If you could anything to your 15 year old self, what would you say?

If you could anything to your 15 year old self, what would you say?

Say anything*

Stop eating so much

Poo Poo Pee Pee

I'd tell him to never stop doing cardio, start lifting and to stay away from that filthy cum dumpster Beatrice. She'll ruin your reputation and give you reputations. Go after that juicy titted asian babe Eleanor instead, she's interested in you, but thin out first you fucking skinnyfat cuck.

Keep on the right track with lifting, but please get out more and challenge yourself in other ways. Don't let yourself stagnate socially and intellectually, embrace your youth and the opportunities you have you little shit.


just start learning biology and chemistry for half an hour a day. And start lifting. youll enjoy both of those things.

Dont smoke weed

spend your focus on gym and friends, fuck everything else.
college is shit, girls are whores, friends are there forever.

also calm down with the energy drink consumption, cos u now addicted and have to have at least 1 a day you dumb fuck

Cut your hair, eat more and start working out.

I would probably molest him

>Beatrice and Eleanor
What fucking century did you go to high school in, are you a lich or vampire or something?

you have a huge dick

Start lifting, lose weight, take dancing classes, give more of a shit about grades.

Standard stuff really.

>do better in school
>start looking at colleges even if you dont know what you want to major in atm you can pick later, computer science is in by the time you graduate
>get your crooked jaw corrected while you're still covered by insurance
>start working out

>Put your dick in Brittany's mouth

work ethic takes work to build

Expose yourself to new and different things, even though it's uncomfortable, because eventually it won't be.

Do what you think is cool, not what other people think is cool, because passion can't be faked and being good at something, regardless of how uncool it may seem, garners respect and admiration.

I could go on...I've been really down on myself recently, I am just learning the above things now and it's hard to rewire my brain, I wish I could go back...

"Get your hormones tested right now your fuckwit"

> tfw when brain tumour causes Proclactin level to be 1000x normal level
> tfw when this caused me to have less testosterone than a 5yo girl
> tfw could've provented gyno
> tfw could've made sick gains over two years of lifting with no results

honestly i wouldn't tell him anything. my life is at, what i believe, its highest point ever and my prior experiences shaped me who i am today. my life will only go up from here.

if i had to i'd tell him to eat clean earlier.

"Do some cardio, do some stretches (in fact, just try to exercise often) stop jacking off, go outside and be more social you filthy loser"

Lol this

Go to gym more, don't go to uni, get an apprenticeship

Would have saved me 3 years and a lot of hard work baka

> highest point
> still on Veeky Forums

Your life must suck user.

1. Stop playing WOW and start informing yourself about fitness and nutrition right now.
2. Spend your money you got from your part time job on a gym membership and a copy of Starting Strength instead of alcohol, drugs, playstation and pc games.
3. Do better in school and pursue a career you actually want to follow.
4. Go to a derm the after your acne breaks out. It might look like it's going away but it'll only get worse.
5. You're not a race driver, don't crash your first car, you retard.

Just kill yourself, gonna save a lot of hassle, then proceed to show him the 10 years ahead of me.

>stop playing wow, start lifting, and in 5 years, no matter how nice Emily's tits and ass are, do not fuck her because she has chlamydia and she's crazy.

get better grades faggot or you'll end up at some third tier state school

also reported for underage

>If you could anything to your 15 year old self, what would you say?
Kill yourself

Hit that gym no matter what.
Be chill and just socialize with everyone.


Whys that? Im not that guy but if you don't come here for silly banter and actually take anything serious here you're a fool m8

Don't put stuff in your butt.

I only came here as a relief when everything fell apart. A fun life doesn't require this shithole. We come here to die.

i only come here during late nights and browse while i'm home from college for the summer.

mentally and physically i'm at the highest point in my life is what i mean. when i go back to college again, i won't even give this board or Veeky Forums a second thought. went the past year without this place and didn't miss it one bit.

either way you should probably stop trying to be so negative and looking to point out everything wrong with someone else's life. it's a horrible trait to have and will lead you nowhere.

Buy Nintendo stock.

Kill yourself.
It doesn't get better.

We're all gonna make it. Quit being a sad kunt

You'll meet a girl named Therese. She is the one. Don't screw this up by becoming a beta orbitor but tell her exactly what you want.

Don't visit Veeky Forums, it's only filled with faggots.

Eat more
Fuck kirsty
Fuck jade
Fuck ellie especially
Dont get all weird after fucking Darcy
Fix your fucking hair it doesnt look good

She's not the one. Move on. Find her.

Just kill yourself now. It's not gonna get any better.

So you fucked them all. Good, but what does it prove? How do you end up a better person?


Keep growing, manlet

Sweet teen pussy tho man

settle for the chubby girl for max sex gains

1 set of 8 reps of 65 pounds on bench press a day isn't going to build anything

cut your hair and go for a douche cut

id give me some good calls and shorts so I could have way more money by now

Start lifting, stop fucking around at school.

Life turned out really good but it could have bin slightly better.

Start playing sports and working out now

Go to the doctor. You can forestall your morbus crohn.


I should probably start at 7 if I want to have any chance of fixing my life with a comment


You're gay, just accept it already and have fun. If you don't, you'll end up like you are now - early 30s and checking out other guys in the gym and having it finally dawn on you a few years ago that you really are gay and you threw away your youth pretending not to be.

>tfw no bf or gay experience ever

Study for the fucking SAT so you don't waste your first year out of high school. You want to study history and become a lawyer, so don't fuck around. Also, stay away from Rachel, she's crazy and not that hot.

the fucking world I wish my future self would come to me right now and tell me what I need to hear. I'm fat, hopeless and depressed. Tell me what I need to hear guys...

I'm pretty happy with where I am right now, compared to all the sheeple around me. Sorry 15 y/o me, but you must suffer and hit rock bottom, that's the only way to figure out the straightest way up.

>all the time you're wasting on xbox will not matter one bit after high school...seriously you won't even play anymore
>actually try working out...don't let it be some chore that you don't want to do
>strive to be a great human...let that motivate you. become powerful in all ways possible
>Do your fucking homework....seriously you'll regret wasting all your time at community college
>practice guitar as much as you play air guitar

you know what's up man

you already know what you need to do

Work towards not being fat
Hope is a word for people who don't want to work towards something of worth
Depression is just another thing you'll have to deal with.

Just calm down.

following 6 pack abs on youtube isnt gonna give you abs.

i mean i did it 3 times a week and and i could start to feel them, but they never got actually big.

So I was sitting on /r9k/, 300lbs, feeling as miserable as you, and stumbled into some thread about self improvement
some user said he bought 200$ worth of weights, barbell, 2 dumbbells, and lost all of his weight. It was a tiny post, unremarkable, he got no (You)s.

20 minutes later I ordered 100lbs of various plates online, got them a couple days later, mustered up some shitty full body routine I did 3 times a week, and slowly got into eating healthy (still ate a ton, but bread was replaced with whole wheat, morning snickers was replaced with cottage cheese, 3 cokes a day replaced with water and coffee, etc)
now 2 years later, normal BMI (muscles are shit because I quit lifting after doing the same routine for a year, no wonder I got tired of it. got back 2 months ago though).

It's a long road but I've given you more than I received when I began.

>Don't buy that shitty laptop, save up for a proper PC
>Yes, everyone is in fact treating you nice because they think you're going to shoot the place up one day
>Stop staying up all night, more hours playing videogames doesn't make up for how horribly tired you feel every day
>Don't waste your time on /v/ and /g/, go on /k/ and Veeky Forums instead

Don't bully tiny it's not his fault he's a 5'1 giga turbo manlet with dead parents

Don't be a sad cunt, more girls will come, most of the time when you least expect it. Hit the gym, take your diet easily and focus more on school. Then you'll be a sick cunt

Nothing, despite everything, life has gone well so far, wouldn't risk changing anything.

Lottery numbers for next week desu, and some solid betting tips

Lift, and do it regularly
Stop eating garbage
Take up a sport like Rugby or Powerlifting
Don't hang around the metalhead stoner kids, surround yourself with better company
Actually focus on doing good in school, otherwise you will regret it.

Lift and dump that whore

When you need to choose school after 9th grade go to become an electrician, don't go to the gymnasium you will get hit in the back and be on hard painkillers (morphine etc) for 4 years ruining the best years of your life. fuck money it's not what makes you happy.

dump Karina and just fucking lift, keep lifting and just keep lifting. Girls will flock to you because it makes you confident, but don't let it stop you on your goals.

also you have ADHD not aspergers, so go to a doctor and get it checked ASAP, it will help improve yourself tenfolds with medication.

>ur dum lel

for real tho
>do community college first shithead dont listen to the retard counselors at your high school
>and you will never get over her killing herself. dont even try man it'll just hurt worse


Don't quit football, wrestling, and weight training. Don't play CS for 8+ hours a day. Don't drink 6 sodas a day. Learn how to cook, clean, and take care of yourself now so you don't eat fucking mac n' cheese every day in college.

>Start lifting now, don't wait the two years you did
>Cut your hair
>Don't give up on fucking that butt and accept the blowjob instead, fuck that butt you little bitch
>Don't let Mia turn you into a fucking weeb
>The brown puppy is the right choice
>Start drawing now, don't wait the two years you did
>Avoid Katie like the fucking plague

>you won't actually regret doing shit in school, so don't worry, your SAT carries you

I would make fun of him and then fuck his gf

One day, in 15 years, a cute young teenage girl will ask you to rape her.


Ihr müßt lernen, hart zu sein, Entbehrungen auf euch zu nehmen, ohne jemals zusammenzubrechen! Wir wollen, daß dieses Volk dereinst wieder ehrliebend wird, und ihr müßt euch schon in jüngsten Jahren zu diesem Begriff der Ehre bekennen!

Wir wollen aber, daß ihr einst auch wieder ein stolzes Volk werdet, und ihr müßt in eurer Jugend in einem wahrhaften Stolz leben, müßt stolz sein als Junggenossen. Ein stolzes Volk, auf daß dereinst euer Jugendstolz der Stolz der Generation wird.

Alles was wir vom Deutschland der Zukunft fordern, das Jungens und Mädchen, verlangen wir von euch!

Das müßt ihr üben, müßt ihr damit der Zukunft geben: denn was wir auch heute schaffen und was wir tun, wir werden vergehen, aber in euch wird Deutschland weiterleben, und wenn von uns nichts mehr übrig sein wird, dann werdet ihr die Fahne, die wir einst aus dem Nichts hochgezogen haben, in euren Fäusten halten müssen.

Und ihr müßt daher feststehen auf dem Boden eurer Erde und müßt stark sein, auf daß euch diese Fahne nie entfällt, und dann mag nach euch wieder Generation um Generation kommen, und ihr werdet dann ein Recht haben von ihnen dasselbe zu fordern, werdet dann von einer kommenden Jugend selbst wieder verlangen können, daß sie so sei, wie ihr gewesen seid. Und dann blickt auf euch auch Deutschland mit Stolz. Uns allen geht das Herz über vor Freude, wenn wir euch sehen und wenn wir in euch das Unterpfand erblicken können, daß unsere Arbeit nicht umsonst gewesen ist, sondern daß sie fruchtbringend wird für unser Volk. Dann erfaßt uns alle das stolze Glück, in euch die Vollendung unserer Arbeit sehen zu können und damit das Bewußtsein, daß die Millionen im großen Kriege, die zahlreichen Kameraden unter uns, nicht umsonst ihr Opfer für Deutschland gebracht haben, daß aus dem allen am Ende doch entsteht wieder ein einmütiges, freies, stolzes, ehrliebendes Volk.

Hey bro how's it going, I know it's a bad time for you now and you can never imagine having a girlfriend, great friends, happiness and you spend a lot of time alone and depressed but it's all worth it, keep faking it because you make it hard as fuck one day. Oh what did I do last weekend, went to the club by myself and picked up a 26 year old and we made love all night, haha seriously man not lying. Take it easy man and hey maybe less than 10 hours of video games a night could be positive but who am I kidding that shit was fun, -21 y/o user


Don't get tattoos, get lifting. You'll regret ruining your aesthetic with them.

along the alley, not across the street

do it right, kid

Don't watch my little pony

Ill make sure you get a (you)

I'd start with a new routine, keep up the self improvement

>try to eat more and run more.
>listen to your parents
>learn as much about soccer as you can from your brother while you still can

Posh kid detected

Believe in yourself for once.
Realize the depression is a mindset and a lot of gurls are really into you. Just relax and realize we are all experiencing internal struggle.
Listen to your brother, he is with you for you.
Keep with soccer, boxing, and jiu jitsu. Don't let your depression ruin your motivation. Overcoming the first hurtle will fix everything.

grow a beard. The sooner, the better

>are you a lich or vampire or something?

>lifted for 2 years with no progress and still kept going
This guy gon make it

>ADHD meds
Choose one

You do realize that's the vast majority of gym goers. Folks show up, soon their wheels, never adopt a good program and diet, get addicted to either preworkout mentally and thus have to go or feel like shit, or the mindset that they're doing their body good.

1: Lift you fucker, just because you're not fat doesn't mean you're doing well + it is better hobby than vidya.

2: Fuck the vidya and don't spend all your money on snacks ffs.

3: Get a fucking job, thank me later.

4: Just talk to her, I did and it sort of worked, just do it earlier.

hahaha :)

take PE every year, and actually use that free equipment in the gym.
ask that girl out before she hangs herself
apply for the army in your senior year.
don't let your dad sell your E28, it sends you on a path of 6 cars before your 20.
Hitler was definitely right.

but bread is healthy you mong

get accutane asap and dont take yourself so seriously.

kill yourself and spare ourselves the trouble of going through another decade