Has anyone else quit squats and deads? havent dont either in 2+ years

Has anyone else quit squats and deads? havent dont either in 2+ years

No, because I like to lift weights.

why would I quit the most important 2 exercises to lifting/test?

also they get better the often you do it

I've always hated squats but have done them anyway, i hate them even more after snapping my ankle and the having plates and pins in it. I bench as much as I squat now.

Yes. Fuck squats

Fuck deads

Fuck bench

Fuck barbell movements all together. Dumbells are superior

Squat and dead are my two favorite lifts. I'd skip bench all together if I wasn't concerned with aesthetics.

Do you even have legs? I bet you have pencil calves

Deadlifts and squats are for big fatass """"powerlifters""""

>doesn't post a body picture

In my experience lanklets generally seem to dislike squats, manlets love them. Biologically they are an exercise that is much easier if you have short legs.

Post legs OP.
If you're afraid to, or if you do and they're small and pathetic then you will understand why most serious weightlifters and bodybuilders use both lifts in their training.

calves have nothing to do with squats

I love deads but I've slowly stopped doing squats over the past few months.
Started just skipping them every now and then, then I went a whole month without doing them.

Right now haven't squatted in about 3 weeks. It's because I used to do a 5x5 where I did squats every workout. I'd have to do them then, since if I skipped them like a quarter of my workout would be gone.

Whenever I switch back to a split like right now I just have nothing to look forward to on the day I do squats so half the time I just don't bother going to the gym and just do some cardio so I at least burn some calories.

Squats suck man. Only exercise I don't actually like.

And a short torso.

Yeah deads can absolutely suck my dick, so many injurys through deads.

I still do squats once a week and have sick gains so fight me

I love dead lifts, I have good leverages. Squats can suck my dick however (6'4 with long ass legs and a history of ankle injuries).

Me btw

>inb4 anyone replies saying i look shit and doesnt post their own pic

I would be perfectly 100% content with those legs.

How tall are you?

Bro you are 5'2

true as fuck. I am 6'4 and tried to do every variation of squat for the longest time.

Always hated them and found them uncomfortable. I finally realised there is no point in forcing myself to do an exercise if I hate it more than the plague and now just do leg press and bunch of isolations. I've actually made more progress after dropping squats too considering I don't dread leg day anymore.

Legs are a bit small but you do look good overall.
You do leg curls or leg extension or anything?

I'm thinking about quitting squats. My hip flexor is fucked and they hurt really badly and I can barely do any weight. Then I go leg press and actually work out my legs.

I like deadlift though.

Are you high? That's a great leg size, any bigger and he starts looking t rex mode.

5ft 11" king of the manlets

Nah, not T-rex mode, but I actually said he looks great overall.
What that means is that the only people who would criticize his leg size are bodybuilders or powerlifters.

On ICF 5x5, what would be an alternative to squats? Leg press?

Fair enough. I don't get why some people on Veeky Forums think fuckhuge legs look good.

If you are still doing a basic beginner program, stick to squats until your linear gains end.

You'll thank me later

I think for a man about 5'9"-5'11" a good thigh measurement if he's a serious bodybuilder is between 25 and 28 inches.
I'd estimate OPs at 21.5-22. I also assume OP isn't a serious bodybuilder.

Maybe to compete, but I personally think it aesthetically looks kind of shitty. Just an opinion though, I lift for the body I think looks best, and I'm sure you do too.

Yeah and it's also all about proportions.
I mean OP looks great, but he probably only has 15 or 16 inch arms, so 25 inch thighs would look a bit ridiculous.