I have a friend who suggested that i should work out in the morning after i get up without eating anything...

i have a friend who suggested that i should work out in the morning after i get up without eating anything, as it burns more fat. He suggests that eating then lifting uses the energy from carbs I consumed, whereas lifting without eating anything burns energy from fat.

i generally dont like lifting unless i've had even a little to eat, because i get very nauseous and a bad experience of lifting tends to kill my motivation. Is there much truth in what he's saying, it seems to make sense but a lot of things seemed to and then there are researches that say otherwise.

>working out to burn fat
You are doing it wrong mate

working out near bedtime increases protein synthesis better when you sleep.

The effect might be real, but even if it is it's tiny. You're far better off working out in a way that suits you than pursuing marginal benefits like this.

it all depends on how you work out.
Wheither you are on your CP-ATP system with a high heart rate (anarobe) or wheither you keep the heart rate lower (aerobe) with like high reps lower weight less weight time.
but yes in the morning when fastest you will burn a bit more fast but it is minimal.

What he said is mostly true.

Fasted lifting in a glycogen depleted state DOES source fuel primarily from fat oxidation, vis-a-vis intramuscular triglycerides, and during rest periods adipose tissue.

Now here is why you do NOT want to listen to that fagtards advice.
-changes nutrient partitioning so carbs are stored as fatty acids, not glycogen
Let me break this down. You lose the sane amount of calories regardless. This way you lose fat, then replenish it when you eat. Or you burn glycogen, and replenish it either from fat reserves (gluconeogenesis>glycogenesis) or food you eat.

Increasing fat oxidation during exercise changes gene expression for fat retention. Fat oxidation should come from NEPA.

Lifting to quickly after waking up is bad for your back.

Not true.
Do you know how many calories your body spends 24-48 hours after lifting on repairing itself?
Lifting increases TDEE substantially, and changes nutrient partitioning and gene expression for muscle growth (thus reducing it with regards to fat retention). Plus it literally reverses thermogenic adaptation (which is generally the result of lbm loss in a deficit) by increasing leptin & insulin sensitivity, regulating ghrelin production, and increasing test and igf-1 production in catabolic states.

He is doing it RIGHT

Just go for a walk right after waking up and lift when you actually have some energy for it.

Why, just the spinal compression?
Any evidence for this, or just broscience?

I feel like at most it would just take 5 mins of mobility and warm up to activate and engage the erectors spinae

Fasted NEPA is amazing advice, and debatably the most effective method when combined with regular anaerobic activity

Yes and no, mostly yes. But anaerobic/aerobic is not a black and white on/off switch. And even intramuscular triglycerides have their role in atp/cp
Granted adipose fat does not, and nobody wants to lose intramuscular fat.. So i guess i am being a pedantic faggot.

But you are still oxidizing fat breathing heavy and shit for a couple mins after an intense set

how would this affect me if i did very strenuous HIIT in the morning fasted? Would it make my resting metabolism different?


>working out before bedtime

Good luck with no gains.

Actually, micro deposits of DEPAT have been shown to increase exponentially during a fasted workout. Thus your body will produce far more TEFTA if you eat a bit before working out. It's really dependent on how much SEDG you have in your system at any given time, however. hERFT has been shown to decrease during the fasted phase

op here, slowly beginning to believe that some of these posts are absolute trolls with strange abbreviations.


Your frond is full of it m8.

Best time to train is in the late afternoon towards evening based on empirical evidence which is all Americans seem to respond to due to their min/max mindset.

Test is higher in the morning however your strength is highest at the aforementioned time.

There will be special snowflakes who say they feel another way however they're not empirically or statistically correct or significunt.

For cardio, yes. Well, to a certain extent. It mostly works out the same in the end.

For lifting, no, it will kill your intensity.


>source: babbybuilding.com

Sourced directly from my nuts; just like you. Call your "dad" and tell him thanks for supporting my son on his dollar. Also your mom has gotten fat and I'm done with her

Cardio uses mostly glycogen which comes from carbs. It only uses tiny bit of fat unless you run out of glycogen which takes a minimum of 90 minutes of LISS to do. LISS and aerobic activities benefit more from carbs since it's a steady energy source.

Lifting uses fat as the main source of energy with very little carbs. Anaerobic activity (basically mostly interval stuff like sets and HIIT) benefits more from utilizing fat as you need a major hit of energy for a short period of time, which fat provides.

So in short, your friend is an idiot. CICO in the end is really what matters if you are focusing on fat loss.

I do this OP but only because I like working out fasted and tend to get nauseous if I eat anything beforehand. The effect wouldn't be noticeable at all. just do what you're comfortable with.

When is he gonna die?