Bodyweight routine to achieve pic related?

Bodyweight routine to achieve pic related?

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don't eat, don't lift. done.

eat at half ur bmr and do some pushups b4 bed

I don't have that much muscle dude

neither does that twig, but when your body fat is low enough, the definition sticks out more, making your 'muscles' look 'big'.

Take steroids
Do cocaine
Sock a ton of cock(no seriously dude is gay as fuck)
Get the make up girls/gays to paint on the muscles along with his face and stand under good lighting

Yeah but I doubt I have any muscle mass at all, I would just be skinny

He is working out dont listen to them. Its obvious from the way his chest is derived in 2 and his triceps/shoulders comming out.
He has done some abs to obut no side abs at all.

He has however done very bad workout. And started skinny and ate to maintain his skinnyness.
Probably he has just one gym routine
2 excercises chest,1 excercise triceps ,1 excercise shoulders, 2 excercises abs.
probably no back at all, dude cant even make one pull up I bet on that.

Oh fuck off
The dude clearly lifts
Not everyone wants to be Ronnie Coleman
As for OP, you won't get a chest like that doing pushups
That being said, if you can get a backpack with some weights in it and do one arm push ups, that's might give you a 'decent' chest

He took fucking steroids, did a shit bro-split, took cocaine to slim down and his body is obviously enhance by make up and fucking lighting.

Welcome to real world bitch.

Have you ever tried considering that theres more excercise plans available other than becoming big ?

wait, you guys dont think he has bitch tits ?

that makes me feel better about mine

lifts dicks into his panting twink-maw you mean?

this dude does curls with a 15lber and probably pushups

So... what should I do?
I'm a beginner so I couldn't grasp too much from your posts

For that body just do push ups every other day (5 sets to failure or something like that). I would recommend to add pull ups on the other days. If you want to get big (not otterskinny like pic related) add weight to both exercises if you can do more than 12 reps in one set.

So 5 sets to failure pushups and maybe 3x15 abs? This should be good?

No need for ab workout if you do a lot of push ups. These will work your abs similar to planks. So 3 times a week push ups should be good.

Ok thx
So 3 times week pushups and 15 lbs curls to failure?

What in gods name are you babbling about?

He took steroids
Did a shit brosplit at best
Took cocaine to slim down
Got his muscles painted on
Stood in favorable lighting.

That's it.
That's how he did it.
That's how basically all models do it.

The OP didn't ask how to get to a low bodyfat and build muscle.
The OP asked how to look like the fairy in the OP.

literally what middle aged soccer moms who lost their only redeeming attractiveness do in the gym in a sad, vain attempt to regain any kind of worth.

Trips of truth at last. Everybody should check their body dysmorphia. If you don't lift and lead a fairly inactive lifestyle (like most of westerners) you absolutely don't have a body like that on OP pic

Any beginner workout for a few months.


that guy is like all pecs and nothing else. I can't think of an exercise that would make anyone look like that. dips and push ups I guess.

I bet you're a vegan

Quite the opposite actually, I prefer eating meat whenever I can

lift weights and eat at a surplus

if you absolutely have to do it at home without weights. do


How do I get into this Pajeet mode?