Anyone else really autistic when its comes to eating dinner out?

>Anyone else really autistic when its comes to eating dinner out?

Occasionally I take a portion of the meal with me when I leave, usually 1/4th of the dish.
The first thing I do when I get home is dissolve out the fat in the food using an organic solvent, then estimate the nitrogen content by converting the food's proteins and other forms of organic nitrogen to ammonium borate followed by HCL titration to get quantitative data, then I multiple the N content by a protein factor to roughly estimate the protein content.

Then I will estimate the fiber content via the removal of starch and proteins from defatted food samples via the use of thermo-stable alpha-amylase, protease, and amyloglucosidase.

I will then assume that everything else that is left is non-fiber CHOs.

Then I multiple everything by 4 to get an idea of total macros I ate, just to be sure I call the company afterwards to compare results...They usually hang up on me.....all my friends think I am weird when I do this.

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post a how to

Holy shit. I thought it was bad that I only ate at places that listed calories online...


shit nigger thats what I call some real rocket appliance shit yo

You should be multiplying by 3 because you didn't eat the quarter you tested.

lol get rekt OP. You don't do any of this shit

Not all of us are weak willed and wont go the extra mile for nutrition. Speak for urself u pathetic bitch

> eating out in the first place

Lol, I buy wholesale powdered ingredients and measure them out to the exact gram to get perfectly calculated nutrition. No guess work motherfucker

> exactly 355g carbs per day
> exactly 167g protein per day
> exactly 121g of fat per day

I haven't had a solid meal in 2 years, let alone eaten out. Get on my level
> You not going the extra mile for nutrition

O yea well I eaten out ur mum

in 4 Riff Raff

I'm autistic about macros when I eat at home so I can go nuts when I eat out. Don't go full autist.

My fucking sides

If you do all of the tests on 1/4 of the meal then why would you multiply by 4 for the total macros ingested?

like then you aren't serious

is sipping on syrup good for bulking?

>Then I multiple everything by 4 to get an idea of total macros I ate
This is where you fucked up your story, you eat 3/4s of the meal, then dissolved 1/4, so you should only multiply by 3, retard.

Fucking DYEL never going to make it. Just put the meal in My Fitness Pal.

He's multiplying the protein and carbohydrates by 4. 1 gram of protein or carb is 4 calories.
Do you basketball Americans even know about middle school healyh/nutrition?

>not measuring to 355.00g

You are testing the macros of 1/4th slice of pizza. What would you multiply by to get the macros of the entire pizza? If you say 3 we gonna have a problem sempai.

did you graduate HS?

I have a PhD in Applied Gender Studies you redneck fuck.

No fucking way.

Here is a pizza with four slices
> 12
> 34

He eats slices 2, 3 and 4. He measures the macros in slice 1, destroying it in the process. He should multiply the macros that were in slice 1 by 3 to get the macros in slices 2, 3, and 4.

>all this fucking rednecks asking why op multiplied by 4
>yfw you share a banana trading market with these people

Did you, retard?

It is inferred he tries to get the total macros and calories of the restaurant's serving size. Not just the total of what he ate.
That is why he calls them to compare results.

> Then I multiple everything by 4 to get an idea of total macros I ate
try harder faggot

The only thing to infer here is that you're a retard that can't read.
>an idea of total macros I ate

>He fell for the vegan meme...

I'm only vegan by accident

you only ate 3/4 so by multiplying by 4 you overestimated your caloric intake

>gonna make it