Fat nerd

>fat nerd
>want to help my self confidence so I get a gym membership
>every day for 4 weeks cunts keep giving me a look like im not meant to be there
>society hates me when im fat and it also hates me when i try to stop being fat

How am I meant to get through this

>Caring what anybody thinks of you.

Not gonna make it.

Get in shape for you, ignore anyone trying to stop you.

What do we say the Cunts?

Not today.

you know what do user

shoot up the fucking gym

Maybe you should find a better gym. I signed up to a power lifting gym a few weeks ago and I was worried that I'd feel silly as a lanky skinny-fat beginner. When I started, I felt out-of-place for about a minute, and then realised no-one gave a shit. In fact, a lot of the more seasoned lifters were really friendly and supportive. Just look around for a smaller, less-commercial gym, head in and ask for a tour.

Try r9k

Quote from Zyzz...
>If you care about what other people think of you, you'll never get anywhere in life bro

Zyzz got to an early grave desu

STFU and continue eventualy lthose looks will stop, theyll realize you have a will of pure iron, and theyll gain respect for your perseverance. Stick with t brother, glory awaits

>cunts keep giving me a look like im not meant to be there
That's like being perfectly healthy and walking into a hosptial giving patients looks like there not meant to be there.
Walk right up to them and ask them "what the fuck are you looking at?" if they are staring there balls will shrivel up real quick.
Trust me, I'm a gym bully and true bullies only go after asian dyel.

people look at you like you don't belong already keep doing it pussy


Anyone else get really mad when they see shit like OP's post? Like they blame other people because their fat flabby ass won't go to the gym?

You arent afraid of shit, OP. You just want an excuse not to go.

Yeah but he still doesn't give a fuck what you think.

He's right to an extent. In general, people who are overly concerned with how others view them are focussing on the wrong things.

Being well liked is irrelevant if youre good at what you do, or are trying to get good at what you do.

That doesn't mean "be an asshole", it means "don't be overly concerned with others opinions". Most people are small minded and stupid, why would you want to live your life by the 'standards' they set. Regardless, there will always be someone who doesn't like you or what you're doing.

>used to be fat
>started out on SS and treadmill
>there was this one faggot who sometimes pointed at me and laughed with his m8's
>shrug it off, came here for me and me alone
>3 years later
>outlift him on all his lifts
>bigger then him
>leaner then him (mostly cause he gained weight, I'm not entirely lean yet)
>he avoids eyecontact

Yeah well he's dead

Look where it got him

things that never happened

The same guy went to the gym for 3 years? ok back to r9k

just plug your ear phones in, accept where you are at now atm feel pride in that your doing something about it and feel good about what your doing and if you were to let fear get in the way let the fear be you not getting what you want because some cocks who have nothing better to do than look at other people to try and feel good about themselves doing jack shite and when they are really insecure. I just go in and so focused on getting my workout in im in the zone no interest in whats going on around me

3 options:
1. Stop giving a fuck
2. Stop going to the gym, start dieting and do cardio until you look like a normal person
3. Homegym

literally no one is looking at you like you shouldn't be there. your brain is working against you or you're just subconsciously making more excuses.

Good news; The problem isnt that you're fat
Bad news: the problem is that you're an idiot.

- you dont get confidence from not being fat.
- you dont necessarily get to be non-fat through a membership.
- Confidence is about doing what you want to do without paying attention to other people.
- What others 'think': is often more postive / neutral than you imagine, doesnt matter, is non existent / your own imagination.

- if you want to be fit / more healthy, focus on living healthy. Make sure you dont have shitty food in your house, just walk a lot etc.
- just make small gains. dont beat yourself up over your current state, beat yourself up over not doing anythign positive today.

We are all dying senpai.

Mane you don't need a gym membership if you tryna lose weight all you need is shoes go outside and run


>tfw couldn't ohp 65 lbs

should I kys because too weak

i started with that now i'm doing 65 kg 3x3

you can literally double your max within half a year my dude

Like for 3x5 or 1RM?
Either way just keep fighting

i see the some people since 6y at my gym. none of them has made any serious progress kek

i started with the bar only, 1,5pl8 for reps now.

Stop being a bitch and keep trying

>>society hates me when im fat and it also hates me when i try to stop being fat
You don't stop being fat by lifting weights, you stop being fat by eating less shit. The exercise that will help you the most is cardio, even walking at brisk pace while you're still a hamgalaxy. That said, there's nothing wrong with lifting weights while eating right and doing cardio.

>How am I meant to get through this
Ignore it, you're not there for their approval, you're there to improve your quality of life. A lot of fit people will look down on you if you're fat, but it works the other way around as well - fat people will give you shit for being fit.

>he spends all his free time in gym
>he eats rabbit food

Fuck them. This applies.

Not giving a shit about what other people think about you doesn't mean that you need to do drugs etc.

There are athletes who've lived their whole lives eating healthy and exercising but die by the age of 30 of aneurysms and other such things and then there are people who smoke pack a day, drink a 6 pack a day, don't exercise and live til their 80s. It doesn't mean that smoking, drinking and sitting on your fat ass will somehow make your life longer and better.

>still respecting Zyzz after he posted his tiny penis on Veeky Forums

>every day for 4 weeks cunts keep giving me a look like im not meant to be there

It's becuase you are the new guy, its a new face for everyone. Wait till you get 2-3 months in and you are in the club.

you'll become a regular eventually

just make sure you actually progress

if you're that guy who's been there for a year and still looks like a skinny nerd, no one will ever respect you

how is this even a real problem?
stop bitchin and suck dick

ok user this is the way it goes

>new fatty comes in
>regulars assume he is a typical fatty who gives up after a week so they look at him with disgust
>fatty comes again next week
>well guess this fatty might actually go for a full month
>fatty continues going to the gym
>oh it's that guy again, he really seems to take this serious
>fatty makes progress and keeps going to the gym
>damn I respect this guy, must be hard for him but he really has strong willpower I hope he makes it
>fatty has lost a lot of weight, his PRs increase
>one of us, one of us

>not realizing that you gotta push yourself

Discipline is belief given purpose.

You gotta believe that the only thing that matters is you getting better and that what must be endured can be endured.

The cost of strength and self-respect is your own ego.

Everyone pays.

no fucks given.

get in. workout. get out. repeat.

if you mean to live by everyone's expectations you'll achieve fucking zero.

wanna stop being a fatass? keep working out and fix your shit diet.

people look at you like you don't belong there? prove them wrong.

clearly u dont kno what u want, u wouldnt care otherwise

I am probably not like the other guys who hate fats but my disrespect towards you goes down in proportion to time. To how much I see you. A few days and I might be smirking, because people usually drop out in a few days. When you approach two weeks, I might smirk a bit less and then slowly stop paying attention to you. If you move into the months I may say hi and stop being condescending to you. If you are still there after half a year I might treat you like an actual person.

But most of the time I dont actually laugh at you, but rather despair that you will probably quit and that the few like me are rare and very few in between.

Every time my eyes gaze upon the starters and the ones who lack willpower, I only see the dark abyss of death. Of knowing that while I may grow old, and healthy, you will not be there since you will greet death sooner than me.

>How am I meant to get through this

By going to the gym for the next year, busting your ass, and gaining aesthetics.

I remember a dude who laughed at me when I struggled with 35 lb pl8 dead lifts.

Now I deadlift LMAO 4 pl8 for reps

Wish I could see his Clinton voting ass again.

WTF did I just read.
It's like your entire existence is defined by lifting.
There is no reason whatsoever to show disrespect to people that happen to go to the same gym as you. The few people who have shown disrespect to me in my gym also happen to be disgusting jerks.

If I leg press 4 pl8 without much effort, how much weight can I expect to squat and deadlift? Never did those with non-trivial weight.

Not just gym user, I do other sports as well. The willpower thing is directly tied to time spent doing the thing. No matter what kind of sport you do.

Not my fault that you are a weak cuck that doesnt know this.

Not much lol

fuck off fat ass

It's okay bro, I can't finish 70 3x5. It's my weakest lift by far.

what you need to realize is that no one really gives a shit about you and that's a good thing. everyone is in his own bubble worrying about his own shit. took me 32 years to realize

> No one really gives a shit about you if you are a guy
Fixed it, user.
I look at girls in gym, and judge them, all the time.