Started doing wrist curls with a fucking tiny ass 5lb dumbell yesterday and my arm looks like this today...

Started doing wrist curls with a fucking tiny ass 5lb dumbell yesterday and my arm looks like this today. Had icepack on it most of the day and this shit hasnt gone away. What do i do?

couple advil should do the trick homie

>wristcurl 5lbs
>tear your muscle

those are stretch marks

Draw some stars on it and you got yourself a cool space picture for tumblr.

Holy shit dude, i use 16kg kettle bells, maybe i should slow down.

5lbs... how do you not tear your muscle every time you fap sempai ?

thanks fuckers

i have no idea how this happened i didnt even feel like i was exerting myself.

Dude, you didn't pull something; you tore a muscle. That is why you got all that bruising around the area.

Go see a doctor, you will most likely need to have it surgically repaired.

>pic related for reference

sick tats bro

those pecs lines look sick as fuck

looks like eternal bleeding op

that tiger tit looks pretty dope

>eternal bleeding

I hope you mean internal.

No eternal, OP said it hasn't gone away. It is eternally bleeding

i was hoping NOT to have to see a doctor.

fuck man i just want this to go away

god damnit how could this have happened i didnt hardly fucking work out at all like 10 minutes max this is fucking ridiculous

must have been pretty limpwristed lad

it is an unatural movement for your wrists

>torn pecs give kickass tribal tatoos

Tearing my pec right NOW

no need to worry OP, that coloration just means you are approaching the natty limit and it is almost time for the final transformation

Holy shit bro how did you manage that, were you doing it for hours or something?

Fuck that's cool

Dude you have to like actively contract the muscle. What happened is you probably didn't hold your wrist up and it got over extended and tore your forearm to shit.
>I'll stick to my 300 pound farmers carries bitch

Bad form 99% sure. Floppy wrist nigga

>tfw no pigbros to work out with

OP don't listen to this faggot , the image he posted is the aftermath of a guy getting hit by a truck.

Wrist curls are shit for forearms . Try hammer curls, deadlift without straps, farmers walks

Looks like the Japanese rising sun flag

Btw, if anyone is wondering what it feels like to tear a muscle

>Just imagine saran wrap tearing underneath your skin
>It honest doesnt hurt
>just burns and feel very hot and strange afterwards

Probably some dank ass Chinese steroids, wonder how far he carried them piggies.

what the hell, are you a grill or smth? go see a doctor, im pretty sure that shit isn't normal

i wrist curl 35s.what is wrong with you?

Breaking a bone doesn't really hurt either. It's like a crunch. I actually shattered part of my wrist and both bones in my forearm, good insurance tho so I didn't even need bolts. Fuck yeah suburbia! I'd hate to tear a muscle because you know your shits never going to be right after that.
>mfw tearing my chest on bench 1RM

woah dude what the fuck get to hospital like nowish

Literal b8. Kys.

op most definitely tore muscles you fucking retard

the longer your wait the more fucked you are op, if you dont get to a hospital you will loose permanent muscle function and have fucked wrists for life

The lines above your nipple are so clean it almost looks intentional. How bad does that hurt?

>tear muscle
>gives you natty master race tattoo

>google image search turns up nothing
ohshit nigga

I will bet any money that retard OP didn't loosen his muscles up whatsoever and is so DYEL that he shouldn't have been doing wrist curls in the first place


Nah genius OP is big as fuck he just does wrist curls with 5lb DBs
Also literally nobody stretches wrists ever before the gym easy shit to say after it happened

Well if he doesn't lift at all which is more than likely the case he shouldn't be doing wrist curls of any weight. And speak for yourself, I do hand circles before every workout which stretches the forearms. Just because it hasn't happened to you or anyone you know yet doesn't mean you cant end up like OP

You may have torn a tendon. Did you hear ANY popping or ripping sounds when you were working out?

even when i was dyel if i wrist curled 40 with no problem 4x15. i dont understand how this happened with 5lb. this really isnt normal, even if you've never lifted before. if i were you, id even go to the doctor about this because tearing a muscle on literally 5lb dumbbells is unheard of to me. might wanna see if you have some kind of fucked disease or some shit.

are you literally mentally retarded? he didnt suggest this was a picture of him at all? why would you think this was him?

How's your summer break treating you?

I got an avulsion fracture of my pelvis and tore my hamstring and long aductor doing a fucking warm up drill when I was hurdling m8. I was at training for 5 minutes max.

Weird shit happens.