Am i fucking myself over by doing compounds only?

Am i fucking myself over by doing compounds only?

Started out with some shitty beginner isolation programm i snagged of the web
Tried SL out and i sort of feel weaker, if that makes sense, although i'm moving more weight.


I'll bite
post your current routine

Current routine is as i said SL

>tried SL

>moving more weight.
> feel weaker

That's natural, actually. As you get stronger things that were hard for you to do in the past will become easier. It won't feel like your exerting as much effort to do those tasks.

you'd be fucking yourself more if you only did isolation/machines.

SL is the biggest meme on Veeky Forums btw.

>SL is the biggest meme on Veeky Forums btw.
Okay, what's a good strength routine, then?

That's what feeling stronger is like you dingus

you feel tired but you aren't weaker

weights that you used to make a lot of effort to move will be used as warm-up soon

>Am i fucking myself over by doing compounds only?
Do them for the rest of your life.

Just add some curls and calf raises and quit worrying if the compound police will come get you. Pretty much every strength athlete with a damn does some isolation work. It shouldn't be the majority of what you do, but it will make you stronger and improve your physique.

Add the following isolation items:

Tricep push downs or tricep extensions
Dumbbell lateral raises

Calf raises at home in the shower
Wrist curls at home with small Dumbbells

Also do dumbbell rows if you aren't already doing them.

Depends on how strong you are yet.

More advanced athletes need more exercises and it is advantegeous for both CNS, joints, etc. to do lots of accessories and volume.

>read Starting Strength (the book, not the wiki)
>read Practical Programming (the book, not the wiki)
>do lots of chins
>do some other shit if you feel like it after you do your chins
Carry on.

That's exactly what I was explaining to him.




hmmm... maybe... ss? fucking idiot

starting strength

I too would like to know why SL is so bad. The only reason I don't do SS is the cleans, and other than that they are pretty much the same.

>I too would like to know why SL is so bad.
It's not bad.

Its a good routine and if you just add some isolation exercises to it then its a great routine.