Should I weigh myself every day? (female)

should I weigh myself every day? (female)

every week more like it


No. Once a week, at most. And preferable at the same time of day, eg: before breakfast.

You should weigh yourself once a week at most, and only if your goal is specifically to lose weight or gain weight.

If your goal is to get in better shape, be than leaner or more muscular, weight doesn't really matter if you know what you're doing with diet and training.

You can weight yourself when you fucking want, but doing it daily you will notice slower progress. Anyway it doesn't matter

Read the FUCKING sticky, summerfag.

It doesn't really matter. You can weigh yourself daily, but remember that waterweight plays a big role. I weigh myself nearly daily and I've come to be able to take that into account quite well.

I've learned that I weigh 0.6 Kgs less after cardio than I do before cardio and on my rest day. I also have learnt that I weigh the most after going to the gym, most likely since I drink a shitton over there.

Why are you posting (female) attention cunt. We don't give a fuck

literally nobody fucking cares


This is a fitness board cunt, grab a skinny girl drink and fuck off to a stair stepper.

The thing is, your weight will go up or down from one day to the next based on water weight, food you haven't shat out yet, etc. And this daily variance will be bigger than any amount of body fat you may have gained or lost.

What I'd actually recommend doing is weighing yourself every day, but only actually RECORD your high and low for the week. This will make it easier to identify longer term trends. You should see your weekly low go down fairly consistently, but learn to ignore the "omg I did so well on my diet yesterday but still gained a pound, wtf!" days.

Take progress pics of tits too, post here for evaluation OP

Hey OP, another female here to tell you, no don't weigh yourself every day. It's not meaningful due to water weight constantly in flux a few lbs. Also keep in mind that us girls tend to put on extra water weight near that time of month and we keep it until the week's over. Weigh yourself once every week or two and don't panic if you gain a few extra lbs and look bloated around period time because that's natural and what our bodies are designed to do.

Hey FUCK OFF faggots, in case you were completely unaware girls have different hormones and body-makeups than guys, meaning any time they come here for fitness advice they should state gender.

Fucking beta virgins can't stand the idea of a girl invading their SURRCURET CLUUUAB???? Fuck off kys bitchbois

Bodyweight varies too much during the week, and everyone's busy anyway.

Weigh yourself once a week, on a Saturday or Sunday morning, after getting out of bed and after using the toilet, (preferably after emptying your bowels, not just urinating) but before having anything to eat or drink (including liquids of any kind). That'll give you the most accurate representation of your actual bodyweight.

Yes you should and then draw a graph. You'll see lots of spikes but that's ok. Just graph the curve and you'll have a good idea of your weight loss.

hourly. Just to be precise

i weigh myself daily and dont freak out that the weight varies. I only compare week to week average and the overall slope of the graph it makes.

also, and more importantly, I measure my waist once per week, 3 measurement average ( 1am, 1pm, 1 before bed )

you sound toastie

You can weigh yourself daily, but only the weekly average is significant.


in what part of the world does this sound like the pronunciation of "secret"?