You can only do 2 exercises for the rest of your life

You can only do 2 exercises for the rest of your life.
Which are they?

1. Bench press.
2. Deadlifts.

if this includes me not getting injured
OHP and squats

inverted deadlifts

1. Dips
2. İncline DB Press

1. Log clean and press.

I reckon that about does it.

Squats and deadlifts

Bicep curls and crunches. need that beach bod

Weighted pull ups and handstand push ups

bench and biceps for the ladies...wait that's all I do anyway

1. Sprints
2. Eating red meat

muscle ups

1. Hammer curl
2. Preacher curl

Clean and jerk


Deadlifts and Pullups.

slither on, slugger

Muscle ups and deadlifts.


slither on, slugger


1. Sprints
2. Muscle ups

Clean and Press
Bench Press

I can do high rep clean and presses to work the leg work I'd be missing on squats. My back is getting worked as good as a DL from the cleans. My shoulders and core are getting worked by the press.

Just need some chest which I throw in with the bench.


Conventional deadlift

Calf raises.
Box jumps.

Weighted Chinups

'Mirin functional strength.

slither on, slugger

Are muscle-ups even allowed if you can't even do one yet? Because surely then its a pull-up and thus you aren't allowed to do it.

slither on, slugger


Squats and OHP

Thats two

slither on, slugger

Slither on, slugger

I can't do one but I put it anyways.

1.weighted dips
2.weighted chin ups



At least you'll have a good excuse for your nonexistent legs.

at least i would still have a developed upper body. legs can be sacrificed

slither on, slugger

Slither on, slugger

Diddlyfts and binch

Clean and press
Tire flips

Ez-bar bicep curls and hammercurls


Slither on slugger

Bench press

Loaded carry