After reading that milk tolerance is a mutation (mammal stop drinking milk after infancy...

after reading that milk tolerance is a mutation (mammal stop drinking milk after infancy, after that they generate lactose intolerance). Meat consumption (beef, pork, chicken) has been connected to cardiac problems, overweight, cancer and diabetes.

what's the point of eating milk products and meat? height? what's the point of being tall? more strength for selfdefense? AFAIK, in modern combat being tall isn't anymore a requirement to be a good soldier.

there's no link between animal products (meat and dairy) and height

Green eyes are the result of a mutation. Teeth are the result of a mutation. Humans are the result of a mutation.

Pick a better argument for rejecting milk you vegan pussy.

I read that vegan shill shitpost troll threads were linked to bans. Wonder why people still make them.

Also, link is not even CLOSE to causation. Example: more deaths occur during the day than at night. OH SHIT THE SUN IS KILLING it is not. People are more active during the day. So stop spreading misinformation.

I'm lactose intolerant ): don't remind me

Living has been connected to death, user. You should stop living. It's deadly.

you are ok user, you are not a mutant scum like the majority of the world.

Your body is reacting as should be.

lol rude, I am not vegan though. I am really interested in a answer. Whats the point of high protein (dairy products and meat) diet? Most people said is to be taller and get more muscular mass.

what's the point if we are not made for consumption of milk after infancy? What's the real importance of height? why people look for that so hard?

Is this a stealth manlet thread?

when will they ever learn?

Although there are plausible mechanisms that explain why there's a link. It's not just random correlation.

Humans weren't "Meant" to do anything. There was a mutation which allowed people to continue drinking milk, and it was hugely beneficial for survival, so it became widespread. That is the basics of survival of the fittest.

I honestly don't believe in a high protein diet, and I think that most people overdo it, especially on this board. But proportionate amounts of dairy and protein are important for the human body to just survive. Living a healthy life without animal products is REALLY fucking hard to do, and most people who try to damage their bodies.

I agree. And from what I can tell, eating excessive amounts of meat/animal products without any fiber actually does harm your body. But eating a moderate amount of meat is extremely important for general health.

Beneficial enough that it seems to have cropped up and survived in multiple separate populations.

don't come crying to us when no girl wants to fuck a 5'10 kid looking midget. if u don't like milk, don't drink it, but don't pretend k.

>whats the point of being tall?

Nice try, manlet

well said, I have always thought that the people here seem to overdo it with the protein.

what? is Veeky Forums so fucking insecure that when someone wants to talk about height they show the manlet card?

true, but that put another question. If you use this diet in cultures that didn't use dairy (or very low quantities), you will be changing the way they adapted to their environment. So let's say, most health organization (mostly from europe or murricah) say that consume of meat and dairy products are necesessary for a healthy diet.

but what about China, India, Japan, Philipines, Soutamerica or any other country/continent where dairy products and meat wasn't use it.

>lol manlets
that's my point, the only reason to bring this "western"diet to this countries is for something related to height?

>there is malnutrition in country X
most of the time malnutrition is a political problem, especially in corrupt countries where they don't care about the population

>>lol manlets
>that's my point, the only reason to bring this "western"diet to this countries is for something related to height?

chirst man learn better English.

anyway no it's not just height but overall short height amonst a large male population could indicate malnutrition, this is happening in North Korea.

>Western Countries: we want to end malnutrition
>you: oh this must only be about height


This sounds borderline nazist, but I would say that western country's tolerance to milk is a genetic advantage, and people without the advantage benefit from artificially simulating it. Like how some people are immune to certain diseases, but everyone else tries to simulate the immunity with vaccines and shit.

The importance of height is that it makes you look more imposing (powerful), which women on a primal level look for in potential mates. Shorter men look weaker in their eyes

>after reading that milk tolerance is a mutation (mammal stop drinking milk after infancy, after that they generate lactose intolerance).
Kek brosience
Cant cite it now but there was an article and study linking lactose intollerance with a certain key bacteria present in the digestive tract. Infact a large majority of beneficial bacteria is aquired by infants at birth.
The study saw samples taken from two specific groups. Those born naturally and those born thru c-sections. The ones born naturally had many of the natural good gut bacteria including the kinds that help break down lactose. The babies who were c-sectioned did not, and had a much higher level of issues such as lactose intollerance.
Theories suggest that natural birth is how many babies aquire their beneficial bacteria from their mothers. Many of the bacteria we have in our digestive tract is present in or near the vagina. The baby injests a little unintentionally and the beneficial bacteria is with him for life