So i asked this last night but got no reply so ill try again

So i asked this last night but got no reply so ill try again

I have had this pain now for 2 days after my deadlift day and im scared something might be fucked.
My program that day was this
OHP 2 x 5, 1 x 5+ 36 KG
Yates Row 2 x 5, 1 x 5+ 66 KG
Deadlift 1 x 5+ 115 KG
Dips 2 x 5, 1 x 5+ 8.75 KG

I only felt the pain as pictured the day after, though i did feel a bit of soreness when doing my dips after the deadlifts. I was warming up by going up 15 kg, so 5x55, 5x70, 5x85, 3x100 and then working set of 5x115.

The pain is strongest in my left arm, which was not the supinated arm on the set. I have barely felt any in my right. Its not a high level of pain either, i'd say its a 3/10, its clearly not doms.

Either way, what should i do? Just stay clear of any and all exercise that includes arms, or do them, but take it easy and be really good at warming them up?


Injured my elbow doing squats somehow, it got to the point where I'd need pain killers to sleep. Literally rest for 3 weeks and youre good

its nowhere near that bad, but i should just take a few weeks off in your opinion? Fugg my gains

the forearm hurts because your grip is weak af, it's just DOMS
seriously, 100kg deadlift with mixed grip? are you a woman?

i do every set up to my working set, 115, with hooked grip and do mixed for my last set. So if its doms then what explains the pain in my bicep/tricep?

i have a similar pain OP, whenever i straighten my left arm i can feel intense pain. my right arm is perfectly fine. id rest if i was you, take one week off, continue using whatever supplements your using.

if after one week its still painful, speak to ur doctor. this is the thing about working out, you will pick up injuries, its impossible to avoid. the test is now do you have the discipline to listen to your body

I would say it's all DOMS. The pain in the bicep could also be caused by incorrect arm position, i.e. when your elbows are not locked out when deadlifting. You will tear it when deadlifting heavy.

Obviously your grip is weak as fuck if you need to use hook grip/mixed grip on such light deadlifts. In reality, you are just sabotaging yourself and your progress. Deload and use double overhand grip. Hold the last rep in the hang position for as long as you can to increase grip strength.

Also, why would you do rows before deadlifts? That's ridculous, you need your lats to be strong (and not tired) in order do to a deadlift with a proper form.

You are a novice, read the sticky and follow a novide programme such as SS or SL with focus on form (record yourself on your mobile telephone). And reading Starting Strength (the book) is the best thing you can do now.

it is possible to avoid injuries you idiot, you just need to do everything with proper form

ive been lifting for 8 years you fucking moron. proper form is a must, but even then you might have fatigue, you may lose focus at one point, you might have an overuse injury, you might mistake DOMS for a more serious issue, you might be doing a one rep max and fail.

name any fitness or bodybuilding champion, and everyone of them will have had an injury, either minor or major. stop pumping out bullshit advice, and come back when you've actually lived life for a period of time


could be your nerves in the neck that cause the problem.. maybe you pinched one? herniated disc?

are you making sure you do deadlifts first ?

imo you are trying to muscle the weight with your upper body. That's how people tear the shit out of thier biceps and wreck their backs doing deadlifts.

your arms and hands should be nothing more than holding up the bar. The upwards momentum should all come from your legs. your arms should be tense, but not helping in the pull of the bar

think of leg pressing against the floor, rather than pulling the weight up. Other than that - chest out, shoulders back

not OP but personally if i would do that my back would be round as fuck

I thank you all for advices given! And will take them all to heart. So i'll just wait until the pain goes away and then start again, being a bit more careful with my deadlifts.

>i dont know how to deadflift: the post

not sure what part you are referring to, but your back can't possibly be rounded if you keep your chest out and shoulders back, it's physiologically impossible.

either way you should probably start watching tutorials on how to deadlift properly

Yates rows fuck your joints up. Just do Pendlay rows..

what if i dont have the arm strength to even static hold what my lower body could lift ?

>these are the people giving you lifting advice on Veeky Forums

use straps
raise your grip strength

FYI - you'll never be able to static hold as much weight as your lower body can lift. Do you even understand basic anatomy?

I can load up a leg press 16 plates and press it. I can't fucking rack pull 8 plates wtf

DOMS my nigga. Slow down and build up that shit

i know they can fuck up your bicep underhand, but i do them overhand out of fear of tearing my biceps