How would the middle east look like if the shah of iran was around?

how would the middle east look like if the shah of iran was around?

would iran have been first world by now?

The standard of living in Iran would be undoubtedly higher. Had Iraq still waged war for some reason against Iran, they would have been crushed in probably a month or two. I suspect the authoritarianism of the government would have waned once the Shah died and his son took over.

Literally so mucb more boring

>no suicude bombing
>probably no cold war between iran and saudi
>no hamas

But probably not better in terms of standard of living aswell, the shah was not a competent ruler

>no hamas

Iran didn't create Hamas.

More economically prosperous but less politically stable.

>suicide bombing

Iran would've been another US military base, as is every other country around it. The revolution, although without its faults, was an act of progress in Iran's history.

A hell of a lot better off for Iran than currently.

Until the 2nd Gulf War, our only satellite in that region was Israel. Come off it. Now we got our dick stuck in the Iraqi anthill and can't get it out.

They were the first ones to make it a thing during the Iran Iraq war
Also pic related

It would've been just another Zionist puppet state. Thank Allah for the Islamic Revolution.

And then Russia and Iran came in and Israel's Allies understood that Assad isn't going anywhere he BTFO'd everyone + Assad doesn't support bombers he's very open minded and educated, it's just that america doesn't like him for the sake of Israel.

I don't see anything about Iranians blowing themselves up there.

His acting career was pretty good too.

>the standard of living in Iran would be higher if they were still having their oil stolen from them for pennies on the dollar by Britain

Reminder that the only way the US can keep Iran out of the Russian sphere of influence is to let them build the bomb.
(Or if Israel stops existing)

The Shah was a fucking idiot propped up by the west. Maybe Iran would be more liberal, but I think it will get that way anyway once the dialectic hammer starts on the backswing.

Also people who are saying it would be better off are fucking brainlets and need to go back to /pol/ until they can think critically about something that isn't video game lore.

History didn't stop in the 50s. Look up the oil shock of 1973 and realize it was the Shah who played a key role in orchestrating it. Plus, there would have been no war with Iraq, no sanctions, and countless billions of dollars being invested in Iran. It's obvious the standard of living would have been much higher.

basically a U.S puppet state in the region, the islamic revolution (or any revolution that sought to cut ties with the *nglos) was a necessary step for Iran's self determination in the region.

Here you go. Like I said, Iranians started the suicide bombing trend and made it a thing

>only one named example
Sounds like an absolute outlier to me.

Tbh, he wasn't that bad of a ruler and his son is by all accounts a pretty intelligent man. Iran would be doing fine and the middle east would be much more peaceful