What pushes you to lift heavy weights when you dont want to lift them?

What pushes you to lift heavy weights when you dont want to lift them?

ronnie coleman is the voice in my head

"hey guy one more rep, thethe aren't even heaby ass whayth"

I may feel bad if I lift, but I'd feel worse if I didn't.

>not wanting to lift heavy weights
U a gayboy breh?

Breaking PRs is the most satisfying shit

my goal of turning myself into a monster
because i can no longer bear the pain of being a man

depe and edgie

my arms

well it ain't gonna lift itself

I see my dream emo gf who is gorgeous and hates everyone except me

she tells me to keep going and then i do

i miss her guys

>What is dopamine
>What are habits
Excuses are nice, but their conscious minds don't really have that much of a say in what people do.

So that one day I can make it
For what or who idk yet
All I know is that fait got some great plans for me

Anger, despair and loneliness.

You don't understand OP, I just have to do it.

so I don't look like a dyel anymore, gained 21 pounds so far, my shirts are all showing my physique

Black lives matter, feminism, sjws in general.

I fucking hate them, and I want to be, and raise my kids to be the opposite to what those retards stand for.

I feel you user.


Plus I fucking love lifting heavy weights, cause I've gotten somewhat decent at it and that means I'm stronger than 80% of the people in my gym (commercial).

I like all 3 of your guys answers

>when you dont want to lift them?

I do want to lift them

I want to lift them

I do.

And as ridiculous as he is, I find the sort of shit CT spouts to be motivating as shit when I'm on the last couple reps and not sure I'm gonna make it.



>be me
>be cashier at Target
>7/10 milf and her little 5-6 yr old son come to me, load up their groceries
>son looks at me and smiles
>"wow, I want to be strong like you when I grow up!"
>I smile and tell him you can, as long as you treat your body right
>I let him help me lift the bags into his cart
>as they leave, mom says his father left them so he doesn't have any male role model in his life

I lift for the kid.

did you get her number you faggot?

holy shit user you better have her number or you gay and/or autismo

(don't wory i wouldnt have asked either. i'm shitposting on this bulgarian cheese enthusiasts board for a reason)

Nah, it didn't feel appropriate. I'm assuming she will show up here again, so if I see hear then I'll talk to her.

Forced myself out of resentment until I started liking it. I always feel better after I am done lifting.

I teach 8th grade English to a bunch of inner-city black kids.

I'm 6'1" 200lbs with sleeves. I'm probably the first white person any of them have had any meaningful interaction with.

I coach track and wrestling and all my students look up to me to be strong and fast. I really feel like a father and/or older brother to a lot of my students.