With the last meal I am at the total of 1100 calories for today you faggots. Calorie deficit Veeky Forumsizens report in

with the last meal I am at the total of 1100 calories for today you faggots. Calorie deficit Veeky Forumsizens report in

barely made it at 1400 yesterday, only 100 under.

help me senpai

how do you guys eat so little? do you not do cardio?

are you falling for the only lift weights meme?

790 kCal putting me at a deficit of 2170 kCal.

(I eat near maintenance on my lifting days so I cut at an average deficit of ~1400 kCal/day or roughly cutting 1kg per week assuming a fat to lbm loss of 0.2 : 0.8)

Burned ~760 kCal doing cardio today. 7.6km of rowing and 5.5km jogging.

I know what I'm doing is pretty retarded, it's an experiment. I consume a lot of fibrous foods with my carbs on lift days (Goji berries, carrots, bannas etc.) which helps with my cravings. On my rest days I consume MCT oil early after my fasted cardio in the morning which kickstarts that metabolism faster.

Must suck to have so little muscle mass

What's your BMR fag?

Bro just do IIFYM. You can eat PIZZA or CHEESECAKE to cover the missing macros.

>negative long term results for mere minutes of happiness

What does that have to do with eating at a deficit or a surplus?

Most people eat junkfood on their bulks you're not special.

Jesus dude you are nuts, you're gonna look and feel like shit doing that

Guess you dips don't know what IIFYM means. Go ahead and Google it and respond back to me and welcome to Veeky Forums newfriends. :)

1kg/week is a pretty standard weight loss rate m8. Have you never done a cut before?

Cutting on 2,190 calories
>Lost 1.3kg each week
>Feel like an African child each night
I wasn't ready for this

You guys really go all in. I do a comfy cut on 2000 calories.

i don't think you get what my post meant. you eat whatever you want without realizing that you're putting constant garbage into your body and will wonder why you look like you're 35 when you're in your late 20's not to mention all the other complications that you'll have with your body.

do enjoy your cheesecake and whatever else for minutes, but think of me when you look and feel like trash when you're older while i'm still living the life.

think long term with your health.

not to mention the willpower you build by not eating garbage foods everyday.

The macros you need depend on whether or not you're trying to lose, maintain or gain weight fucktard, so again, explain to me what that eating IIFYM has to do with a deficit? Are you implying that you can't FYM on a deficit. Maybe you should be the one googling it.

>need like 170g protein
>1500kcal cut

I just want it to be done soon, I want to eat real food. Only 20 more pounds to go.

>lost a lot of weight
>kept up with it for like 6 months
>20th birthday rolls up
>cut goes out the window
>put on 10kgs in no time
>back on 1500kcal
Don't worry I'll make it for the brehs lost only 15kg to go

If a cheesecake fits my macros there is literally no difference from eating that than anything else.
Jesus Christ you can't read. Re read the conversation and come back once your retarded ass can comprehend what I'm talking about.

Except the high sugar content and the fact that you're now teaching your body to eat unhealthy foods.

Fitness is more than macros and workouts.

No, YOU read .

Then read it again.

Then several more times.

Then kill yourself.

Been on a cut from a kindafatfuck all year, down from 200 to 168 and I've only got a bit left to do. Once I'm done with this I can finally start lifting properly instead of the endless cardio train.

611 cals in for today over breakfast and lunch.

>the fact that you're now teaching your body to eat unhealthy foods.

What the fuck does that even mean

If you think eating cheesecake compared to something healthy with the same macros doesn't make a difference you're a fucking idiot. It won't make a difference in weightloss but it sure as hell makes a difference in health. Especially if you eat as little as you say.

There are addictive additives in the unhealthy shit you eat, retard.

Mild fat here on 1500 diet, which is 600 deficit

Had eggs chicken salad and Peanuts today, posting from treadmill

915 cals in

585 to go w/ 1 meal left before this shit 12 hour shift.

I have to figure out a way to brew black coffee fresh in the back of an ambulance...

2.2 lbs a week is way too damn high. Take it easy at 1lb a week. Trust me it's better for your metabolism in the long run. But kudos on the Cardio nice

2 lbs per week is perfectly normal on a cut, grandma.

Is that what you tell yourself when you're eating that midnight double cheeseburger?

Get some willpower, dyel. maybe then you'll start moving weight

>2lbs a week
>too damn high

Nigger, not him, but 2lbs a week for me is 1500kcal a day. I rarely go to bed hungry. 3-4 lbs a week is too damn high.

I don't eat fast food, but nice projection, retard. Educate yourself on food before you try to talk to others and preach about it.

You anorexic bitches are catty as fuck!

Let's take the 3DMJ approach here and just say 0.8 to 1 % of bodyweight is ok to lose per week.

thank you mr skeltal

>implying you need that much proton

I'm lifting to make gains as well as cut, so other than bulking on calories, yeah, I need that much.

1000cal master race

EC stack?

>Cutting on 1500 cals
>700 to go for the day
>No appetite whatsoever

Send fucking help, please. When I first started cutting I was voraciously hungry all the fucking time and now I feel completely satiated with 800 calories over 10 hours of being awake.

>Just had dinner, final meal for the day.

>743 calories under target.

>feeling comfy.

Why is it that most days I can cruise easily well under target, but every now and then I have a day where I'm ravenous, and would easily eat a >1000kcal surplus if I allowed myself?

Nothing wrong with under eating for a day or two, as long as it's not a regular thing.

>Gentle Cutting min set at 1950 for 1lb a week.
>come in on target or slightly under with Max under being -800
>3 days in okay
>8 days in severe misery and being a mean sad cunt
>18 days in I want to either kill everything or just die in a hole

I don't want to give up but I don't want to reward my body for being cranky about being calneg by feeding it. Broke my caffeine/soda fast just for today to get through work without losing it.

How do I make it Veeky Forums

Eat more nutrient dense food.

What do you eat?

I also under eat and probably have more muscle than you hehe xd

intermittent fasting kills my hunger, have you tried it? after 4-5 days is when i really noticed the cut being super tolerable.

After cutting at 1600 calories for 4 months I feel sick when I eat more

Did my stomach shrink because I cut for so long?

I was 215 before and 160 currently unable to stop losing weight

Meant 1900 calories

Day 10 at a 1300 cal diet.
Haven't weighed myself since I started, gonna do it after 2 weeks.
Wish me luck

similar happened for me.

I don't really know if it shrinks, but I think after a cut like that you get better at filling the time with water, and you tend to enjoy your meals i.e. eat them slower, which gives your stomach time to inform the brain that hey, he is no longer running on empty.

0 cals today so far.
Usually on 1000 cals a day.

Dropped over 70 pounds though.
Nearly back to humanity at about 202 pounds.

I'm calories deficit, but I'm in the military so I eat what the serve me with no idea of calories, but I barely eat shit and I'm always hungry, and do a 30 minute run on my off days.

1400 cal per day
-600 caloric deficit
Somehow consistently losing about a pound per day. 60+ lbs down, just 3 more to go.

Protein bar for breakfast (180) lamo 21g
Usually a sandwich or some chicken and veg for lunch (~600)
Dinner changes up depending on how much cal or macro I got left
I'm not hungry. Hunger pains I kill with water (~72 oz a day) It's the sheer irritability. I'm like a chick on her nasty period day. Ready to snap and flip a table over dumb shit that doesn't bother me. Allowed myself a can of beetus juice today and literally 10 min the rage clears and I'm back at it.

I think I'm just too low on carbs but I'm holding 40/30/30 for C/P/F wonder if I should change to 45/40/20

I don't know how you guys can count calories. It's such an inexact science.
>1 apple= 160 calories.
I have one apple that weighs 3oz and one that weighs 12. Are they both 160 calories? The 12oz apple has probably 6 grams of fiber, that's 24 calories I need to subtract. I didn't eat the core, so now do I subtract the part I didn't eat? I spent probably 20 calories eating and digesting the apple, versus 0 calories if it were a soda, so how do you factor that?

Sure if you're 1000 calories under you know that you're under, but if you're shooting for 100 calories under, it's impossible to be that accurate so who knows.

My tdee is about 3500 calories, so that's a lot of calorie counting especially with all the snacks I eat (I have a snack about every 40 minutes all day long). Doesn't seem realistic to try to count calories. So the way I'm doing it, is to not pig out at any time, and go to bed a little hungry. Seems to be working so far.

>gouing for 1000 cals a day w a gram if steroids and 120mcg clen

The gains are unreal. Life sucks when all you eat in oneday is a 1kg tub of yogurt and 5 scoopz.

I even look forward to eating my chewable vitamins and fish oil.