Cold Showers Thread

How does fit go about cold showers?
Do you guys just get up and jump into the cold water? Cause I just jump into room temp water and progress lower as i go.

Yes, I use only one temperature - coldest one. Been taking showers like this for two months by now. Well, usually looking forward for the shower, when not, I'd just shower my head first, then it goes well.

I start with stepping into a warm shower and within 20 seconds turn it colde. after 20 more seconds I turn it to the coldeest it can go. Then I do the wim hof breathing

Been doing cold showers for about a week now and theyre great. You use less water since you dont want to be in there for as long and theyre revitalizing as fuck

Can only do them at night because I'm a grumpy fuck in the morning.

Been doing it for 2 years now. Even in winter I just stand below the showerhead and straight go to the coldest temperature.

Have been doing ice baths and it way better. Havent had a panic attack in a week.

From a scale of 1 cold to 10 hot i shower at 6 cause im not an autistic faggot

heard it helps with DOMS and makes you sleep better. No science tho

When I first started I ran the water at room temp for a minute, then lowered it to cool. Then I began lowering the temp all the way to the coldest setting. Now, I just set it to the coldest setting straight away. You just have to be patient and eventually you'll be able to take glorious icy showers

sudden exposure to low temp water decreases your test levels though

Put it on the coldest and just jump in.

i don't touch the hot water nozzle. i just turn the cold one up.

I start warm and move to cold once I've lathered and rinsed. I love masturbating in cold showers. Makes me last longer

I shrivel up like a shriveled up penis in cold water

I have hot water to comb my hair, because for some reason, cold water makes it really really hard to comb.
Then I switch to cold to wash and such.

>relying on endogenous testosterone

cold showers prevent muscle growth

Is it of any medical use?

also, pausing 5-10 minutes of muscle growth won't make any difference i guess.

>All my life I've been used to warm/hot water
>Recently moved to another city
>New apartment lacks hot water most of the time
>Forced to use cold water

At first I felt like I was freezing but I'm getting used to it.

Anyone else have a short winded when cold water hits their back or chest?