Is there any point in getting swole if this is what everyone has to see when I take my shirt off?

Is there any point in getting swole if this is what everyone has to see when I take my shirt off?

Quality of life? General health? Not being skinny with the same marks?

well i mean you could always be a buff ass tiger human hybrid

when i take my shirt off my gf holds me and says "y-you've grown so much, baby" in the softest sweetest voice as she strokes them

If you're swole, no one will give a shit about stretch marks. Just get jacked and see if you still care.

How fucking fat do you need to be for your back to get stretch marks?

I got em growing up bro, I'm 6' never weighed over 160 in mi life

keep her close, user

How tall are you?

I love her so much but I know I'm going to have to leave her later. I can see our paths diverging careerwise. I'm entering special forces soon and I can't have her sitting at home with a baby not knowing if I'm coming back, especially after redpilling her about all the happenings going on in the world

can't you get ointment for that?

Intense dude. Moving. I wish you the best luck in everything.

The stretching is from vertical growth. I got them after a huge growth spurt when i was like 14.

192cm skellington now.

Thanks friend.

Got these too.

Was really self-conscious of them as a teenager, but they've kind of faded now so they're not that noticeable.

187 cm.

Would rather see those marks on a swole alpha than a DYEL so yer..
You've already got them, what have you got to lose

I have big ones in the centre of my back and on my back near my armpits growing to 6'7 even as a skinny dude.

I have those on my stomach. I was worried, but now that I lost 40 kg they don't look that bad

get a dermaroller

does it work?


uses very short thin needles to puncture holes into scars, which heal as regular skin.

Look for high quality ones though. You can easily get cheapos that have thick long needles that destroy your collagen

I wasn't prepared for these feels I thought this was just an innocent thread about stretch marks man


yeah, I can't do that

they don't puncture your skin enough to hurt.

Now I'm curious. I'll try to get one of those. Any model I should look for?

>skinny fat with stretch marks
>buff with stretch marks

Pick one?

Be careful with these because it's crazy easy to get an infection using them. Just make sure you're soaking it in alcohol before and after and keeping your skin pretty clean (clean sheets, clean towels) on the day you do it.

I have them as well and I'm not even tall (5'11)

Same dude. I was fat and tall and they have faded a lot with losing weight but I can still feel them and it doesn't look all that nice

probably just has to do with having a period in puberty where you grew really really fast

5'11 130lbs here, I had them for a while when I was 16ish

get a tan

These are literally nothing to worry about. I have them worse than that in the same place and also faded ones on my knees and hamstrings from growing up. And I also have them where my chest meets my shoulders and on my biceps from leaving skelly mode behind and no girl or anyone else has ever commented or cared.

Protip: You are your biggest critic. No one else gives a shit.

If you are ripped you will just wear them as if it were meant to be. Can pretend you got it because of too quick gains.

lol underated

Good luck with sf user

Your name is Toby!