Why arent you buying right now, you dumb fucks?That dip is literally a gift from god

Why arent you buying right now, you dumb fucks?That dip is literally a gift from god

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This is the truth. Are we going lower?

So fucking delusional. This shit is dying in front of our eyes

And we are not selling.

If you don't see the money from alts going to BTC before the fork, you might be braindead.

It's hilarious isn't it? To put it in perspective, if the coin goes up 30 percent tomorrow, it's at an ATH.

inb4 a bunch of illiterate retards call it a scam/dying when every other alt is doing the same thing

told ya all the dip hadnt even begun

>buy wall vs sell wall

What now, boys?

I bought earlier actually. Finally got around to reading white paper and it seems legit.

Try to get as close as possible to buying the bottom and then hold on for the fucking ride.

whale nature never change, they will dump before sibos, why they want to risk their alr large gain? this happens everytime. Price will fall down and you better pray the conference is good so someone wants your bag.

So you can't fucking sell that's why, love linker tears

Why the fuck would i sell low, dumbo?

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to be a chainlink investor. The hints are extrenely subtle, and without a solid grasp of the banking system most of the hints will go over a typical newfags head. There’s also Sergies optimistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from satoshi nakamoto's literature, for instance. The investors understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this coin, to realise its not just brilliant- is can change peoplea LIVES. As a consequence people who dislike chainlink truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in sergies existential catchphrase “See you at SIBOS” which itself is a cryptic reference to the international banking conference. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as the chainlink development team's genius wit unfolds itself on their binance trading screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

whales are manipulating the price down

do not sell unless you want to permanently eat that haircut

People cashing out for BTC we will see way lower


100 ETH buy wall just popped up for a sec on Binance at 0.00125

Buy NOW boys


That means we're going lower when it gets pulled.



how do I buy it?

Haha shill faggot link is People if you are going to try alt coins don't fall for shill faggots on biz

DEAD COIN, do not buy!

>Change real money to Ethereum (ETH) on coinbase
>Make a MEW (myetherwallet) and save the details somewhere safe
>Send the ETH to the your wallet address
>Import account on EtherDelta
>Deposit most of your ETH (not all) into it
>Wait for the transfer to go through, could take like 15 mins
>Go to the LINK section and set a buy order

Fucking discount Lambos, lads.
Also, check them


Almost...... there......