Penis gains

anyone working on their penis atm?

thinking about doing jelq + bathmate

That will ruin your cock. All these stories about people who had progress jelqing were in their teens still growing. Don't even bother with it unless you want a penis that won't work anymore.

I jelqed for a few months, got my dick from 5.5 inches to 6 inches. I stopped because my dick was aching like a motherfucker.

W-what are those young girls hands doing underwater?

I did a full routine for like 2 years while i was in college. I spend almost 1h 5 days a week milking and stretching my dick and i shit you not i had literally zero gains. (And i even tried different techniques).

Dont know if i was just unlucky or if i fell for the biggest troll in internet history.

Bathmate alone worth it. Of course it depends on a lot of factors but I have gained like 1 cm girth and 0.5 cm length using it almost every day (with proper rest) for 1.5 months now.

Adding jelq is supposed to help getting gains faster but I'm too lazy for that shit.

Even the penis enlargement forums say that bathmate alone does NOT give permanent gains

The only bathmate I need is your gf

Yes that's true but is really easy to mantain. We will see in a year or so lol.

Bathmate is basically a penis pump, gains are temp

Jelq is a gamble, overall not worth the time, effort or risk...

Unless you are below average size, stop giving a fuck

Best case scenario with jelqing is that you gain quarter of an inch in length and or girth but have a numb cock that leads to ED. For that you might as well wear a cock sleeve in bed.

You're a dumbass, I'm 25 and i've gained a half inch of girth by jelqing over 4 months.

All talk, jelqfags never post proof.

Both are bullshit. But you'll keep asking until someone says what you wish to hear.

Don't fuck with your dick or you'll end up with a non-functional noodle.

their hands are visible, and they're nowhere on that guy, you fagget user

its above average so I dont give a fuck

Do you cucks really believe the half inch you may gain from destroying your penis will make any difference?

It's the motion of the ocean not the size of the boat.

Seriously OP do not bother it has all been debunked time and time again.

Bathmate is nothing more than a penis pump. It will grow your dick for a brief period of time but nothing permanent will happen. The retards you see on Thundersplace or whatever the fuck it's called are all delusional and measuring themselves right after pumping their cock up and going "duh I guess muh cock is bigger now lawl".

The penis is not a fucking muscle, it cannot be grown. You will just damage it.

Trust me I did jelquing for 3 months and got zero gains. The retards on those forums will tell you beforehand that "Yeah bro you can totally get like a quarter of an inch in a few months.". Then when you come back and tell them it hasn't worked they will say "Duh, it takes years to fucking work dumbass."

It's a community of delusional retards who come close to literally jerking each other off to keep their fantasies about having a giant cock alive, it ain't happening.

Luckily I'm just over 7 inches naturally so it wasn't a major deal. I just wanted to be 7.5 but oh well.

Jelqing is stupid for one reason alone

There is no theory of jelqing. No one knows how it's supposed to work.

Forcing blood into the penis to increase the volume? A penis pump does the same thing yet even jelqers will tell you those gains will only last as long as the erection.

Creating "microtears" that the body repairs with mitosis? Why is the theory based around forcing blood again? Shouldn't we be stretching the penis instead of squeezing it? Or looking at traction devices?

Also anecdotes are useless. Anecdotes are how we have widespread belief in alien abductions and bigfoot. Honest belief too, most of those believers are not liars. And there is always some mundane truth that sprouted the fantasy.

So let's break down how many things can be misidentified as enlarging your penis.

1) Jelqing during youth while you're still growing.

2) Stretching your penis skin that was previously too tight to allow a full erection.

3) Jelqing while doing other forms of self improvement such as weight loss or kegels. The former reduces the fat pad and reveals more of the penis, the latter increases erection quality.

4) Jelqing itself may improve erection quality.

5) Fucking errors in measure. One time I measured what I thought was a full erection at 5.5 inches. I used a rubber band as a cock ring to make sure I was at my physical limit, that way if I ever started jelqing I could be certain I was comparing against my old maximum. A few seconds later I got that diamond feeling inside my pelvis, measured again, I was 5.75. There are a ton of factors that determine erection size. Mood, Arousal, blood pressure, hydration, temperature, air pressure, humidity, time of a day, is the moon closer to the earth pulling on your dick ,etc. Small changes, such as a quarter or half of an inch, are indicative of fucking nothing. Especially with only two measurements, before and after X amount of months.

I will try jelqing one day, fully expect to be disappointed.


Does HGH help penis size, because i honestly should've took a lot of HGH growing up so my dong would get bigger


Why make a post like this with no support? All the people that have problems go way too fucking hard in the first few months. They do the equivalent of walking into the gym and deadlifting 3 plates their first week, except with jelqing it's actually possible.

I went super easy my first month and my erect penis volume increased by 9% and flaccid length by 11%. Erections are harder and penis health is fine if not better than before.

What I would do to be in that bath tub

>bath tub

>I will try jelqing one day, fully expect to be disappointed.
That's exactly what I did and I got results that are definitely not just variation/errors in measurement. I've checked multiple times and even measuring conservatively I've no doubt grown in about 1-2 months of doing it. I'm also 22 so I'm done growing and did not practice kegels while doing this either.

I figured the only way to know was to try it myself, and I didn't have anything to lose unless I overdid it and hurt myself like a retard. Needless to say I'm happy with the progress and will continue it.

Shouldnt it be possible to stretch it the same way limbs are stretched ? Basically just pull it constantly for a few months and endure it.

I think that's the logic behind a lot of the stretches(separate from jelqing). You stretch out the ligaments that connect your penis to your groin area.

There should be no 'endurance' part to it other than the boredom of playing with your dick. Ignoring pain and rushing to results is how people get hurt and then fear monger others not to try it themselves.

touching their own knees and shins, looks like. can you not see for yourself?