What are the actual benefits of eating clean?

What are the actual benefits of eating clean?

>bodybuilders are only strong because they have so much muscle mass

What fucking moron decided he needed to do a study to find that out? Good lord


Just went and read the actual article, the title is, unsurprisingly, complete clickbait. It's basically saying that bodybuilders have less strength per pound of muscle than regular athletes despite being stronger, which of course most people already know because bodybuilders are training for hypertrophy while athletes only train for strength/power.

Sprinters are only good at running because they train for it regularly

Not getting fat

>Study finds
>single study
>scientists don't consider a single study as anything but preliminary evidence
>not even the scientists behind the experiment think their study is anything but preliminary evidence

Btw, you can't say Lu Xiaojun or Pyrros Dymas are huge, but calling them wimps is retardation.

Some sort of moral high ground. Sometimes anything that makes you feel the tiniest bit better about yourself helps keep you from total depression.

Oh and negligible health benefits.

>while you're here, check out our other articles: "the sky is only blue because thats how our eyes see it" and "atoms aren't invisible, just really really small"

found the dirty bulking fatass

Actually eating clean makes weight gain hard as fuck, trying to clean bulk for some a month and when I got checked I lost 3 pounds.

Athletes aren't fucking wimps
They're leaner and stronger than most people you meet on the street.
Fuck these goddamn pasty skinnyfat bloggers trying to associate themselves with dedication hard work
God fucking damn it this makes me mad

It was a single study that proved the higgs boson existed, it was a single study that proved fermat's last theorem, it was a single study that showed vaccines work.
1 Study with n=1000000 is far more valuable than 1000 studies with n=1000

Not dying at 55

this just in, all collisions occur at close range

What about 1 study with n=1000? Its still shit

Eating food that is dirty is bad, user. Eating clean food should be a given and it's sad that you don't already know this, although I'm happy to let you know the truth.

Particle physics papers typically require 5-sigma confidence, which I'm pretty sure is significantly more than OP's article's. However, lots of samples of lower confidence can help show trends, which lead to further research and hopefully eventually a better result.

Though if it's one paper with shit confidence it's completely meaningless

They mean strength as strength per unit mass of muscle. Yes it's a clickbait article, most of news is

>bodybuilders are only strong because they have so much muscle mass, research suggests

>skeleton desk jockeys trying to make themselves feel better
>I-I'm stronger pound-for-pound

Maybe you oughta put on a few more pounds then bb ;)

>tan belt warrior

This is a bit like "yeah but did you know pound for pound sprinters are slower at running than long distance runners"