I'm a current morbidly obese fat fuck doing Starting Strength...

I'm a current morbidly obese fat fuck doing Starting Strength. I'm following the phone app's routine and it made it really easy to start because it's easy to understand and to track progress while also having clips of people demonstrating the exercises.

I was wondering however what kinds of modifications I could do to the routine to increase fat loss? I would eventually like to get a well built body but my primary focus is losing fat and becoming more fit.

Thanks, Veeky Forums.

Fork putdowns 1XSuccess

Eat at a caloric deficit. Apps like myfitnesspal are good for tracking calories.

If you haven't already, read the sticky for food suggestions and macro/micronutrient requirements.

>increase fat loss
A lot of effort.
Only thing you can do really.

Weight lifting is not as efficient at burning kcals als cardio is.

Go swimming or ride a bike if thats possible with your planet sized body.

Also stop eating so much but you probably figured that out yourself already.

How did you become mobidly obese op?

Just do starting strength as is. Its meant to give you a bit of a base to go off of as programming gets more complex. Once your linear progression stops, then worry about modifying things.

That said, you can do two things to help your fat loss (well, three).

More volume. Especially lower body.
More cardio.
(Eat less)

fatloss is a journey. Keep eating at a calorie deficit. As a beginner, you'll build muscle even on a deficit most likely, which will further aid in increasing your metabolism and burning fat/weight. Additionally, 2-3 days a week on your off days, do an hour of cardio. I wouldn't run, cause that can fuck your joints if you're fat, but try swimming, biking, or if you're really overweight, even walking will help

Deadlifts of 385lbs for 4 sets of 8 will burn at least 100 calories. As in that is the minimum amount of energy needed to move that weight, not to mention the energy spent in recovery.

Weight lifting is waay way waaaaay more time efficient. The thing is that the body camt sustain that amount of effort for too long before breaking down, but you can do more cardio almlst aways.

Appreciate the feedback guys, I'll most likely invest in a bike later on while probably just walking for 30 minutes on my rest days until then.

I'm looking into meal prep and while the whole concept of tracking the correct ratios of macro nutrients, vitamins, and calories seems a bit daunting I'm sure I'll get it down and benefit immensely from it.

I was hella fucking skinny when I was a wee lad but when I immigrated to this country my parents worked a lot so quick serve processed foods became very common in my diet. In addition I got hooked on video games and what not so I became quite sedentary and I allowed these bad habits to continue into adult hood.

>Weight lifting is not as efficient at burning kcals als cardio is.

>Weight lifting is not as efficient at burning kcals als cardio is.

Just remember guys, this dumb piece of shit is lurking the board giving people "advice". Probably looks like a garbage bag full of burritos too.

OP, please do no listen to this idiot.

Yes indeed so cardio is more efficient, you dense dip.

>dense dip
>not weighted

You dense fucks, cardio is more efficient because you can do it for way longer.

Try burning 1000 kcals whilst lifting and try it on a bike, you fuckers know exactly what I mean.

Aside from that this hamsized fucker NEEDS this cardio to get his body healthy again.

His arteries, heart and lungs are in poor condition right now, cardio can help to alleviate that a bit. Lifting not so much.

Also please note that I am not saying he shouldnt lift, he should do both.

Cardio and lifting and eating healthy.

Thank you for your time.

Its pretty dense so it weighs a lot :)

I do condensed dips all the time.

I look kinda okay, I'd say im just shy of dyel right now.

damn that looks good

I'm not arguing that lifting weights is any replacement for cardio, cardio certainly has a place in any long term routine, but to say that lifting weights is not as efficient, even moreso, at burning kcal is simply false.

Some user calculated it to around 2250kcals, thats almost one day of eating in 1 cookie.

Alright fair enough.

Ive seen you around before, would you mind posting CBT I'm wondering what you look like.

>Inb4 lol is this really the DYEL arguing with me
>be me
>two or so years ago
>obese at 5'5" or 5'6" at 160ish lbs
>get sick of this shit
>learn and lurk
>decide to start with a mass cut
>now 5'11"ish at 145 lbs

I know it seems like a really bad cut over two years but I'm actually really proud being 20 pounds lighter at 6 inches taller. I was considering continuing my cut until I was a skelly but I figured it's time to lean bulk so I can finally begin to get some strength.
>Inb4 moobs
I know ;_;

You look alright,

I am 5'11 too but I weigh 160 lbs.

How did you grow 6 inches?

Table pushbacks 3xdaily

Growth spurt, probably.

What Mr. Mysterio said.

Literally bloomer but thank God, otherwise I would've been a DYEL and manlet


Look up the word efficient. Cardio is more PRACTICAL you illiterate fucking retard

You are right, it is more practical.

English is not my first language, I'm sorry.

>what modifications to increase fat loss?
Add cardio or eat less
Calories extra burned from strength training are neglectable

Shit bro, I was in the same boat.

Came from pooin the loo land as a wee lad.

Was a twig, then I started eating taco bell and shit.
Got up to 200lb, but now I'm at 170, cutting to 160.

Pro Tip: count literally everything you put in your mouth in an app. Then try adding a calorie restriction. Once u get used to the restriction you'll be losing 1lb a week without much effort.

You know nothing, you piece of shit.
The vast majority of calories burned during the day are NOT used to move your body around. Doing cardio burns only a small fraction of your average TDEE. Cardio burns carlories only WHILE you cardio.
Lifting weight on the other hand will tax your CNS in various ways (stress adaptation), and your metabolism will consume more calories during the whole day, and not only while you lift.

Yes, doing 1h of cardio will almost always burn more calories than doing 1h of weightlifting. But someone doing 1h of weightlifting 3x a week will burn more calories during the week than someone doing 1h of cardio 3x a week.

In my opinion, if you have hard time regulating your eating habits, it's more important to find eating habits/a diet that works for you and is sustainable.

Me for an example do periodic fasting (16:8) to have better appetite control. This is my key for weight loss. You can follow it as long as you want, it only gets easier over time to do.

I also want to mention that cardio mostly _fuck up_ my weight loss programs because the amount calorie burnt will vary a lot if you don't do it everyday. Then it will become difficult to adjust your food intake if you don't do cardio and this results in weight gain.

So if the cardio does not do it for your weight loss, stick to lifting heavy to keep some muscle mass while loosing the weight. Also the strength training does several things for improved weight loss which will definitely be enough if you can _keep it sustainable_.