Why do people get so mad if you praise France on Veeky Forums...

Why do people get so mad if you praise France on Veeky Forums? It's a great country with a fascinating history and rich culture.

Before I used to think it was just anglos but now I'm suspecting it's other anons too...

I'm a total francophile from the Gallic tribes all the way up to Waterloo, then they just sort of stop being interesting in any way.

They don't

French are intolerably arrogant pricks who dickwave because they are becoming increasingly irrelevant.

Because you will always be

Probably because french posters have always sensibly lowered the quality of Veeky Forums, similarly to buzaboos

Is it gay if I wear this (I'm ≈7% french)

Lotta WW2 fags on this board that know jack shit about history before 1900.

It's part of the 3 way shitposting war between wehraboos, anglos and francoboos that's been going since the board was launched

It'd be gay even if you were 100% French

Pre-17th century France is fairly dull, with all the interchangeable Louis' and Charles' trying to control their squabbling vassals. French history gets awesome for about 170 years from Louis XIV to Napoleon I, then gets boring again for another few decades until Prussia starts fucking with them. Their republic period after Napoleon III is pretty uninteresting and unmemorable, the World Wars were okay, but after they decolonized they became an irrelevant, pompous and arrogant people. They peaked from mid-17th century to early 19th century.

>muh heritage
>single digit percent
actually kill yourself

>not swelling with pride at the mention of your four father's


>le 7 percent face
y*nkee scum get out

>Four fathers
Subtle, I like it

No, France is the patrician’s choice

We all love France but you can't let them know that or they'll be even more smug than they already are.

speak for your self

I just don't like the ouiaboos.


Are the French bad guys? They seem super aggressive historically. Like they kept attacking Italy and the HRE. Also they seem to be pretty bad Catholics: killed Templars, caused Western Schism, supported Turks and Protestants, then more anti-religious stuff after the Revolution

If a feudal king can project power, he does. It's not so much france was the only aggressor, it's more than france was the most consistently able to go to war. They had a comparatively huge population, and could thus get more in taxes and levy larger armies. Look at the HRE in the east and the religious orders of the east, if they had the ability to go to war with those darn pagans/crypto-pagans who aren't *actually* converting, they did.

thoughts on this?

We're /Napoleon/ half the time.

Vive L'Empereur


Polish Death Camps.

Is this the official pokemon of Veeky Forums?

The greeks will never get istanbul.
Even if they got it they would ruin it anyway.

It's already ruined, your middle eastern """culture""" did that.


France and Spain were THIS CLOSE to creating a new Western Roman Empire to rival the HRE

Dude people love France on here