Some guys have gigantic calfs, some guys have giants pecs and some guys have giant forearms...

Some guys have gigantic calfs, some guys have giants pecs and some guys have giant forearms. I want to have one muscle that is bigger than others. What would be a good muscle to focus on?


get a big joocy butt, chicks love that
while you're at it, bleach that butthole, sugar-plum
get the whole package
for the ladies.


Your heart.


ass, back, or biceps are the most aesthetic to grills

Dick muscle

>no chest
shit list

lmao womyn don't care as much about chest as you'd think

True, its arms/wide shoulders and a thick back & ass.

not true bro, I say a youtoob vid with aussie chicks and they mostly said chhest, shoulders, back and some said ass or arms

>women know what they want

It's almost like women have different preferences and opinions and they're not all perfectly homogenous.

Calfs would be easiest to grow but do arms

upper body: wide lats and shoulders
lower body: glutes with moderate quads

Key word being almost, of course.

Upper back. Lats and traps, they're often worked together anyway.

Literally every muscle group in the body


forearms mang, as long as they don't look Popeye-level disproportionate

haven't seen too many guys with joocy forearms unless they work manual labor, so it gives you kind of a rugged, hard-working look imo

That's called cardiomyopathy and it's a very serious medical condition, user.