgusting desu, probably a canadian thing.

Yes, quark is superior in every way including taste and texture.

My physique is not impressive, but keep in mind that I used to be 240 pounds (I am 154 right now)

I only eat cottage cheese on my "carb days" but it is probably the best food you can eat on those days.

What part of the south bruh

Put some pineapple in it for the occasional treat

I have no clue why people worry about sodium. Just drink more water.

do you even lift weights...

Only for the past six weeks have I lifted. Any gains you see on my body, though small would fit in with that time frame. Probably 1.5 pounds of extra muscle.

You're one those faggots. Go kys

Come on guy. Hes lost a ton of weight don't be such an asshole

Good going OP. I personally don't find that shit to be good diet food as it's fairly low in the fiber department.

If it works for you though good going. I have to eat big portions of vegetables with meals to feel full.

>another Veeky Forums poster insulting someone for how they look, lol dyel manlet

you guys are such assholes here. typical gymbros

Oh I wouldn't worry about kids like that. They probably watch shitty you tube videos of guys on roids and expect everyone to look like some genetic freak.

I have a better physique than 90% of people my age (I am 30) and I can put on probably 20-40 more pounds of lean muscle mass if I really care to. But without steroids it will take 1-3 years. These are just facts that kids don't understand about the human body.

Plain cottage cheese > Plain quark. Quark mixed with honey is fucking amazing though.


The high sodium is my only problem with cottage cheese. I love the stuff, but I limit the amount I eat b/c of the sodium.

>occasional treat, pineapple
For her

Keeping my paychecks a commin

are you a snail? no? then fuck off, your heart needs sodium

will try, thanks bro

I've never had quark, how does it compare to Kefir?

>how do diamonds compare to shit?

Wouldn't have thought quark was shit but I'll take your word for it

I don't even know what you mean
if you look up the macros you can see that from nutritional / fitness standpoint quark has it all and kefir is useless

Makes two of us. I asked how Quark compares to Kefir and you started acting like a 12 year old autist.

According to google they're the same thing.

You can definitely have too little sodium in your diet, latest shit I've heard is you really can't have too much.


halo top is about 1/3 cottage cheese, 1/3 skim milk.

>he thinks he could possibly gain 40 lbs of muscle in 1 year, natty no less

Is this pasta?