How long would it take to get to Travis DesLaurier mode from a DYEL skinnyfat?

How long would it take to get to Travis DesLaurier mode from a DYEL skinnyfat?

Also, I don't know how tall he is, but say he's 6'1, what do you think his maintenance calories would be to keep that body without getting smaller?

just do bodyweight semi seriously for like half a year and be skinny

It wouldn't take that long to get muscles like that, the tricky part would be getting your bf% that low

Looks like

A year to put the muscle on. You'll struggle to keep the low bf% without cheating.

Nothing will fix your face and autism.

5 years of yoga or 2 years of gymnastics.

3+ years

That's kinda DYEL though.

I only see good diet and delts.

Rest are noobgains

3 months tops with good diet and routine

Would begginer programs get you there? Or maybe PPL?

I dont get it, whenever I cut I just plateau and then i start to feel as if im losing more muscle than fat, my weight goes down but i still feel and look chubby?
Is the secret cardio or what

more broteins and lifts

fuck cardio

you will reach an inbetween state where you feel small but also not lean. Persevere and you will start looking leaner.

Post your body : )

This is bullshit, OP. It's not that easy. Think about it: Most guys in the gym don't look like him. Period.

Stop asking "how long dose it takes" and just start. You'll see how long it took when you'll have finally gotten there.

>they never do
the good old "you can be the god of aesthetics in 1 year"

>traps and delts overdeveloped compared to the rest
>skin redness/acne on chest
>instagram model


How do i get my hair like that?

good hair genetics and eventually good products

>>traps overdeveloped compared to the rest
Do you really think that?

Do 10 pushups and 10 situps EVERY DAY no matter what.

Travis body will begin to appear in about 2 weeks.

I'm not saying they are monstrous, mind you

Cause most gym guys are fat cunts who make hard lift and can't stop taking protein drinks, pills or steroids.

To get a body like that you don't need the gym, this is pure cardio and anaerobic exercises.

For a skinny dude this can be achieved in 6months-1year with consistency.