What's so special about this hat and why was Odysseus consistently depicted as wearing it?

What's so special about this hat and why was Odysseus consistently depicted as wearing it?

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it's a "dunce hat"
odysseus was not a smart man

It's just a common traveling hat for the time and region. It's called pileus or pilos

Can anyone give me a quick rundown on Xenia? I have an exam next week

Be nice to strangers or Zeus will shove a lighting bolt up your ass.


what if zelda was a manlet

That's not a phrygian cap though.


Tinfoil hat to be protected against sorceress rays


It’s Pileus hat, once used throughout Rome and Ancient Greece, still is used in parts of Albania mainly by old men

What makes it a traveling hat? It doesn't even keep your ears warm


What is the purpose though?
There is no brim.

It is clearly evident that the style of the hat is derived/influenced by Nordic culture therefore Odysseus was Polish.

the hat is [spoiler]comfy[/spoiler]

Oh, I get it

That would fucking tingle

Why took it so long, it’s just a hat that was used in Roman Empire and Eastern Mediterranean region, while it got forgotten or out of fashion in Greece or Italy, it still is used in more isolated mountain regions of Albania

it have him +5 attack damage and magic resistance

That's not a comfy hat. This is a comfy hat. just looks like it would make your scalp itch.

it was used as a symbol for a traveler
the same way a luggage bag is used today


It's probably to deflect rain, user. It keeps your head dry, without collecting water.

were pith helmets based on this design or is it just a coincidence?

I imagine it's just a convenient way to shield your head from the scorching sun.

That hat doesn't actually look like a standard pileus because it has a brim.

>That hat doesn't actually look like a standard pileus
i know but it does look like a pith helmet.

don't fuck up and be a dick to your host. it's a sacred bond. if you wanna name drop, Procrustes is a good one. he violated that shit like crazy and theseus got to kill him as a result

Greece after all is well know for being cold.

It's the precursor to the jew cap used in the middle ages and thus making Odysseus prototype for the wandering jew.