Can someone explain to me the obsession with "team" faggotry? Why can't people just be responsible for their own shit...

Can someone explain to me the obsession with "team" faggotry? Why can't people just be responsible for their own shit. It's always one person ends up doing the vast majority of the work anyway.

I'm referring to uni "group work" and job "teams" if that wasn't clear. That said, at amateur level it's also usually one guy carrying a load of shitters in team sports too.

its called not having aspergers user

Or I'm just sick of retards getting credit for shit they didn't do.

People want a sense of belonging more than ever

>I'm referring to uni "group work" and job "teams" if that wasn't clear.

that shit pisses me the fuck off

I always get stuck with some dumb fucks who don't do any work, and the teacher is a piece of shit who won't do shit because 'muh work distribution sheet' as if they'd agree to sign on the fact they did 5% of the work and I did 75%

Holy fuck I keep saying I'm willing to do the work of 4 people solo if it means I don't have to deal with this shit

i swear i thought until today i was the only one who noticed this

in school, whenever it came to group work, it meant all the reasonably intelligent kids with a decent work ethic were split up and distributed evenly around the class so that each "group" would be guaranteed to come up with something good
all it meant was that the hard working kids did all the work while the lazy ones fucked around as usual, but everyone gets credit
basically communism

Because that's how things work in the real world. Projects are done in teams because it needs to be done quickly, or because it is a very large volume of work, or because different people are better qualified to do different parts. One person working on their own is almost never the best way to accomplish a goal, unless it is a very small goal. Sometimes you wind up working with shitty people and it's shitty, sometimes you wind up working with people that you really click with and it's a great experience, but either way if you ever plan on working for a big company you need to get used to that shit now. Otherwise, start looking for a job where you can avoid interacting with others, like a mortician or an archivist or something.

Just wait until you work at a company.

20% of the people do 80% of the work.

Happened to me at uni too. Then again, nobody gives a shit, not even your teachers. Just focus on learning (which is why you are there) and passing your tests.

yeah no.
When you work in a company, you're with people who actually want to be there.

At the very least, they did the years of work it takes to get there.
High school and even secondary education kids don't give a shit most of the time.

This is retarded logic that doesn't relate to the real world.

I do. "Team training" consists of my group pissing around until I say "we're doing this", do all the work and present it.

It's bullshit

What I meant was that group work is a reality of the working world. I didn't mean to say that you will always be dealing with one person doing a vast majority of the work when you're at an actual job. That rarely, if ever happens because smart managers don't keep dead weight on their staff.

The world is too complicated to handle on your own. You need backup. Humans are social animals for a reason.

Learn to lead, though. Don't just be some bitch who follows orders.

Dude, I remember getting into legit shouting matches with a coworker because she didn't want to do the bare fucking minimum for fucking MAKING SURE THE PRODUCTS AREN'T FUCKING DANGEROUS.

A few months later, we received a product back with the side completely covered in blood. Client lost a finger because the product was poorly designed.

The Engineering Manager immediately called a meeting and said "user, I believe you have something to tell the team".

At which point I gave the biggest fucking "I told you so" to that cunt as she hung her head down in shame.

Well yeah, I thought it was obvious people have a problem with picking shit up after other people. (as is 90% of people who complain about group work)

I'd love to work in a motivated, smart team who gives a shit about the project for once.

that sounds infuriating
did she get punished?

"team" is a bit different from "group" which is basically what you are describing.

small groups make it easier for the professors to grade a quarter of the work. it will reflect later work as well. luckily under performers can get fired.

teams, on the other hand, are a result of tribalism and other bullshit. the average IQ of a sports fanatic is lower than a real persons, for example.

The Engineering Manager (who was a pretty cool guy) made the environment completely toxic to the kind of worker she was. She ended up transferring to another department of the company. The company wouldn't fire her because she got in through nepotism in the first place (Company was owned by an Italian family, lol).

>The Engineering Manager (who was a pretty cool guy) made the environment completely toxic to the kind of worker she was.
how'd he do that?

I imagine that'd be a very useful skill to have

>The company wouldn't fire her because she got in through nepotism in the first place

of course she did

He started off by creating standards. There were 0 pages of documentation when he got there. He hired me when they were around 5 pages of documentation. My first job there (during my 3 week internship) was literally just to go over the documentation, finding any errors, omissions or things that needed clarification. I was just out of school, so I still had all the book-smart stuff fresh in my mind so it was really good timing. After a year and a half, we had gotten it up to something like 150 pages and were streamlining it to make it easier for new employees to read and understand.

I think the standards that she hated the most were the QA and QC forms. You had a checklist of potential problems (The most major, like safety concerns, and the most common like a missing dimension or something along those lines). You'd have to fill out the QA form (basically saying "I checked my work and it is free of errors") BEFORE you could hand it off to another employee to verify it by following the QC checklist, noting down any mistakes and would then send it back to you. If there weren't any mistakes, you'd get approval to send it to the Project Manager(s). If not, you'd have to fix it first.

Then, he implemented a system where you could punch in and out of SPECIFIC tasks, schedule them for specific hours of each work day, etc. This eventually got worked into new performance metrics (Which is what got her to finally transfer). You'd have metrics for the number of tasks that went over estimated time, for whether the QC came back clean the first time, etc.

All that info would automatically be sorted into charts so we'd know the exact performance of the department on a day to day basis. When her numbers were significantly below everyone else's with the exception of the guy working under her, she got tired of being given shit for it and left.

The Engineering department went from the company's bottle-neck to the smoothest and best performing department in the company.

Depending on the assignment, I let the beta faggot do the work, ill chip in an idea and agree with another person while he meticulously scribbles all the shit

If it's for like a final project/presentation and I actually give a shit about my grade, i'll assign each person their equal part. Always be the leader, you get to pick the easiest part for yourself

>mfw the ugly dude is looking shit up in the textbook while I'm flirting with Stacy

While cooperation is essential for optimal functioning of a society or any cohort of individuals, i do find that these group projects actually hinder creativity and are just excuses for professors being lazy. Only times where i found group effort to be useful was for a design class where each of us had expertise in different area and that turned out pretty well and fun.

Other instances were typical brainstorming stupid shit until one person actually put thoughts into it to essentially take charge of the project where at that point you dont really have an option to speak against since the rest of the group are lazy fucks that just want this shit to end.
On efforts that only require 2-3 ppl i usually asked to do it alone which were vastly more efficient