Do any of you actually have the balls to go up to a girl and say hey I think you're cute and was wondering if you...

Do any of you actually have the balls to go up to a girl and say hey I think you're cute and was wondering if you wanted to grab coffee?

i say it to my wife every day


nah ill probably sperg out.

not even zyzz was that brave. I read a quote from him saying something like he'd spill his spaghetti so he just stands there looking good and waiting for the girls to aproach him


it's probably why i'm still a virgin

Yes, but I'm gay, so we'd just gossip about men over the coffee.

Definitely not

It's why I'm trying to get big... so girls will ask me out

One day brahs one day

if theres anything ive learned its to see if theres an interest in you before approaching any girl. this has significantly improved my odds.

but to answer your question i have never done this out in the street to a girl I've never met

What movie did you get that line from friendo?
Here's a tip, no sarcasm included; If you want to be successful at any 'thing', find someone who is good at that 'thing' and ask what got them there. Example, you wanna get gud at lifting heavy ass shit, you ask some swole mofo how he got so good at lifting heavy ass shit right? Same for the ladies.

Don't get advice from books, bullshit ass movies, videogames, ect. This chick I'm hitting just had me sit through 'Meet Joe Black' and I swear to god Hollywood has been on a mission to make cucks out of the 80% of boys who don't look Chadley enough to get away with being a fucking creeper.
*cough* Got distracted by how much I hate that shit *cough*

Ask a sexually successful friend who is fucking the kind of girl you would like to put your dick in how he made it. Leave "do you wanna grab coffee" to Chad, cause that line can essentially be translated as "are my looks good enough to get you to walk down the street alone with me".

My advice is to use the "ladder method" but nobody ever wants to hear that shit.

My lines are much worse, but sure.

The trick is to start dropping autistic compliments to random women even if you don't mean them, until you get comfortable.

Like tell the fat chick at the store you like her hair or something as you leave...

>was wondering if you wanted to grab coffee

hi cuck

I did it one time
>"no I don't know you"

you're a fucking retard

This is actually good, it helps you practice talking to women. However I am gonna say that you should open with the autistic compliments. You are halving you exp saying it at the end bro. Say it in the beginning, let it be awkward as fuck, go home and ruminate, hate yourself, think about how to word the shit better. Next time instead of, "Hey, your hair looks nice today." you might say "Wow your hair looks great, what made you go with that style?"

Getting them to spill their 'ghetti is lvl 2 friendo.

>go out with bros on Saturday
>bars full of grills
>begin opening grills, nervous at first but getting over it.
>openings are good, coming off congruent, good tonality, good body language, see interest from girls.
>then I freeze
>can't keep or make an interesting conversation
>either what I say makes me come off as needy or I literally stand in silence as she looks away and I get cut-off from their group.
>my boys both pulled that night while I went home alone.

I don't care that much for failure, my approach anxiety subsided quite a bit, I don't have much trouble starting things off, but my situation that I need to deal with is keeping the interaction going. I can't keep her locked in cause I can't get myself to talk or make the interaction better. Any tips, bros?

>Wow your hair looks great, what made you go with that style?

Help me, Chad.

That's usually not a very good cold approach.

just drink more

Bitches aint shit. I've got the balls to do it but I have grave doubts about the response.

>sexually successful friend

I don't have those friend

I don't drink. I truly think it's degenerate and gives you an external sense of confidence, while I want to learn to be a natural and be able to be socially savvy without any help.
Help me.

Cold appraoch will NEVER work on 90% of girls. They just find it creepy



Never done it to a complete unknown. But I've asked a few grills who I'd talked to a couple times before. Never worked out.

That's literally how I got my current gf, and the one before that in fact. I'm not even really that good looking, but the trick is to say it "cool"...i.e. give off the vibe that you couldn't give a fuck what their answer is

Help me.

Yes, and I consider myself a beta in social circumstances
That makes you by default a gamma at best, step it up

Girls dont approach you guys?

What, and get charged with attempted rape when she exaggerates to the police?

No fucking than you.

>Me and you, coffee at 8, pick me up

Not any of those people but you seem desperate

You're not gonna sit there with the girl in a club and talk about the intricacies of life. Your conversation should be a couple minutes long, you both make sure that you're not complete freaks of nature and then you go dance or go outside, slowly get more physical etc. But at the end it depends on the exact situation.

But seriously consider drinking a bit. 2 shots does wonders for your confidence

Oh please do you think anyone here would know what to do with that?

I've personally had girls literally throw themselves at me and I sperged out and didn't know what the fuck to do it was awkward

Just comment their clothes. They probably spent hours shopping for it and will tell you every detail.

Yeah, but not the ones I want...

Yeah, I certainly come off as desperate when I run out of things to say. I wouldn't have that as a rule btw, trying to keep the conversation to about 2 mins, my boys who are just incredibly good at talking to girls can keep the interaction going for a long time. They did have a good time gap between the first interaction with them and then the interaction in which they took the girls home, but yeah. Drinking is out of the question. I need to learn to do this sober and with a clear mind. I want this to be coming from me.

My question pertains more on how do you get that mentality where you keep a conversation interesting and engaging, escalating and showing intent goes easy from there.

Guys, if you're not getting stares from women as soon as you step outside your front door, you're not attractive.

Contrary to popular belief, women are NOT modest and reserved. When a woman sees a guy she really likes, she WILL show it. If women are not staring & smiling at you, it's not because they are too shy or modest-- it's because they don't find you attractive!

What women don't do is just as revealing as what they do. If you're not constantly getting hit on by women, it means that you don't make the cut in the looks department. But most guys refuse to acknowledge this. They find this truth too painful to accept. They prefer to wallow in denial, thinking it's their "game" or "confidence" that needs to be stepped up. It makes them feel better to believe that what's preventing them from getting laid is something they can control. In reality, they're just not physically attractive enough for women to notice them.

Since bros are giving out free advice...

How do I do this with a girl that's sort of in my friend's network. She's shown some interest, but seems to hold back mostly I think because she's shy (which she technically told me she is).

Every time I message her I start of with something platonic and never have the balls to ask her for coffee alone. I've had coffee with her and her friend before and it was great, I could entertain them both well enough, I don't know how to take it from here though.

This. Cold approaching women is stupidly fucking hard, almost nobody can do it. Social norms dictate that men are scary and aggressive and women are passive and in danger, so if they approach you then it's fine, but if you approach them then they'll have their guard up.

100% the easiest way to get grills is to just be pretty, be charming, and wait for them to make the first move. Unless you're already friends or on a dating site or something, once the ice has been broken then it's up to you to do the work.

Awkward silences happens to even the most sociable people. If you really can't think of anything to say it's sometimes better to veer off and talk to someone else (even your nearby bros) and then cycle back to your target rather than forcing it.

Remember if the conversation is silent they are also struggling to say something and they know it. If they look like they don't want to talk to you that's different of course.

Just keep practicing. I recommend talking with and making friends with ugly/fat girls as well that really helped me to understand how to have extented superfical/small talk conversations.

If you are having trouble talking to women, just remember that most people are shallow and/or desperate for attention.

Think about it this way, how good would it feel to sit down with a pretty girl in a chill environment and just talk. About your day, about your feelings, about that weird thing that happened when you were seven that you never told anyone about...
Now you just let her do that. Talk to the girl at the party. Ask her why she did things, or why she thinks that way ect. You don't have to care, but it keeps the conversation going and before you know it you have successfully talked to a woman who thinks that you are a good and empathetic listener.
Now when she wants to talk to someone she knows that you will listen to her bullshit. The hook is in my friend, and the bait was time your were wasting anyway.

Flip this tape over for Side B: Avoiding The Freindzone


But going out trying to fuck random pussy is the pinnacle of moral upstandingness

>Avoiding The Freindzone
Not him, but please continue, I think I'm danger of slipping in here.

Flip the tape senpai

In many instances, women do not approach a guy if they are still in their 20's and he is too attractive. Women get approach anxiety as well and hate rejection even more than men. If you want a litmus test for if you are good looking, count how many older women (30-40) have complimented/hit on you. At that point they are far more mature and also do not give any fucks about rejection. They are far more truthful and forthcoming about what they want.

>mfw PUA shit

please save yourselves some self respect and stop doing this.

>women do not approach a guy if they are still in their 20's and he is too attractive
Jesus fucking christ, just end it if you actually believe that shit.

The idea that you can be "too attractive" is legit next level coping. It's fucking hilarious to see the extent to which people will go to explain why prime women don't like them. I'm the same - they don't like me either, but at least I'm honest with myself.

This is a good point. I'm honestly doing it just to get good at it. I want to up my social skills to elite levels, or as far as I can. I also completely suck at talking to girls, and I do intend on finding a good mate to wife and have children with. You're right though I do think promiscuity is degenerate.

B: Avoiding The Friendzone

You are doing too much for her and you know it. What is the difference between the way you treat her and the way Chad would treat her? Easy, you are nurturing and Chad is not.

Chad has made it clear to her that even though they are having fun, it is still a transaction, while you have made it clear through your actions that you are willing to go as far as she wants you to for next to nothing. You are doing too much for her for free and you know it, because you are constantly (secretly) frustrated by the fact.

So how to avoid the friendzone?
Teasing is the easiest way but it may not work if you are a semi-autist. You've gotta honestly evaluate yourself. If the busty girl you love but are currently only friends with comes out in an bikini swimsuit I suggest you:
(1) Comment on how sexy she looks in the outfit. Not too creepy.
You "Well damn, you must be feeling good today!" (distraction, this isn't the point of your comment)
"What makes you say that?"
"Well you came out looking fantastic lol, who are you trying to impress?"

Make sure you laugh. An innocent chuckle softens a lot of creepiness. Also the who are you trying to impress line deflects sexual attention. Now she knows that you are looking without feeling the laser focus of your lust.

I'm lazy. I let women approach me. Works well enough.

PUA in it self isn't that bad, its the fact that its collection of shit from different stuff that works sometimes on its own put together and you have this fucking autism where "IF you attend this class you will unlock the secrets m8. The best shit you can gather is bits and pieces from your mates

>hurr durr just be yourself
>be nice
>buy her flowers and write a poem.
>once you're her friend she will realize how great you are, this will totally happen

You're doing this while CHAD slays that PUNANI and eating PIZZA.

* Ran outta characters.

Avoiding the friendzone is making sure that the girl you likes knows that you see her as sexually viable (I would if I could) as well as emotionally viable (I will also listen to your bullshit) without you coming off as creepy (laser focused sexual comments all the time) or parental (too deep in her emotional shit. If she is more comfortable telling you how she was molested as a kid than she is kissing you, you probably slipped in too deep.)

I would post personal examples but I'm about to be late for class.

>You don't have to care
yes you do


Girl detected. No, we don't. We can pretend we do.

>implyinf I don't get approached
That isn't the point I'm trying to make. I have been approached by far more MILFs than I have girls my age. I've actually asked the girls Ive slept with and most of them said they would have been too nervous to do anything if I didn't approach them first. Women are retarded and don't have to learn how to approach men, so they never get to know the tricks that we do to get over performance anxiety.


I don't tell them they're cute. I just ask them out to eat or coffee or whatevs.

>Ask a sexually successful friend

I know what they answer.

step 1: be good-looking
step 2: don't have autism

I'm currently working on step 1.

How autistic are you ?

Probably a bit autistic, but I manage to keep a decent social life, read a lot and work out diligently. Just very much suck at creating attraction as I don't do very good interacting with women in that sense.


If you'd stop wasting your motherfucking time on shit like Veeky Forums and start using it to learn things you'd be way better off.
Go read "Bang" by Roosh V, youtube coach Corey Wayne and Fightmediocrity.
Stop wating your fucking time on Veeky Forums , go subscribe to the real fit god, Jeff Cavalier- athleanX channel.
Get a fucking job. Live your life

I did. After about the 40th rejection I don't anymore.

>making a date that early in the morning


In my mind I do. Also I did it easily with girls I don't find that special. With HER I'm far from able to do it.

Asking to grab a coffee is beta as all fuck, a girl can sense what a spineless faggot you are when you ask something like that. You tell her you're going to take her out for drinks.

Stop using fedora pua terminology.

a few tips for sustaining conversations with girls:

Conversation rules:
>Don't agree with everything she says... that's boring. Have a fun and PLAYFUL debate, and don't be too serious.
>Poke fun at her. As long as you do it with that sly smile--the one that says "I'm gonna tickle your belly button from the inside"--it'll come off as flirtation and not you being an asshole.
>Be a little cocky too--again, just smile and look pretty when you do it.

Easy subjects:
>job / academic major (only relevant if you can make it sound cool and interesting)

Difficult subjects:
>social issues

If you're following this stuff and she doesn't seem that interested, depending on the context, either forget and move on (at a bar) or leave and try again in a week (academic + professional settings). Most importantly, don't take it personally. Remember: you might just not be her type.

Most importantly, though, don't go on any of those redpill or pua subreddits... They overcomplicate the ever-loving FUCK out of what should be a very natural and carefree activity.

And remember: practice makes perfect, so practice on everyone.

I usually say

"Hey. Mind if I join you?"

Or I've gotten a technique as of late. I go to another city near my own, alone.

I then go out and approach people and say

"Hey I'm not from around here and I don't know anyone, I don't even really know this place. You ladies look interesting,mind if I join you?"

I'm fine approaching girls if I'm alone, but if I'm with friends I always sperg out because I'm scared that people I know are watching and judging. I find going to other towns alone where I don't know anyone to be liberating.

Hey bae i think your cute want some starbucks coffee.

I do it all the time, just throw out a compliment. "Hey, I really like your hair"
"I was wondering if you'd like to grab coffee sometime"

The hardest part is rejection, and I got over that by getting rejected a lot. Go get rejected and it gets easier, same with going to the gym for the first time, gets easier.

Now man up you pussy ass faggots and go get rejected. Go up to a 10 so you know 99% you will get rejected, but maybe she/he is into splurge lord faggot kings.

Yeah did it to this qt who was working at McDonald's, she said yes

And what do you say when the inevitable variant of "So what brings you to ______" comes up?

Chode detected

I genuinely don't think any of the women I've taken on dates or fucked since grade school would bite if anyone approached them like that.

Shits basic af tbqh.

What is the best way to open a conversation at a bar? I'm generally pretty good at keeping conversation and picking up on if they are interested or not throughout, but I struggle with good openers because they seem so forced and awkward.

Easy. All the girls like when you say them they look good or that they are cute. Just go for it.

I fancied going out somewhere different. I've never been to Nottingham before and I had a few hours to spare so I figured I'd take a drive out here.


My town doesn't have much nightlife so i figured I'd come check out nottingham.

I met some awesome girls a while back. We got on really great but my social anxiety kicked in and I figured I had no chance with them so I decided to leave. Once I told them I was leaving I could see the most chatty one of them was actually interested in me and she was disappointed I was going... But by that point I had already made up an excuse about why I was leaving so I had to go. I should of asked for her number but I figured it was a waste of time because; like all girls... once she got to know me she'd lose interest.

I can get laid but I can't keep a girl. I don't do drugs anymore, I don't drink alcohol anymore, I don't really go out to party anymore, I don't try to pick up random girls anymore or live to party like I did when I was younger.

Why do girls only like me if I'm getting fucked up bros? I don't want to go back to smoking weed or drinking alcohol but I am tired of being alone.

Just start talking about fucking anything. Say it with confidence and respect, fuck what happens afterwards.

In for a penny in for a pound.

I usually just say "I'm hot. Wanna fuck?"

They either do or they don't, and I only give a shit about one of their responses

>pick me up
He doesn't drive.... fucking NEET

I did. Got turned down. But I was really happy that I could make myself do it thiugh.

I do it a lot!

Never works though

Yeah, if I want to have sex with a female I will approach her and ask for her number

I want something, so I'm going to try to get it

>"Wow your hair looks great, what made you go with that style?"

this, everyone can get a girl, if youre so far up your own ass that you consider yourself too high for some then you dont deserve any pussy anyway.
puas are so desperate and try to force some weird concepts onto women when in actuality is just:
Hey wanna grab a bite
Hey wanna go to the movies
ok I'll pick you up/where do we meet?
>ok sounds fine
Once you got that, youre gonna hit homebase 90% of the time.

If you actually do it alot you should probably re asses your attractiveness

Step 1.- Look like you lift and be approachable (clean, normal posture and bodylanguage, no headphones etc)
Step 2.- Go somewhere where people smoke (outside of a library, pub, disco, concert, etc.)
Step 3.- Wait for a qt to ask you for a lighter/cigarette (9/10 this means she's interested)

>inb4 Flanders and le smoking is le bad

>inb4 Flanders and le smoking is le bad

But it actually is objectively bad in many provable ways and disgusting to everyone else who doesn't smoke. If you don't die from it then that dumb cunt you just picked up eventually will.

Don't listen to this poster unless you want a girl for a quick fuck that night, because a smoker isn't a good person to be with for anything longer than that. It's a health issue and a good sign that they have serious personality flaws.

Is it bad that a girl came up to me like this and I ran away. I didn't want to run but I got scared.

op here holy shit this thread went HAM

Lol even if you're 10/10 girls don't usually approach

>He actually thinks this is how it works

you literally ran?

1.1- You're a bluepilled cuck 1.2.- You've been memed smoking isn't instant death 1.3.- >>>/reddit/

2.1.- Most people social smoke in Europe 2.2.- >not being Yuropoor 2.3.- Spotting the disgusting chainsmokers is easy

3.1.- Smoking is nootropic (that means it makes you smarter) 3.2.- Smoking in moderation weeds out those weak of character, by not smoking you're only avoiding the test 3.3.- Darwin, Beethoven and Kant smoked in moderation

Well I didn't actually run, but I kinda just mumbled a bit and walked out with my stuff then got in the car and drove out. Felt bad too cuz she was qt

>3.1.- Smoking is nootropic (that means it makes you smarter)

This has the be the most delusional thing I've heard all week. Hell, that whole post in more cancerous than your cancer sticks.