Who is comfy in the whitelist of by far the most promising coin of this moment?

Who is comfy in the whitelist of by far the most promising coin of this moment?

>no burgers
>KYC with only a handful of people in it
>ycombinator backed (yes the same company which accelerated dropbox and coinbase into the succes they are today)
>ING backed (the world's largest banking/financial services and insurance conglomerate by revenue with gross receipts exceeding $150 billion per annum)
>lowest of the lowest ICO footprints with an actual product, plan and trust of REPUTED backers (there are no shitty unicorn investors like cryptonigger and old money bitcoin whale funds, but fucking real life money makers and problem solvers backing the PRODUCT)
>literally zero marketing, off the grid

Easiest money I am going to make this year, if not in 2018 too. This is the one you were waiting for, for those in the whitelist, max out your allocation and everything left after that. I am not kidding you, this is the coin to exponentially grow your portfolio. The FOMO on this coin once the mainstream finds out will be fucking biblical.

Where do i buy this

im kinda shitty that i didnt manage to get my 2nd email kyc'd in time. i know im gonna regret it

Do you guys plan to buy more after ICO. I will fill my accounts max cap but thinking about buying more when hits EtherDelta.

Handful of people? How many, do you know? I'm KYC'd but wasn't invited to the Slack yet so didn't see any numbers.

Wouldn't say it's off the grid either, biggest hyped ICO i've seen since Kyber. Gonna be good gains!

>Approved accounts (after manual checks) = 15'140

1ETH = 5000 REQ

500,000,000 (50% of supply) will be sold in the whitelist sale

500000000 / 15140 = 33K req = ~6.6 ETH for each participant

not everyone will be maxing out his cap, so the next day you can buy 66K REQ, following by two other doubles

I purchased a pre-KYC whitelisted email for 0.3 eth. Going to be maxing allocation if possible.

KYC stats for the last day:
Cumulative submissions = 19'667
Approved accounts (after manual checks) = 15'140
Pending accounts = 0
Incomplete submissions = 814
Rejected accounts = 3'713

So so comfy.

You are right OP, this is the one.

after this alt dip I should easily make up my losses with this

good luck on day 2

not possible

I'm not because it'll probably be 3x by then
cap will be between 6.25 and 6.5 eth per person
there will be at most 5000 eth up for grabs

Nice. I think Kyber had about 40k people in the ICO and MC of 75mil? By my maths this is 50mil, and only 15k people through the door? Bigger cut per person and possibly a lot of people who want in after the ICO.

Gonna be nuts.

Market cap is not 50 mil. It's somewhere around 36 million. So 3x is very likely.

This is going to explode anons, am so fucking jelly i didn't get in.

Yea. I will buy more when hits ED. From there it will 3x more too.

1bil tokens. 5000 REQ per ETH = 200,000 ETH. At $300/ETH that's $60mil. Or did i fuck up?

70% of the tokens will be in circulation. 121k ether collected during pre sale and crowd sale.
121.000 x price of ether is 36 million.

Its the next knc, get ready for ez 3x at least

Thanks user, was just taking numbers from without much context.

On ED after 20/10

whitelisted in this and also airswap.
will max out both.
I'm not pessimistic but I would seriously be happy about even 2x gains on both, I lost so much money over the last weeks holy shit. I hope this thing will turn out great. I need to sell the top this time, i missed out on selling obsidian and kyber at the right tme and endet up not selling obsidian and selling kyber at only a little profit when it could have been a fucking geat profit.
exciting times ahead fellas

Should we be flipping this shit or hodling it long term, looks like it has actual potential

And motherfuckers who missed the whitelist get into ED early

>> and selling kyber at only a little profit

it's still at 370% up since ico tho.. I know it was higher but I wouldn't call that "little", it also has the potential to climb a lot higher at the beginnen of 2018.

did you get in on the kyber and obsidian icos though? if so, it sounds like you didnt lose anything, just potential gains

>literally zero marketing, off the grid
shill threads on biz literally every single day.

shut up retard there was only shilling once the whitelist was filled, there was no marketing or talking of it before that and 20k+ people still got in during the first 2 days

Do you think they are paying people to shill on Veeky Forums?

yeah you're right.. I just feel like missing out on bigger gains is the same as loosing money because I actually lost a lot of money with shitcoijs that didnt recover. Even tho I made good gains with some icos I only made enough to barely double my initial investment.
I rly should stop buying shitcoins man.

yeah, only invested a small amount in odn tho.
You're right.. My portfolio looked pretty good but then really went south recently

See you guys there

Yeah. Only got one account and plan to throw another 10 ETH at it for up to 3x the price. Done the same with Kyber and was well worth it

hopefully my red pulse, wanchain, request and airswap gains can at least get me a honda civic

Same. Will probably sell the ED buy for x2 and keep the original investment.

What time does it start? I need to make sure I'm not wagecucking when it begins

You have 24h like with Kyber

Isn't it gonna sell out though like chainlink? Or is your allocation open for the whole time

na, it's just like kyber. you can buy your cap for 24hours, after that everyone will try to buy more and it'll most likely sell out very quickly. On day 2 your you can buy your cap times 2 if you're quick enough

Ok awesome

you will have a private allocation you can fill

worst case everyone will fill it
best case, there will be spare REQ you can fight over with people burning you on gas

"Each transaction will have a gas price limit up to 50 GWEI."

its not a matter of gas but rather how fast your fingers can press f5, copy paste the address and send the transaction.

ill be dipping my fingers in a waterbath of 37 degrees celsius to find the optimal finger performance.

i recommend you all to do the same

When will this hit EtherDelta?

Made a lotta money selling and KYCing accounts, and even gave away two accounts to some anons here.
Now I can't wait for that sweet sweet 10x

when the price is high

(a week after ico)


Can you give me some source on this? Im working on friday, and would rather tell my boss that id prefer to stay home that day then call in sick on friday.

Can confirm, got an account from a kind user

If the cap is 100k eth/number of passed whitelist its impossible for you to miss out in 24hours you idiot

hi guys, i'm a law abiding you US citizen and so i was not allowed on the white list

thanks SEC for making me poor. apparently i'm only legally allowed to join pre-sales like filecoin where the VC's get a price1/8 of yours so they get automatic profit of at least 2-5X.

so now i have to wait for etherdelta after the initial pump is all done.

dont even wait for the initial pump

just buy before normies get to hear about it

how- it will be listed on etherdelta after 2-3x

Sorry man.

Im paranoid...I will still bring my stealthy 12" macbook to work and take a bathroom break at 8:55. I were the only one from my friends who actually got LINK due to them fucking around and double checking the eth adress,

>he didn't get a person to do the KYC for him
You WANT to be poor I see.

>committing wire fraud for an ico

Stay poor

Got in from the waiting list (thanks for bragging about getting in after the registration closed allowing a lot of us to get in btw)

so comfy