What is an empire ?

what is an empire ?

The country with the leading military, biggest fleet, leading currency, dominant culture and lingua franca. There can only be one at a time within their area of power projection.

nation that grows larger and more powerful by absorbing everything around it
usually ruled by an emperor

I don't think that's the definition
The greeks had that inside the roman empire without being an empire themselves

Something about multiple cultures existing within it, I think.

what's the difference between a nation and an empire then ?

>Something about multiple cultures existing within it, I think.
so is canada an empire for having french, english and native american culture?

different powerlevel

the united states is a powerful nation, yet it's not an empire

Yes. Fear the Leaf Warriors

the Greeks had all that within the Roman Empire? Biggest military and lingua franca? user ite domum!

it doesn't absorb other nations
it doesn't have an emperor or anything similar to one


vice versa, not a nation because it hosts several peoples. Yet an empire as described in the first post.

the eastern roman empire was speaking greek, not roman. including their emperors

well if you solely speak about Eastern Rome that might be true. I was referring to a united Roman Empire. Can only be one at a time.

so an empire is a nation absorbing other nations ? but arent nations created by absorbing other nations in the first place ?

I'm pretty sure USA is a nation and not an empire, is it ?

You need 1000 development :^)

>using a plural imperative when clearly referring to a singular user

Not at all
>A people, or aggregation of men, existing in the form of an organized jural society, usually inhabiting a distinct portion of the earth, ngspeaking the same language, using the same customs, possessing historic continuity, and distiuished from other like groups by their racial origin and characteristics, and generally, but not necessarily, living under the same government and sovereignty.
This certainly does not apply to the US

NOT a nation
see not the same language, not the same customs, not distinguished by racial origin or characteristics

A nation is a concept of belonging shared by people from a given community, which can be an independent country (the French nation), a community inside a country (Spain, for example, is a country of different nations: basque, catalan, galician...) or even a city (Rome, Venice...)
An empire is a much broader concept, with no clear meaning which changed over the centuries, but with one thing in common: an empire is never a nation, but a collection of nations united under a single monarch (the emperor)

A state that rules over at least three nations with a centralized government, often with expansionist ideologies driving it or some sort of notion of a 'divine right' holding the various nations together.

The United States is probably the best modern example.

>an empire requires at least three nations
Do you happen to play Ck2, by any chance?

An empire is generally a state with a centralized core group extending rule over various peripherical entities via unequal power relations such as specific administrations of specific peripheries, threats of violence, collaboration of locals in said peripheries.

The important bit is the empire is also unified by universalist ideologies and symbols instead of shit like National identity. Things like a possessing claims of rulership universalist religion (Christianity, Islam), Claims towards being the ultimate civilization, or the ability to protect said subjects like claims of imperium.

The USA is neither a nation-state nor an empire. It is literally a federal republic comprised of tinier republics.

You could say it is a hegemon however.

Oh I should add: said peripheries belong to a different ethnic/cultural/religious group than the Imperial Core.

>an empire is never a nation, but a collection of nations united under a single monarch (the emperor)
then why germany and japan used to call themselves empire when they clearly are nations by your definition ?

Wilhelm II. called the German tribes to war in 1914. Also other peoples than just Germans lived and live in Germany (Frisians/Sorbs until today). Then the name was Reich which does not fully translate to Empire. Realm is better.

Literally every smelly kangdom that managed to absorb its neigbors called itself an empire at some point.
But that's only because we have agreed to call them such.
Empire comes from the OG Empire - Rome - in which it simply didn't mean what people like to think it means.
Imperium means authority. Period.

>The USA is neither a nation-state nor an empire. It is literally a federal republic comprised of tinier republics.
France is a republic and yet a nation
German is a federal state, and yet a nation
America is definitely a nation-state. America is not like the other nation-states of Europe, Japan, Mongolia, etc, where there is a more historical common culture and ethnicity. The common culture and ethnicity that defines America is diversity/hybridization. The immigrant culture is America. “Manifest Destiny” create the American border. Manifest Destiny is still part of the American will in opening and expanding new frontiers. The America nation-state is not based on ethnicity, unique culture but on ideology.

King of Kings

What constitutes a duke and a king is hard to put in words, but everyone knows one when they see one.

great britain has scotland and wales in it and yet they dont call themselves the english empire.
Yet their colonies used to be called the ''british empire'
explain that

Didn't you sorta answer your own question? The entity naming the Empire is Great Britain not England. They named themselves after the island these 3 peoples live on.

>They named themselves after the island these 3 peoples live on.
in english please ?

>France, Germany
Are nation states because they were founded on a specific ethno-linguistic cultural identity: French & German

The USA isn't. Its a clusterfuck of ethnicities and cultures. As such it can't qualify as a nation since nationality has a strong ethnic component. The word itself came from "Natio," related to being born to a specific kind of people/tribe/race.

There is an island called Britain. English, Scotsmen and Welsh people live there. They formed a kingdom and called it Great Britain. After the island.

>They named themselves after the island these 3 peoples live on.
who is they ?
britain= the united kingdom=the union of 3kingdoms, doesnt that fit your definition of empire, or please clarify that

Because both japan and Germany were composed of different nations at the time of their unification. But, over time, those empires developed a national identity of its own, which eclipsed the regional differences. For example, most people in Spain identifies as galician, andalusian, basque... but also as Spanish, as the Spanish nationality "ate" the regional ones.

Because Scotland and Ireland are backwaters mostly

so did France, yet France never called itself an empire inside its boarders

You may confuse me with a different user. my definition is the one in the first post. I only answered the ting with Germany.
>who is they?
the folks who started calling their empire British Empire.
Britain is an island. Or short for great Britain. the 3 peoples under a common ruler came from someone else. I don't think that's the definition. See 1st post for mine.

Japan's case is different. For much of history Japan was simply the State of Japan. It was ruled by the Tenno, who's name translates to "Heavenly Ruler."

Tenno became "Emperor" largely because the Chinese and the other asians merely called the Tenno "Wang" (King, or Monarch). However the Japs believed that this wasnt fit for their Tenno, and so conceptually viewed him as similar to the Chinese Emperor (Huangdi), who was above the "Wang."

Come westernization, they simply translated such concepts into western terms/languages. However silly it sounded. For example: the Chinese really had no special word for Empire (that is, Empire besides theirs) so they simply called other states (also including their own) as "Guo." The Japanese followed likewise, Guo being "Koku" in Japanese.

Come westernization, the Japs came up with this extremely retarded word (from the perspective of written Chinese characters) for Empire = "Teikoku" (Emperor State XDDDD)

The last surviving empire was the Soviet Union, platformed on centuries of Russian empire. China might be considered such, if you stretch the definition, and their recent territorial bullying helps that stretch. The USA is a large nation state rich in resources, but very much slave to the globalist impulse, which would preclude traditional empire.

empire is a term used for kingdoms with numerous territorial holdings outside of their traditional lands
most empires have a strong dynastic beginning and a strong rate of expansion through conquest. look at the mongol empire for example: Genghis Khan became Khan of khans after inheriting leadership of a clan which was at the head of Khamag Mongol and conquering all of the other mongol khanates (pic related)
empires require a monarchical state. you can't transition from republic to empire without losing the government structure.

>you can't transition from republic to empire without losing the government structure
Romans literally didn't know they were living in one

Originally, the term empire was only used to the states which could claim to be the true Roman Empire; the ERE and the HRE, via the authority of the Pope and the concept of Translatio Imperii; Muscovy used the same concept to crown itself as the Third Rome, and so did the Ottomans after conquering Constantinople. As time passed, the term became associated with power and prestige, so any state with enough power called themselves an empire, diluting its meaning. During the XIX century, every major state in Europe was an empire.

PRC centralization is Empire-tier. It is even more centralized than what the Emperors had.

In addition they still have most of the lands their last Imperial dynasty left them with.

>ywn be "above the wang"

Why even live?

United States is an empire, the states are mostly homogenized but they are still states, some with distinct cultures.


ein volk, ein reich, ein Drumpf!

Do you consider America an empire?


Shouldn't that be hegemon?

Sounds shite and serves the same purpose. Also you have a clear transition from the British Empire to the US Empire. I wouldn't call the Brits a hegemon either.

The Act of Union merged three nations into 1. Rather than there now being 3 distinct nations as part of an empire, there was merely 1 nation.

Also, the term 'Empire' typically has conotations of one group of people (or 1 nation if you like) ruling over others who have little to no say in the matter. This is another reason why The United Kingdom itself wasn't an empire, but with all the colonies included it was consdered such.