Friendly reminder this is the pinnacle of roid free lifting and you will always look like shit unless you roid or make...

Friendly reminder this is the pinnacle of roid free lifting and you will always look like shit unless you roid or make concessions with size.

Please send me free roads if going to be mean

I accepted that lifting natty is the stupidest thing a person can do. Why spend your life in the gym to look like you don't even lift when you can take some steroids and look like a God.

Reminder that his is the first and two time Mr. Olympia in his prime.

I think he actually looks good, he hasnt left humanity behind...though it may sound funny. But isnt that what extreme roided bodybuilders are? Mutants? If I look like the guy in pic related I would be happy to be honest.

I think that with modern research one could further increase muscle mass in a mostly natural way, with diet and exercise. So whatever. I am happy enough.

Jokes on you faggot I'm 5'6 and can look insane natty

>with modern research one could further increase muscle mass

No, just the small things, like proper sleep, HIIT, food choice. They all play a small role in test, cortisol and the biochemical system of the body. I am sure that with some time we could get methods that would increase test, but not completely make you dependent on drugs for the rest of your life.

That is the goal of staying a natty, not breaking your body for the rest of your life...

Larry Scott was 5'7". I bet you look just as 'insane' as he does.

My test/free test is in the upper limit of normal range. (850)

What kind of numbers do people with roids get up to? Like 2k or some shit?

friendly reminder that girls don't care how big you are as long as you're lean, and that you should be lifting for enjoyment and good health rather than fostering feelings of inadequacy because you're not "big enough" to impress other men


Wrists/ankles way to thick to ever be aesthetic at that height

I'm 5'6 with small wrists and small ankles, once I'm 145lbs 7% I'll look huge

That's tiny on anavar, you mong.
Don't think I haven't been in the biking thread where we gave Tiny his trip.

>once I'm 145lbs 7% I'll look huge
We both know you'll never be 7%, nor will you ever look huge at 145lbs.

You'd have to be swole-mole to look huge at 145lbs.

He didn't even hop on anavar until his last few months on this shithole website and that pic is well before then
>getting to 7% bf is impossible natty
Ask me how I know you are either fat as fuck and can't stop stuffing your face or how I know you just started lifting
>you'll never look huge at 145lbs
Are you actually retarded I just said I was 5'6


And that guy is 4'11 literal midget

Are you autistic or just don't want to admit I will look better than you and 99% of the population after 3 years of lifting as a natty

>hey guys do I look incredible yet???

nope he hopped on anavar 6 months after those pics. stay jelly tho

>after those pics

Thanks for proving my point

nope. roided up nasty ass shitskin.

6 months after the june 10th pics

Not bad. Personally I like the strong look with a little more fat. The dry look is kinda lame.

Okay? He still looks crazy good there

Are you trying to say he doesn't?

Let's see what shitty ass physique you are rocking mate, please I'll wait

nevermind. i thought you thought i was talking about the pic intinytrip is and will always be the best looking natty on Veeky Forums

Wrist size is the limiting factor in the amount of muscle a natty lifter can gain. I have never seen a natty bodybuilder with thin wrists able to put on enough muscle mass.

The thin wrists meme only applies to lifters who can take enough steroids to get enough muscle mass to get a esthetic benefit of small joints.

If anyone can find some examples that prove me wrong please do. I've looked for a long time but never had any luck.

We literally already posted like 10 pics of an example

I just saying being 5'6 with tiny wrists and tiny ankles is a completely different story than being 5'6 with huge fucking wrists and ankles

If you're short with thick bones you might as well just have cankles and forearm cankles because you will never look big unless you get to the point where people will think you are overcompensating

I'm 5'6 small wrists/ankles and broad enough/ small enough waist to be aesthetic natty

Das all I'm sayin OP thinks it's impossible to look good natty and it's not

Nobody in the entire history of Veeky Forums except maybe a few tripfags have actually gave it there all in and outside the gym

Count your macros every day
Cardio 2-3x a week
Lift heavy and hard
Sleep enough
Eat enough
Get enough protein
Never skip a workout

Do all of these for more than a month and then you can talk to me about not looking good natty.

I slacked hard as fuck in the gym the past year basically, barely slept enough, definitely didn't get enough protein and I still look pretty good for 2.5 years of lifting

If you don't think he's big and aesthetic then you have severe body dysmorphia

Get a grip, Veeky Forums

I don't know shit about the tripfags on here, but you are trying to tell me that this dude is natty?

He's 5'4

He did 1 anavar cycle and didn't even gain any mass because his diet was pretty much Chinese food every night and he smoked weed every day of his life, then he got off var

He was natty in all the pics posted in this thread at least there's only a few of him when he was on var and the only difference was he looked more vascular and a little fuller

Holy shit, thats a fucking impressive physice, even tho he's 5'4
thanks for the info

goals desu famalam

steve klisanin was not natty i think

Are you saying he anavar gave up?

>fucking impressive physice
when you are flexing in favourable lightning shirtless yess

>implying anyone of Veeky Forums ever leaves his basement except for the gym
its basically what we're lifting for anyway

>implying I'm not currently maximising my natural potential and then hopping on the sauce

Lol, I thought the guy looked guy? What the fuck? Aren't there photos of him with glasses and slick as fuck hair

>I thought the guy looked guy?

What did he mean by this?

Fucking auto correct

>daily reminder their are roid shills on Veeky Forums who make cash off of your insecurity

Thinking that anything > low bf%

A lot of Veeky Forums just has poor genetics and is salty af. Feel kinda bad for people who consumed too much estrogen growing up and had to start lifting in twink mode.

>A lot of Veeky Forums just has poor genetics

When the fat people complain poor genetics isn't real but when Veeky Forums posters look terrible it is.

That guy has amazing insertions, not just low bodyfat.

Not really seeing the similarity. Some people are genetically superior to others. They have more natty potential. Fat people are just lazy faggots.

Anyone can lose weight
But not everyone can build a nice physique naturally

What he's saying is that not everyone who looks like shit has bad genetics

I know. Guess my first post is pretty ambiguous. Just sick of seeing people claim roids when someone has respectable deltoids.

>natty pinnacle
>2 abs
>no traps
>no delts
niqqa plz, not even close

only redeeming quality is his quads

>He's 5'4