What exactly is wrong with weight-loss surgery?

what exactly is wrong with weight-loss surgery?

Doesn't solve the root of the problem.

if you are fat you eat enough food every day to maintain that fat if you get surgery it dosnt effect ur apatite so you just gain it back

fat people are fat cus they eat to many callories every day if you get surgery you will still eat to many callories every day. So if you dnt eat less after the surgery you will just end up looking the same.

it's like you guys have no fucking idea what you're talking about

what is it that confuses you?

gps removes appetite and makes it impossible to consume enough cals

It's unnecessary, since there is no such thing as a person who "cannot lose weight", medically speaking.

Yeah thats not how it works, but fuck it you know it all go for have the surgery. I can confirm your results will be serious nutrition and or fat gain.

Your body needs a fixed about of nutriants to fuction possibly so if u keep eating (sweets and shit) your body will still make you over eat regardless of your deformed stomach.


Gastric bypass surgery refers to a surgical procedure in which the stomach is divided into a small upper pouch and a much larger lower "remnant" pouch and then the small intestine is rearranged to connect to both.

that is literally how it works

also fuck english

>words arranged in this order
literally who types like this

You don't seem to understand that problem isnt ur stomach size its the amount of extra macro nutriants that you eat for exmaple if you get the surgery and eat 8 dounuts you still have way to many carbs in ur system so the fuck u had 8 dounuts dosnt mean shit you still gain fat even tho u havent eaten that much. Fuck why i am still posting

Appetite is caused by the brains response from blood sugar levels. This is why when you smoke weed the receptors that respond to your blood sugar gets blocked and you start to feel hungry.

I don't know dude im jsut fucking mashing my face on the keyboard at this point.. mainly cus Im tired as fuck and stressed i guess =/ time to go passout me thinks

>Fuck why I am still posting
To keep making a fool of yourself

seems so, but I will be the fool if theres even a chance I can stop this bro making this huge mistake.

Your stomach is the size of an apple. You cannot consume 8 doughnuts in any short length of time. You are physically incapable.

I knew someone who had it done and the most they could manage in one sitting was about half a can of soup.

No you dont, they make your stomach smaller so you simply cant eat as much as you are used to.

I ment over the span of a day hell im 75kgs right now i cnt handle 8 doughnuts in 1 sitting.

If you have surgery you will not be able to eat 8 donuts retard
They won't fit and you'll be in pain

You will always be able to consume more than you burn even with a small stomach if you eat the wrong foods. Sure u wont be able to sit there and eat a Huge fuck off meal in 1 go but you will still be able to eat chips and choclate as the day progresses

Ok let me sort this shit out. People do not get fat cus they are always hungry they eat food for entertainment, stomach size is irrelevant

without an established understanding and routine of eating with calories and macros in mind to effectively lose/maintain/gain weight, you're only bound to get fat again
Not that the person can't learn it at that stage but it will be difficult for the drastic change
I'd even be concered about the person's mental health, trying maintain this sudden change in physique and becoming devastated when they see they're gaining again, maybe end up spiraling and end up more fucked up physically and mentally from before they got the procedure done

You talking lipo or gastric bypasses?

For the former, if you continue your lifestyle you're just going to gain it all back. For the later it just shows that you lack willpower and need to get surgery in order to stop your hands from putting less food into your mouth. In either case, it's a cop-out.

>Know a woman who used to be extremely fat
>Got surgery on her stomach so she couldn't eat as much
>She passed her terrible eating habits down to her children, all of whom are obese.
That's one reason. You don't actually learn how to eat healthily.

I've read that when you get gastric bypass, you have to eat a very specific diet given to you by your physician in order to not totally fuck up the surgery, it isn't a "get-out of jail free" card for eating like shit. On top of that, I think it causes a lot of changes to your shitting schedule, as well as how your body processes food in general. It fixes the problem sure, but at what cost? And why not just focus on eating a healthy diet and exercising, which is 99% of the issue anyways?

Being fit and healthy is a matter of lifestyle and habits, not just something you get magically or through surgery

>what exactly is wrong with weight-loss surgery?

It's dangerous, it has a high risk of complications, and can be fatal.

It's not assured to lose weight, many patients that undergo a gastric by-pass still over eat, and stretch their stomachs to allow them to gain weight again.

It is not healthy, with patients being unable to eat enough food to get all of the required vitamins they require a life long regiment of supplication to met their bodies basic needs.