Why are we not more terrified of the fact climate change is going to kill millions in the next 40 years?

Why are we not more terrified of the fact climate change is going to kill millions in the next 40 years?

Even if we drop our carbon emissions entirely today, our temperature will still rise 3 degrees, ruining agriculture and making huge swathes of land uninhabitable. There’ll be forced mass movement of billions, of those who can survive. And the northern hemisphere won’t be able to cope in losing its southern crops.

Why are we not fucking screaming?

>falling for the desertification meme
>not knowing that the Sahara used to be heavily forested but dropping temperatures ruined the humidity cycle that kept it green

Imagine being born as a poor Bangladeshi peasant.

First your ancestors get colonized by Europeans because they industrialized first. They made them build some stuff, but plunged them in wars and famine and general subservience.
That finished and today they say that you are free, only to be chained in poverty. You are still exploited by those westerners, just indirectly with the cooperation of the local elite. But things are getting better, wealth is stacking up slowly and sometime in the future you can see that it will be your children's turn to reap the benefits of industry without having to go to bongland...

But oh, wait, that won't happen, because it appears that on their way to wealth those westerners made a mess that will soon destroy half of your country.

that's what the mass-media tells to you.

This is foolishness. A warmer world means MORE rainfall, not less. Yes some areas will be desertified, but nothing like to the extent this map suggests. The net result will be MORE inhabitable land, not less, despite the loss of some land to flooding.

What a load of shit. Bangladeshis ruled over much of Hindu India with an iron fist, regularly genociding Hindus and Buddhists and basing its economy on extracting taxes from the non-Muslims. Now that it's "free" it has no economy to speak of and is crushingly poor, but this is the result of their own poor decisions and vile past behaviors, it has nothing to do with muh evildumb whites. Also, global warming is not the fault of "the west", China and India produce as much gasses as the west does.

>global temperatures rise
>ice melts
>less ice in winter
>more warm water ports
Why are we scared of global warming again?

The flooding of several major cities, the desertification of some current farmland, and the disappearance of Bangledesh and the MASSIVE migrant crisis that will ensue. Basically the bad part of global warming is the part where you to actually live thru it happening.

It's really this combined with an oil crisis and the following food shortage that worry me

>ruining agriculture and making huge swathes of land uninhabitable.
Actually a lot of countries will have better farming conditions. Northern Europe, Poland, Russia, Canada.

a refugee crisis that will make the current one look like a joke, we're talking sea peoples 2.0

>Massive numbers of thirdworlders starve and drown
>Massive drop in Co2 output due to their deaths and the destruction of many unregulated factoies and ports
>Bangladesh is gone

None of this seems bad

*breathes in*

Nice so we fucked the third world through capital and now we will actually annihilate them physically since we got robots.
I dont see an issue. by 2040 we will have automated anything that some dumb hindu can do today.

Do you think they all will go to europe?

Because you guys are retard if you do

If they migrate to europe, most if not all will die traveling

According to that map, siberia and canada will be the place to go

>the total collapse of global commerce and agriculture and a massive displacement of peoples from all nations doesn't seem too bad

Hard to imagine anything worse, really. Even full scale atomic war would leave large parts of the Earth unharmed. Maybe being hit by a meteor would cause more disruption, if it was big enough.

My family will come to European and N.America soon.

Science states clearly that the worst thing for the environment is children, especially in devloped states where people use incredible amounts of energy. Climate change will only get worse as more and more countries attempt to reach Western standards, increasing production, mining and electrical generation haphazardly. To stop climate change we need to remove the worst offenders, current mass immigration isn't even a check valve, it's only building the bubble further. Letting them into Europe doesn't help the climate, as they immediately jump to Western consumption levels. Stopping and slowing immigration on our end and letting the southern countries reap what they've sown, mosy starvation, is the best overall way to fight climate change.

because history is a story about people making the same mistakes over and over again

Wow you are a true retard. Please consider adopting a name so I can filter you like that Dominic twat.

*chokes on polluted air*

Tell me your plan to bring 4 billion people to Western living standards and stop climate change then.

Overpopulation is the biggest climate problem, people drive everything else, to solve it we need to get rid of some people.

>Tell me your plan to bring 4 billion people to Western living standards and stop climate change then.
Colonize other planets. Or, just don't stop it. Climate change is a good thing, its only those of us who have to live thru it that will suffer, the world will be more habitable with the ice gone.

Overpopulation is a meme, we have plenty for everyone, and the more people we have, the more geniuses we have.

Because it isn't, you absolutely idiotic coward.

Not that idiotic coward but yes, it absolutely will kill millions, even in the "best case" outcomes where we avoid catastrophic ecological collapse. In fact millions have ALREADY died from it, in floods, droughts, and famines.

>the more people we have, the more geniuses we have
Except those people should be jews, whites or east asians, not black like right now

>writes a bunch of nonesense
Go away.

Sure but that's a different question, and anti-natalists are always and only concerned with reducing WHITE births, making it even less of an answer.

>too stupid to understand simple and clearly written English text

How do "people" like you function? Do you have a helper or something?

I dropped my username so now you can see all my posts

Why someone would filter an user?

That is very Re**it

Off yourself, child

I think Burma is low-key on the cutting edge of climate policy: they are well aware that climate change will fuck Bangladesh. They are expelling the Rhohingya and literally mining the border because they likely realize that in 10-20 years millions of Bangladeshis will flee to join the Rhohingya enclave in Burma.

I predict that anti-immigration policies will become the norm, even in Europe, as sea levels continue to rise.
Japan, EU, America, China, and other powerful nations will ultimately look at the teeming millions of Africans and SEA people and decide. "Yeah, keeping our standard of living is worth 200 million people dying".

I filter you because you never have anything intelligent or interesting to say, because you are an uninteresting and stupid person.

Prooftext: This pitiful cringe-inducing attempt to get my attention. Truly pathetic.

>rise 3 degrees
>ruin agriculture
Earth was hotter during roman times you dumbass.

Rate of change, fucktard.

>Why are we not more terrified of the fact climate change is going to kill millions in the next 40 years?

Because nature is providing the necessary counter force that will rebalance humanity. Humans need a sever culling to get our population under control. If there is still enough land for food enough for 1 billion humans, then that's how many we should be. All the melodramatics aside, its simple ecology. Save the sad cello music for something that matters. Its not like humanity will go extinct. Alot of species over grow thier habitats and then nature strikes them back down. Its so simple, we will learn the lesson and control more strictly our populations so that we can focus our energy and attention can be focused on progressing and evolving the surviving civilization and not just feeding and entertaining the bloated throbbing masses of degeneracy.

Losing billions is still cause for concern, regardless of if humans will survive.

>green sahel

>citation needed

Rich people who obviously know whats what and have control over the media are not in a hurry to warn the plebs for obvious reasons.

In fact the whole Sahara will be green, as will Australia, and Africa for the most part will be just fine. It's really the Northern hemisphere that is set for catastrophic change.

Read a book you tard. What do you rain is made of? I'll give you a clue: It's made of water. More water = more rain, particularly if you also raise temperatures, which increases the rate of oceanic evaporation and thus cloud formation.

Sooo, move to northern Norway and/or Canada and buy some property there?

Uh, Al Gore? Yeah he's really trying to keep it quiet, amirite? "The rich" as a class don't share one opinion on climate change, for every denialist there's an opportunist making money off the fact of climate change.

Why is loosing billions of humans concerning? You act like humans have some kind of high noble value. Loosing a few billion would be best for the world over all and he survivors.

Both good choices, I'd favor Canada for the culture but it WILL open its borders to climate refugees and be swamped by niggers, so Norway (or Siberia) is a safer bet. Expensive to buy land in Norway, tho.

Still doesnt make any sense, you sound like a girl

What do you think drives progress? I'll give you a clue: it's people, people drive progress. Fewer people = less progress, less progress means less well off.

Yeah really making me want to unfilter you, you pathetic sack of whoredom. Go post your microdick on /sco/ and spare Veeky Forums from your less than worthless presence.

>most of the world mad max style desert
>lifeless husks of cities dot the landscape where tiny scavenger societies cling to life
>civilization clings on in a handful of ungovernable dystopian megacities
>greenland and antartica are the new frontiers everyone is trying to colonize
>energy basically free thanks to all the solar
>but food and water are very expensive
>population fighting over scraps of bread with energy weapons

Fucking bring it on! Cyberpunk dystopia best future

Also this map is wrong, all that red in souther patagonia is fucking massive mountains and fjords, a 2m sealevel rise would do nothing to them

Because many of us have family there?

Because we don't have aspergers like you?

Are you sure? Is there any actual evidence of this?

That wont happen like that

It was the case in all earlier non-glacial epochs, and all climate models suggest it will be case this time, too. I honestly don't know any reputable climate scientist who supports a dessert earth model. Ice ages are the dry periods, when water is tied up occupying clay and not making rain, and tho we don't think of it that way we ARE currently in an ice age.

That's a rather tenuous argument. I could argue that the focused use of, and availability of resources drives progress more than the availability of warm bodies. The portion of a population suitable for the sciences and governing classes of people does not increase with a larger population. Only the amount of land and food to feed the larger mass of consumers. A smaller subset of people who produce ideas does not mean less ideas, it means better ideas as less of their focus will be on the management and feeding of the lower consumer class.

A humanity of 1 billion individuals will teach the stars, and more earth lime planets far faster than a humanity of 10 billion half staved, ungovernable, war torn humans will.

Im in norway so im good

You don't have to do it, i wont use my username again so don't bother and i dont give a shit that you filter me, lol

Never browsed that board

Who knows? Based on current politics of the two countries, I'd pick Norway, but in terms of potentially getting more land for your dollar, Canada or Siberia are the way to go. Other candidates are western Greenland and Svalbard.

Lack of people drove progess after the black plague

>he doesn't know that deserts are hot

>Its smart people
>smart people drive progress
Dumb people reduce progress retard.

>The portion of a population suitable for the sciences and governing classes of people does not increase with a larger population.

Exactly, which is why more people = more talented people. Yes it means more talentless drones too, but they serve a function in the economy (for the most part) and the gains from the extra talented people outweighs the cost of the truly useless.

A planet of a billion would regress in technology, they couldn't hope maintain our civilization.

No, people who were motivated by a sudden lack of other people that drive it. It's ALWAYS people who do the progressing.

When they're in charge, sure, but they barely ever manage to get in charge except in monarchies.

Fuck you namefag, I don't need to be reminded they're all coming my way when shit hits the fan. I pray to I'm dead before that happens.

>i care so little i make multiple pitifully cringe-inducing whineposts about it


Im talking about other moving to those lands, most of them will die before getting to those lands and even i doubt they will to to europe

Siberia and canada are better options but it will be hard

Do you live in siberia?
Im not whining, its just make me laugh that someone is so sensitive and again you sound like a girl

Depends how sudden it is, I don;t expect a disaster movie sudden collapse, this will take decades to happen and climate refugees will be a constant flow throughout. A strong state could keep them out, but Canada in its current anti-western mode would abolish itself with open borders.

>im not whining like a pathetic little bitch, honestly!
>hahaha you sound like a girl, unlike a manly macho male such as myself!


No, Canada.

What good would screaming do? There's nothing that will stop climate change, no one is going to take action significant enough to halt it, so why worry? Just adapt as it comes in. Living in America means that we should be relatively well off, if not because of our natural resources then because of our military ability to conquer fertile lands.

Ah yes, the turkic sultanates, as bengali as tagore .

>the state was run by taxing non muslims
It was a major producer of spices and handicrafts. Along with producing cash crops.

>india and china that have rapidly industrialized in the last 20 - 30 years have as much to do with global warming than the west which has been doing that for 200 years.

Why you are so rude?

Are you from iran?

I know you wont tell me this but from which country you are?
That is what im saying, they wont start migrating just because is +4 more warm, where there isnt food then they will start but they will die before they can get to Canada, just a little elite will be able to move

And keep in mind it wont be just africa or ME, you will have europe and US moving, if you are in canada, i would be more worry about american blacks and hispanics than anything

According to this map, the mass migration of people, on previously unprecedented scale in human history, might look like this.
>Countries too far away from green countries will only be able to send their wealthy in their entirety. The poor and middle class would have massive death rates regardless if they tried to stay or tried to move to a better region.
>Countries closer will be able to send more of their poor and middle class to the green countries.
>This means that sub-saharans, chinese, indians SEA, latinos, etc will see most of their population perish.
>North America, Middle East, Central Asia, North Africa, and most of East Asia will survive their migration.
>Kamchatka and Alaska will become East Asian
>Northern Europe will become different kinds of Muslim
>Canada becomes an American colony
>Greenland becomes fully European
>Mountainous countries like Chile, Nepal, Ethiopia, and Tajikistan, will survive if they are not trampled by refugees on their way to wealthier countries
>Islands that aren't submerged will survive easy like New Zealand, Hawaii, Caribbean, etc.

Those Indians who converted to Islam and intermixed with the invading Mughals benefited greatly from the privileged they were granted, I shed not a single tear that a race of traitors who exploited their own people and made nothing of themselves is now unable to prosper without their slaves.

It will provoke a collapse so War and riots will prevent many people from moving, people just want to survive, im pretty sure a race war will happen in US

>Bangladeshis ruled over much of Hindu India with an iron fist, regularly genociding Hindus and Buddhists
I did not know Hindus were this retarded. All that cow piss drinking and designated fuming must have really lowered their collective IQ's to single digit level.

>Northern Europe will become different kinds of Muslim
You went all good until this, go back to /pol/ with your shit theory

>muslim rule in india was totes peaceful and tolerant

Good goy.

Whe has a racewar EVER happened?

>American memer


man-made climate change is fake news, mon, dont be so narcissistic to believe humans have the power to change global forces of nature.

Hutu's against the Tutsi?

Except your knowledge of history about muslim rule in India, and bengal in particular is pretty fucking terrible.
Bengal was barely even properly hindu when The Senas lost to the Khiljis and the Sultanate of Gaur was established. Muslims practiced a syncretic religion which they largely do, complete with spring festivals and other pre islamic rites, The Nawabs of bengal had hindu men as members of their court and in administrative positions and the fact that they were very far away from their hinterlands in the Doab meant that they had to compromise a lot in order to maintain their rule.

How is the global war for what little green bits left look like? How hard is China going to fuck Russia in the ass?

screw you im not going anywhere im gonna be desert people

Thats just an ethnic genocide. Youre never gonna get "blacks vs whites, with everh other colours in between" racewar.
Far mpre likely is a republican vs democrat civil war

It wouldn't even be much of a civil war desu, more like a coup or a purge, should a civil war between the two sides ever break out, which is highly unlikely to ever happen in the first place.

what the fuck are you even talking about?

The theoretical republican vs democrat civil war.

Care to explain why there wouldn't be massive amounts of Muslims in Europe? I think in such a scenario there would be a ton of refugees flooding into northern Europe. I imagine they could make it to due to the lack of geographic barriers and relatively close distances. I applied the same logic to Koreans, northern Chinese, Mongolians, etc flooding into Kamchatka/north Asia.

Thus the "?", I'm not even the user ()
who you talked to. I've never seen an actually instant of racial war, and the only thing that could come in my mind was either ethnic or possibly a slave revolt such as the Haitians as the closest to a racial war. I know, neither are race wars, but they're the closest to a race war in my mind.

If climate change ever happen then yes, it will be a race war in the US as people will take sides for survival and i doubt germanics will side with blacks

Do you think people will care about political parties in a collapse?

Desertification of that scale has never happened in the entire history of the earth, even at celsius this would not happen.

The entire earth was far warmer during the time of the dinosaurs and it was filled with tropical jungles and rainforests.

I call bullshit.

even at 5 celsius *

>people will take sides for survival
Yeah, like Americans invading Canada and Russia, we're not gonna fight ourselves when we could fight other people for survival.

Because you will people from iberia, italy, south france and other countries in the med sea moving north so that means that many muslims crossing the sea will die either by hungry, drown or killed by south europeans

Its a collapse, people will drop that social justice shit and only will look their survival

Why would a white leftie ally with a white rightie and not a black leftie?

Hungry will be the key, just look at hurricane katrina, i read somewhere that almost a race war break out as many blacks were looting white houses

Everything about that map is wrong