Be 29 year old kissless virgin

>be 29 year old kissless virgin
>3/10 and a manlet
>no friends, no social skills
> average job, not able to make friends with coworkers
>no hobbies other than lifting really, but I don't even look like I lift
How do i get a gf? How do I get friends?


Get another hobby

convert to islam
buy backpack
allah -u Akbar
+20 virgins


Try killing yourself faggot

She's got the body of a 12 year but with some boobs pasted on. Also lordosis.

Join clubs. Even consider crossfit if you're desperate.

Also go out to bars and keep your standards reasonable, there are plenty of lonely women who are just as desperate as you are.

>see if there is any way for you to move up in the company and aim to reach it
>save money aim for 6 month's worth of rent and 10,000 min as a nest egg
>Eat healthy
>read and educate yourself
>talk to people, go to your community college and take an interpersonal and public speaking class

>save money

if you're a cringey motherfucker, hang out with other cringey motherfuckers.

Take up a hobby that will force you to interact with other lowlifes. I recommend Magic: The Gathering where it's really easy to attend events and be forced to interact with people

Are you smart at least?

You just talk when you see them, bring up some recent news

Read the Mystery Method. It's pretty decent guideline for someone at rock bottom guys. And the most important idea in the book: go out and -try- to socialize, 4 hours a night, 4 nights a week, even if every male and female rejects you. If you don't practice your social skills, you'll never escape.

Honest question: what do you mean by 10000 min?

what kind of hobbies or clubs?



You need to find someone with a common interest, and then from that starting interest, other common interests. To be friends you need more than 1 piece of glue holding it together, (work, lifting, school). Find someone who likes lifting but shares another interest of yours. Evolve from there, and you have a friend.

no h8 m8

rock climbing etc.

>Get another hobby

Yup, second this. Something sociable. Maybe try to find some kind of co-ed sport to play. A friend of mine in Chicago plays fucking kickball of all things. Doesn't have to be highly competitive/skilled.

You may not necessarily find a gf but you'll get social gains and that's a step in the right direction.

the 10k is a safety net for when shit hits the fan
I've seen people's lives ruined because they had no money saved up for emergencies. You can then take this money and put it into a saving account, ideally depositing about $50-100 a month to build it up. You have your safety net AND you're saving money for the future.

>what kind of hobbies or clubs?

are you asking him to tell you what your interests are?

Whatever you want and as many as you want
I don't care if it's taxidermy but be really good at it and people will take an interest. What people are looking for is proof that you can excel at something other than breathing and jerking off, hobbies make you more appealing and separate you from the rest of us nerds. Want an easy one? Learn to ride a motorcycle, classes are like $300 and the motorcycle community is huge
Check Veeky Forums's motorcycle general

Oh, by 'min' you meant 'minimum'. I thought it stood for 'minutes'. My bad.

>take on a hobby/instrument/art and excel at it
>improve your body and mind, be a person that loves himself
>learn to appreciate nature, go on walks at nights, swim, hike and appreciate earth
>leave Veeky Forums forever and become a normalfag
>find out how to be interested in other people, like be in a state where you appreciate and care about others and their daily lives
>eventually use the occasional drug in social situations just for a couple of years to gain some experience with your and others' emotional state and psychology

In order for other people to like you you need to love yourself and you need to like other people.

I bet when you see someone walking on the street you instantly notice hundreds of little things you dislike about them and consider yourself superior to normies, even if you are indeed way insecure.

Meanwhile you are some random fag crying about how useless he is on Veeky Forums.

>no social skills

This is where you start. Social skills are like fit gains. You don't just magically have them. You go out and talk to people. and you keep talking. with no end goal. Don't talk to women because you want to date them. talk to them because you want to strike up a conversation.

get a social hobby. even shit like dungeons and dragons teaches you to be social. literally anything you like, go to a social place where it's done with multiple people, and talk about your hobby. that's it. just fucking talk about anything.

you'll adapt, unless you somehow avoided the evolutionary path that all humans were born into making us adaptable and social. in that case, you are more likely some type of solitary lizard or insect. which means you could probably make a lot of money and being an insect that can post on Veeky Forums.

>>save money aim for 6 month's worth of rent and 10,000 min as a nest egg
i have like 40k in the bank. i have no hobbies and live with my parents

trying to better myself every day tbqh, and trying to find new hobbies. nothing sticks really

i used to play that when i was 12, it's too Pay to Win for me. what are other hobbies? and i would rather not have hobbies with as many neckbeards

what's your definition of smart? i did get 90th percentile on the GMAT

Damn 3'10'' manlet? Rip

Get your own place
Socially speaking:

>i have no hobbies and live with my parents
Nigger find some fucking hobby, get out of your comfort zone.

And stop living with your parents, learn to be a self sufficient man what the fuck

Do chores, cook, take care of a dog, buy some furniture.
Just do shit adults do


start by leaving Veeky Forums

I'm laughing my ass off the juvenile ignorance in this thread to be honest.
Are people really suggesting playing magic and shit ?
First of all you need to forget about 'friends', get it in your head that adult people want money or sex. If you can provide them with this they WILL help you out when you need it and you will be an important person for them.
To be a valuable person you need to:
>know lots of cute girls you can bring to parties and gatherings to introduce to people
>know reliable clean high quality escorts
>know important people related to your job/career/whatever
>know how to get into good/ exclusive places
You know the drill
I won't lie it's pretty hard to start doing this shit specially to autismo boys, but once you get some contacts people will try to meet you, girls will fuck you, higher quality people will treat you as one of them and poor schmooks will respect you.

So... you're saying she's the perfect woman?

>$ allah -u Ackbar
No command 'allah' found, did you mean:
Command 'tip' from package 'atheism' (universe)
allah: command not found


Helga Lovekaty ... btw

Find something cheap yet exciting, that is performed with people and can easily be shared. Pool (like, Billiard, not swimming), a cool instrument, an accessible sport like soccer, basketball, or even something like skateboarding/surfing if you're willing to invest in a board.

i say 'hi, how are you' to people i see. but that's about it. i don't usually have conversations that last longer than 20 seconds

how do i practice? why would strangers want another stranger talking to them?

where do i find these people?

i'm asking for suggestions of hobbies. the common ones i've read are rock climbing and team sports. i'm not good at sports though

>trying to better myself every day tbqh, and trying to find new hobbies. nothing sticks really

you like music? go to festivals and camp, try to make friends with your neighbors, it's hard not to talk to people when you're at a festival

also try getting high lsd or shrooms if you can find them, might help you getting a new perspective on why you're so shy/have a hard time opening up

i did and those things helped me

was thinking of learning to ride a motorcycle, but it seems too dangerous.

thanks for the advice

but who do i talk to? why would they want to spend time talking to me?

i want to move out, but it's so much cheaper to live with my parents. i'd estimate moving out would cost me 40% of my paycheck (living space, utilities, internet, parking spot, etc.)

who is this

Single-handedly turned this thread into a cringe thread.

did you go by yourself to the festivals? it always seem hard to meet people when alone

don't know

yeah i went alone, people are friendlier in festivals especially if you actually like the music and know something about it

how did you start talking to people?

i went to a festival called Igloofest this year, alone. not a camping one, but all i did was stand around and listen to music. and bought some drinks. then went home when it was over (midnight)

didn't even know what to say to people.

After reading this thread, I honesty question how many of you get laid whatsoever

>can't drink alcohol

Might as well become a hermit

>implying i'm the norm on Veeky Forums

where is that mentioned anywhere?

underrated post

Nobody on Veeky Forums gets laid. With chicks I mean.

do you ever go out and meet other people, user? if you dont, what are you waiting for? have some drinks at your house then head out to a place where people in your age hangs out. have some more drinks, but dont get hammered. alcohol makes anyone able to talk. and lower your standards, fuck a ugly chick if the opportunity comes, rip that virginity off like a bandaid. the door to sosial life opens when you lose it

>was thinking of learning to ride a motorcycle, but it seems too dangerous.

>do you ever go out and meet other people, user?
>head out to a place where people in your age hangs out
no, where would i go?

most people at bars at with a group, so going alone will make me feel awkward. i don't even know what to say to people

> Using -u like a fag
> not knowing that -u can disrespect Allah by passing -uAkhbar as a single word
Enjoy your being hanged script kiddie

you'd be surprised how many people actually go to bars by themselves

you talk like a fag and your shits all retarded

you'd be surprised because it is actually 0

72wasn't it?
What happened? Too many idiots joining so they run out off virgins?


Lower your standards you fucking uggo

Post pics.

>was thinking of learning to ride a motorcycle, but it seems too dangerous.
>but who do i talk to? why would they want to spend time talking to me?
>i want to move out, but it's so much cheaper to live with my parents. i'd estimate moving out would cost me 40% of my paycheck (living space, utilities, internet, parking spot, etc.)
I spend 50% of my paycheck on rent and utilities, believe you'll make it work
You're making excuses user
You don't have to do everything at once, but you are going to have get out of your comfort zone
It will be hard at first but you will grow as a person and it will be worth
You'll make it bro


If OP is what he thinks a pretty-to average girl looks like then no wonder he can't get laid. Because he has no French beachhouse.

Next time on Tinder OP, don't care about looks or D cups just fuck based on interests, I bet you'll see you are more of a 6/10 guy and you will fuck her interest in anime and you'll finally be happy.

Also if you want to train yourself to lower your standards watch Orange is the New Black and fap to the Whites, then Mexicans, then Guards, then Blacks. You will gain ultimate enlightenment.

>forget about having friends
>build real grown up adult relationships as well
>who cares if they're all superficial you manchild!
>there aren't you happy now??

get real

That deck looks really nice, so does the wall

i just presumed it was zero too

>tfw no 9/10 gf
Just end me now

how much can you give to others? My friends can:
- lift with me
- run 10 miles with me
- talk with me about thousand things, including rock climbing, nutrition, medicine, poetry, movies, music
- play music with me
- climb rocks with me
- learn languages with me
- do urban exploration, i.e. old mines, abandoned buildings
- go out for the night, build campfire and watch stars with my binocular, finding constellations

Don't be asshole, never criticize others (not only ones you're talking to, you should never criticize strangers), be positive, read some books like "how to win friends", you'll be ready to make some conversations. Then find something you can offer and offer it to others, so they can offer you something too.


I can offer most of those things, except for the running, music and talking thing (I'm not very good at conversations)
But who will want to do any of that with me?

>was thinking of learning to ride a motorcycle, but it seems too dangerous.
maybe try finding hobbies that involve social contact

You don't get better at being social by driving a motorcycle or lifting weights in the same way you won't get better at math by practicing spanish or english

>But who will want to do any of that with me?

if you can't talk - no one.

you "can" offer, or are you offering - i.e. when was the last time you asked someone to hike with you, or strike a campfire?

>"So user, what do you do for fun?"

Milk cows.

No u

OP, you need to go fuck a prostitute.

>inb4 I'm waiting for love

Yeah no fuck that, that mindset is what led you here.

Fuck a prostitute just so you realize sex itself is no big deal. I can only imagine what the female body gets processed like by your brain.




not OP, but how fucking a whore can fix lack of friends, other than forcing him to visit a doctor afterward?

He's probably intimidated by sex and girls will expect a 29-year old guy to have decent performance.

> he doesn't have friends
> he doesn't know how to talk to people
> he is social outcast

Yeah, somehow he is going to find a girl who find these traits attractive. Sure he will.


smelly, dirty guy doesn't get girl of his dreams by fucking a whore, he gets her by taking a shower and clean clothes.

socially crippled guy doesn't find girlfriend by fucking a whore, because it doesn't fix his autism and said girll will run away from him, because no girl wants to be with someone who will ashame between her friends.

sorry, I'm really tired right now and can't express myself properly in English

anyway, friends are way more important than girls.

I ain't telling him not to find friends though.

He's 29, he's gotta multitask a bit.

hop on roids. if what you're saying is true you have literally nothing to lose.

worst case scenario they'll make you feel better.

Still, your advice is like "maybe you should change color of your shirt" to 250kg hamplanet who asks why no boy approach her

No girl on this planet wants a social cripple.

You have no social skills because YOU LIVE WITH YOUR PARENTS!!!! once you've lived on your own you will never want to do it again in your life even if it'll cost 90% of your pay check!
MOVE OUT and the problem is solved in a few months! Maybe with a roommate, find them on or shit like that!

All I'm saying is he needs to experience sex in any way he can before actually interacting with a girl and sperging out, why are you being so retarded

because I can't see how it can help him.

I have no friends to ask those things to. I don't know how to camp either

9% pls

It's only 3%/6lbs difference. Come on.

ask people you barely know, there's no other way to find friends. Use facebook or other platforms, for example you can join local urban exploration group and ask if anyone wants to visit x place, you have car, or ask if anyone has the car, you pay for gas. Stop making excuses, work on a plan instead.

how do you expect other people to be interested in you, you don't do fucking shit.

Your brain thinks of excuses in world record times too.

Move out your parents home you big hopeless retard

>Your brain thinks of excuses in world record times too.


>I don't know how to camp either
you put a blanket down on earth, sit on it and eat things

do you ask your mother how to breathe as well?


not OP, but it's not that simple. Two years ago I asked some people from facebook if they want to camp with me - with bonfire, potatoes and so on. They were younger than me. So, me fetching wood, asked them to light this shit up. They could not put this damn dry wood on fire.

Virgins are the master race. Follow the warrior monk path of discipline and restraint to gain true enlightenment.

fuck it, better stay a virgin then

Dry woods, beta males' deepest nemesis

OK, I will move out

Don`t do it, you idiot, you`ll just get financially cucked.

Honestly you sound like you're beyond help at this point.

If someone has to tell you to "get a hobby" and you dont even know what you, yourself, are interested in, it probably means you are addicted to the internet and that you literally do nothing else with your time.

On top of that you are just making excuses every time something is suggested.
>get a hobby
"what hobby"
>join a club
"what club?"
>go to a bar
"i dont want to be alone"

For fucks sake dude, get the fuck off this website and just start riding a bike or something and going places. You need to start experiencing life outside the internet. And dont fucking ask "what bike" and "what place," just go do something and figure out what youre into by process of elimination. This post should be the last thing you read on Veeky Forums, now go.

Exploring. Single best thing I did for my internet addiction was buying a car, then going after geocaches. From perspective, bike sounds better, on the other hand it's really unsafe to ride it in my country.

Just moving out won't necessarily solve thay problem m8y