Are chiropractors quackery Veeky Forums...

Are chiropractors quackery Veeky Forums? I have anterior shoulder problems that nothing i have tried fixed so I just bought 80 dollers worth of chiro visits. I hope to god the person doesnt wrongfully diagnose me so i continue to come back. I just want to get better. I have had this problem for well over a year now. God help me...

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>Are chiropractors quackery Veeky Forums?

At best they'll do nothing and try to get you to come back regularly. At worst they'll fuck your shit up.

Go see someone with actual qualifications like a physiotherapist.

t. they fucked my shit up.


Do not let them do rapid head jerks, twists, etc. Lay that as a ground rule... only slow deliberate manipulation.

I have a friend that was told my multiple orthopaedic docs that he would just have to live with and "manage" back pain. A chiropractor got his back straight pretty quickly. It really changed his life.

Short answer: yes.
Long answer: there are some issues that legitimate, experienced chiropractors can help you out with. However, the field as a whole is pretty unregulated and untested so there are at least as many witch doctors who will promise they can fix any problem you have as there are intelligent medical professionals who understand their field and its limitations. For that reason, I probably wouldn't go to one.

Have you seen an actual doctor about your problem?

>Do not let them do rapid head jerks, twists, etc. Lay that as a ground rule... only slow deliberate manipulation

What is the reason behind this? Would it piss them off to tell them that?

Yes I have, nothing is really apparently wrong said the doctor, MRI shows no real problem but it just fucking hurts and hurts to press. Im thinking its something with the pec minor into the corocoid process. That is what I want the chiro to look at. I dont want any spine snaps or anything, just stick to the shoulder. But I get a free xray on my first visit, but im certain that wont really do anything

Chiropractors actually have lower insurance costs and lower rates of reported malpractice than most other MDs. Stop falling for retarded Rationalwiki memes. Chiropractic care is not more dangerous than just about anything else a doctor could do to you.

How is your shoulder mobility? How often do you stretch, do dislocations, massage/roll, etc? 9 times out of 10 that's gonna be the issue.

My GP typically doesn't kill me

I have spondylolithesis (pic related)

Over the course of 6 months of "treatment" from two different chiros the severity was increased a grade.

Fuck your quackery.

Man, can you feel your butthole?

You do understand how math works, right? You do know what statistics are and why singular anecdotal cases do not prove anything, right?

the parts of chiropractic that can actually help people is the stuff pts and masseuses do that they overlap into

it's the actual chiropractic principles that are bullshit (SPINAL ADJUSTMENTS?!)

>How is your shoulder mobility?
Really good.
> How often do you stretch, do dislocations, massage/roll, etc?
I do dislocations multiple times a day, and I have a lacrosse ball for trigger points and foam roll every evening

So like shoulder massages and maofascia release/trigger point?

What is an adjustment? I apparently get 3 of them

Snapping your shit

>Visit to GP
>Prescription written, botched due to messy handwriting
>Person dies
This happens a lot

Huh, well you have reached the end of my expertise. Good luck user, I know how much a persistent nagging injury sucks.

Should be easy to provide sources for your claim then.

Yeah its why I am trying this out. I mean I cant turn back on the thing I bought since it was a groupon. It was 80 bucks but you guys have scared me now lol fuck. I just want the god damn shoulder fixed

you guys wanna see something fucked up

I mean they are not going to damage you if it is a reputable place (which you should research before you go), I just wouldn't expect much in terms of fixing you up. But who knows, maybe you will really respond positively to it.

This is where im gonna go, I tried to find something where it atleast sounded like it would be good. The word kinetic in the title was big for me. As I have pain in a certain motion perhaps they can help
"Poorly handwritten prescription orders are the chief culprit in miscommunications among prescribing clinicians, nurses, and pharmacists, and have often resulted in serious injury or death due to incorrect understanding of the drug or its dosage, route, or frequency (Cohen, 2000)."

I frankly wouldn't know enough to tell you if this place was legit or not, but if you feel good about it then give it a shot.

I do have 3 adjustments though. I do have knee problems aswell but it is rarely painful unless I squat. I could have them look at that but i feel like if they fuck with it, it will just hurt all the time instead of only when I squat. Is this a warranted fear?

chiropractors are a meme. All they do is yank your muscles possibly tearing you up or dislocating your shit. Dumbest shit ever. The only fix is to do whatever exercises google tells you to do and stretch. Stretching is key and resting if you still lift

The fact that your knee is not anywhere near your spine means they probs can't do anything about it.

Have you read the thread bitch? We are talking about his shoulder and mao-fascia release

that makes me feel bad

I used to work for a Chiropractor and I got an adjustment once a month for 7 years, I never had back pain, he showed me a lot about being in healthy, I learned proper form,nutrition and other health information from him. I hadn't worked for him for three years and I snapped up a ligament in my lumbar and it was causing sciatica. I went back to him and he was able to fix it in two treatments within one week through adjustments, physical therapy, electrical muscle stimulation and massage therapy. The sciatica took longer to heal but I was back to normal after a few weeks after dealing with it for months and not visiting him. I wish I had done it sooner.

No, in my country chiropractic therapy is considered an evidence based complimentary medicine just like physiotherapy

They're good for actual back pain. It's when they start claiming they can cure everything from herpes to indigestion is when it crosses over into quackery.

The only observed effect of Chiropracy is a slightly increased risk of stroke.


No, it's a legitimate medical practice. The quality of your chiropractor will vary just like any other medical practitioner, though.

With that said, if you go to a chiro that typically deals with athletes/sports injury patients then you'll usually walk away fixed albeit sore and twisted like a pretzel.