How did this girl manage to not have loose skin and some people who don't even lose as much size as her end up looking...

How did this girl manage to not have loose skin and some people who don't even lose as much size as her end up looking like a crepe?

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Her lower abdomen is fucking covered. She might have some loose skin.

looks like she got stretch marks on her legs user

>also: anorexic

>tfw i would rather fuck the left picture than the right

I'm mostly impressed with her arms, you can always tell people were fat cause they have flabby arms

I think that's a dirty mirror not stretch marks

But who cares about stretch marks, most people have it

Being a chubby chaser has to be a mental illness

Her face is better before and anorexic people are just as gross looking as fat people so it's not that weird of a choice

If she gained a little bit of weight and did core work she'd be 10/10

>left pic
>looks happy, skin is glowing, thick legs that i could lay between and put my willy inside

>right pic
>looks unhappy
>skin looks shit, looks overall unhealthy
>ribs showing
>mental hospital wrist band
>twiglet legs
>leg patches from excessive heroin use
>nasty long slenderman arms
>boney skeleton fingers

>pants pulled up to the navel

Yeah, she's flabby as fuck

I think you mean a lot a bit
Like 15kg minimum

She's not
Anorexia seems to be the cure for saggy skin

He's not chasing the tubby, its just preferable to a bag of bones. Seriously, anorexia eats away at your bones and body and make it extremely weak, you may actually break her if you fuck her decent.

Just imagine though
Actually fucking someone so hard you successfully break their spine

Yeah. Needs body recomposition asap

As someone who went from fat to anorexic, it really isn't. My upper body looks fine, but my lower body has stretch marks everywhere. Its disgustingly hideously obvious in the sunlight that I have stretch marks all over my thighs hips and ass that basically looks like i have bad cellulite , no matter how fit I get or how much weight I've lost. Its a shame, I'd have a killer body if my mom.hadn't ruined it during childhood.
>and that bitch always tried to guilt me about "ruining" her body in labor
Bitch please, at last that's a natural occurrence. My ruined body is because your fatass never learned to keep your hand out of the cookie jar and decided to raise your kids that way. Some people really should never have kids

Dude no one cares about stretch marks, do you have any idea how treatable those are? It's loose skin that is the problem because the only treatment is surgery
I never seen an anorexic with loose skin

>and that bitch always tried to guilt me about "ruining" her body in labor

Lmao who the fuck does that

>lost 60lbs in 9 months, no loose skin
>get stretchmarks from squatting too hard
>can't do a proper bulk-cut cycle or risk looking like a zebra
Some weird shit, that.

she went the other way,from fat to Miss Gulag.

Looks like she tucks it into her underwear.

Only when you wear your underwear up to your bellybutton it is possible to do that
There just isn't any
Besides look at the arms

desu left is sexier than right and Im not even into fatties, right looks fucking sickly

You probably got stretch marks from puberty and only noticed them now

Went from fat as fuck to skinny as fuck. Both options are shit.