Waltonians, be afraid, be very afraid


Start at 12:40 -16:00

Link is coming to you, and you will be made obsolete except for a very small niche.

>but but, muh RFID chips

this girl is Asian

>LINK is supposed to replace a bunch of things
>Its falling
>Whales keep trying to push it down
Why the fuck is this thing so undervalued?

how can you tell, don't assume that

because its only the second week....

because your premise that it replaces a bunch of things is way fucking off, so your conclusion that it is undervalued is way fucking off too.

fucking off yourself.


WTC already has business working with them and shit coming out, you fucking retard. LINK has potential but WTC is king in logistics

oh noooooo just panic sold at 5x profit thanks so much!!!!!

That makes sense.

t. salty nolinker

Did you listen why they are approaching banks/financial services first? Because there are very little parties involved in transactions and enforcing of smart contracts. The more parties there are the more difficult it will become because ALL parties need to use the same systems. Waltonites, are running with their head against a wall.

For those who are slow like the OP:
An RFID identifies an object.
An oracle relates that ID and other information to the chain.
If the RFID is cloneable, which current RFIDs are, then having truthful oracles is fucking useless.
That is why Walton is making proprietary chips and readers.

Holy fuck this is literally the perfect Asian girl.

Why the fuck would companies want to invest in millions of useless Proprietary rfid chips, while they can just use their OLD solution + chainlink for the same fucking efficiency gained, you retarded fanboy

God, I love asian women.

They go together with buisness like pb&j

Because old RFID are hackable, meaning having good oracles is useless as you aren't sure the object is what it is saying it is. This isn't complicated. The truthful oracle will truthfully say what an object tells the oracle. If the object can lie, what is the point? That is the point of Walton

It's almost as if they want to collect as much of it as they can because they know it's going to go up in price a considerable amount hmmmmmmmmm

plus Walton is already being used in testnets and saving companies like 5-6% on production and logistics costs with many more companies lined up to try the system. It's already saving companies money TODAY, and most of the western world is unaware of it.

Let me tell you something kiddo. The guy who made the omd RFID chips also didn’t intend for it to be hackable. What happens if this propietary RFID patent chip gets hacked , what happens to Walton? How the fuck do you know this chip is not as hackable as the old one, based on the claim on some unknown chinese developing team? As for the costs saved , integrating OLD data feeds with LINK’s working product, also achieves the same better increased efficiency, if not even more.

>thread full of yellow fever faggots

You should care only about slavic women, everything else is thrash

No one wants your bags Sergei

If public/private keys become obsolete, then we have a lot more to worry about than Walton.

You don't belong on Veeky Forums.

yeah well right now LINK is two chimps on a davenport in a basement