What if the Muslims had attacked and conquered Italy and not Spain?

What if the Muslims had attacked and conquered Italy and not Spain?

What would be the Italian equivalent of Reconquista?

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The "Riconquista"

"What if" threads need to be banned from Veeky Forums, they're not history. Fuck off.

I agree with but just take a look at Sicily. The reconquest of the island was carried out with brutality by the Christians, who expelled and massacred Muslim inhabitants and replaced them with Central and Northern Italians(that's why there are some Gallo Italic dialects spoken in Sicily)
It's a very interesting topic however I fear that most sources are in Italian so if you don't know the language you are screwed

>who expelled and massacred Muslim inhabitants and replaced them with Central and Northern Italians(that's why there are some Gallo Italic dialects spoken in Sicily)
Source for this claim?

>The reconquest of the island was carried out with brutality by the Christians,
You must answer brutality with brutality. Do tell, what is the "not brutal" way to expel tyrants?

non brutal example is the siege of Granada where they let the muslims go
Brutal is killing them all

Again though, it's appropriate to answer brutality with brutality. Sicilians didn't owe Muslim Arabs anything.



There is more, I'll try to find and translate
it if I have time

I didn't say whether they were right or not, just stated a fact

Your tone implied condemnation of the Sicilians.

> What if the Muslims had attacked and conquered Italy

It took them 150 years of grueling warfare to conquer Sicily lol, so no, not possible.

The Byzies were in southern Italy, blocking the path.

When it came to wiping out the Sicilian Muslims, Frederick II didn't act lightly: in Agrigento, Entella, Jato and Val di Mazara some "mountain emirates" had been established.[...] Sheiks like Ibn Fakhir, Magded or Ibn Abbad led the expeditions of the Islamic Sicilians, often financed from Maghreb and by North African rulers.

Marco Brando, Lo strano caso di Federico II di Svevia

Interesting. I really don't much about Sicily during this time period. I have some vague idea that Muslims established an emirate there but that's about it.

Why are christcucks so triggered when people point out that they were the same kind of savages as the muslim?

Nobody brought up Christianity but yourself. Nice to reveal yourself as an obsessed insecure faggot though.Sicilians didn't owe Muslims anything. their actions towards Muslims were 100% justified.

>walk up behind someone on the street
>punch them in the back of the head
>they turn around and punch you in the head
stop posting here, retard.

They were foreign invaders pushing out an older invasion. Normans, Germans, Catalans, and Lombards.

muslims cant into navy, never would have happened

>Sicilians wanted Muslims Arabs there
HAHAHAHAH. They were foreigners helping the natives.

Why is taking back your land and rightfull revanchism barbarism?

Are you just an illiterate faggot are did you just attack a straw man for the third time in a fucking row?